माधव प्रौद्योगिकी एवं विज्ञान संस्थान, ग्वालियर (म.प्र.), भारत
Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior (M.P.), INDIA

Deemed University

(Declared under Distinct Category by Ministry of Education, Government of India)


माधव प्रौद्योगिकी एवं विज्ञान संस्थान, ग्वालियर (म.प्र.), भारत

Deemed to be University

(Declared under Distinct Category by Ministry of Education, Government of India)


Gola Ka Mandir, Gwalior (M.P.) - 474005, INDIA
Ph.: +91-751-2409300, E-mail: vicechancellor@mitsgwalior.in, Website: www.mitsgwalior.in

Department of Computer Science & Engineering



Designation: Professor
Qualification: Ph.D.
Area of Interest: Adhoc Network, Security, Data Mining, IoT
Phone No: 
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • About Faculty: Presently holding the post of PROFESSOR in the Department of Computer Science Engineering at Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior – 474 005 since 10th August 2016.
  • Education and Qualification:

    Ph.D. MCA

  • Work Experience:

    Professor in the Department of Computer Applications at Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior from 10th August,2016 till date.

    • Teach students of Master in Computer Applications .
    • Project development and laboratory conductions of the students.
    • Seminars are also conducted. 
    • Guiding students for research work.


    Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Applications at Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior from 10th August,2013 till 9th August,2016


    • Teach students of Master in Computer Applications of second year and final year.
    • Project development and laboratory conductions of the students.
    • Seminars are also conducted. 
    • Guiding students for research work.


    Reader in the Department of Computer Applications at Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior from 10th August,2010 till 9th August,2013

    • Teach students of Master in Computer Applications of second year and final year.
    • Project development and laboratory conductions of the students.
    • Seminars are also conducted.


      Lecturer in the Department of Computer Applications at Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior from 30th September, 2003 Till 9th August,2010.

    • Teach students of Master in Computer Applications of second year and final year.
    • Project development and laboratory conductions of the students.
    • Seminars are also conducted. .


    Lecturer at School of Studies in Computer Science, Jiwaji University, Gwalior from 18th

    March, 2003 to 1st August, 2003.

    • Taught students of Master in Computer Applications.
    • Taught students of Master in Business Administration (e-Commerce).


    Lecturer at Boston College of Professional Studies, Gwalior from 22ndApril, 2002 to 3rd

    March, 2003.

    • Taught students of Master in Computer Applications.
    • Taught students of Bachelor in Computer Applications.
    • Taught students of Bachelor in Business Administration.
  • Administrative Experience:
    • Chairperson, Girl's Grievances Cell, MITS Gwalior
    • Chairperson, Gender Sensitization Committee, MITS Gwalior
    • Coordinator, Equal Opportunity Facilitation Cell (EOFC), MITS Gwalior
    • Member, Student Development Cell, MITS Gwalior
    • Member, Proctorial Board of the institute, MITS Gwalior
    • Incharge, Central Library. MITS Gwalior
    • Member, Examination committee of MCA,MITS,Gwalior.
    • Chairperson, Subcommittee Library, for procurement under TEQIP-III Grant
    • Member, Valuation Team for semester Exam ,Nov-Dec 17
    • Member, Committee for purchase of Medicines.
    • Valuation Incharge for special Exam, June 17
    • Member, Selection Committee.
    • Incharge Central Computer Center, MITS Gwalior
    • Member, Central Purchase Committee, MITS.
    • Member, Girls Counseling Cell, MITS.
    • Member, Discipline Committee, MITS
    • Member, Admission Committee, MITS.
    • Member, Women Grievances Redress Cell, MITS.
    • Member, Result checking Committee, MITS.
    • Member, Marksheet checking Committee, MITS.
    • Ph.D. Guidance ( 2 awarded)
    • Suptd., Examination conduction.
    • AICTE Nominee for Selection Committee.
    • Subject Expert , Selection Committee.
    • Instrumental in preparation of compliance report for the department of computer applications.
    • Preparation of accreditation report for the department.
    • Representation of study centre, IGNOU, at meeting of Regional centre held at Pune.
    • Deputed to DTE, Bhopal for MCA counseling 2008-2009.
    • Document Verification Officer, MP-PEPT Counseling, 2009-2010.
    • Deputed to two colleges for WOB/Branch Promotion through RGPV for MP-PEPT, 2009-2010.
    • Active participation in training conducted for Nagar Nigam.
    • Prepared comparative for purchase of computer hardware.
    • Development of GUI based tool for reference section in central library.
    • Successful handling of registration desk at WCVGIP-2004, held at MITS, Gwalior
    • Active administration as a team member in NASA-04 and UTKARSH.
    • Anchoring at Shraddhanjali samaroh held on Punyatithi of Kailashvashi H.H. Madhav Rao Scindia.
    • Anchoring, inauguration of Training for Nagar Nigam
    • Convener and member of different committees formed during Golden Jubilee celebration of the Institute.
    • Helped in Stock Verification.
    • Accompanied students of the institute for their Industrial trip to Chandigarh-Ambala.
    • Performed Anti ragging duties regularly.
    • Supervised in successful Declaration of computerized online General Election Result of 2009.
    • Counselor of M.C.A. and B.C.A. courses of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi since 2004.
    • Expert Lecture at AICTE sponsored STTP.
    • Reviewer for IEEE and other conferences.
    • Supervised many M.C.A. final year projects.
  • Research Supervision:
    • Ph.D. Guidance ( 3 awarded)
  • Honors, Award & Recognition:

    Young Scientist Award from MPCST in the year 2009

  • Publications:
    • International Journal:


    1. N. Goswami, Manali Shukla, Anshu Chaturvedi “An Optimal Technique For Predictive Phishing Detection” International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research Volume 9, Issue 02, February (2020) 3226 -3229
    2. Hirendra Singh Sengar, Dr. D.N.Goswami, Dr. Anshu Chaturvedi, “A Secure Encryption through Gray Codes and BigIntegers for IoT Devices” International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research Volume 9, Issue 06, June (2020) 180-185
    3. Anshu Chaturvedi,Prof. D.N. Goswami, Manali Shukla,” Performance Evaluation of Classification Techniques for Phishing Attack Detection”, International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.1, January 2019 E-ISSN: 2321-9637
    4. Rakesh Prasad Sarang, Anshu Chaturvedi, D. N. Goswami, “Privacy Secure data authentication in cloud computing”, International Journal Of Computer Sciences And Engineering September (2018) 6(9):723-731
    5. Anshu Chaturvedi, D. N. Goswami, Rakesh Prasad Sarang,” Privacy Algorithms to Improve the Secure Framework for Cloud Computing Environment “, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 6, Issue 4, April (2017) 63-69
    6. Chaturvedi, Anshu, D. N. Goswami, and Rishi Soni. "An Efficient Method for Protecting High Utility Itemsets in Utility Minin" International Journal of Database Theory and Application 9, no. 7 (2016): 147-156.
    7. Chaturved Anshu, D.N. Goswami & Shivjay Singh “Energy Efficient Cluster Head Selection for Cross Layer Design Over Wireless Sensor Network” published in International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, InderScience vol 16 number 4, 2016, 335351.
    1. Anshu Chaturvedi, D.N. Goswami, Rishi Soni, Brijesh Kumar Chaurasia “ Secure   Multi-party Communication in Data-mining Applications “published in International      Journal of Database Theory and Application Vol.8, No.4 (2015), pp.299-306  
    2. Dar, Mohammad Altaf, D. N. Gowsami, & Anshu Chaturvedi. "Testing Effort Dependent Software Reliability Growth Model with Dynamic Faults for Debugging Process." Published in International Journal of Computer Applications. (0975 – 8887) Volume 113 – No. 11, March 2015
    3. Anshu Chaturvedi, D.N Goswami., Tripti Sharma,”Optimized battery threshold for better network connectivity.” published in International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management (Springer) Vol. 5, No. 2, ISSN 0975-6809 April- June, 2014, 181-185
    4. Anshu Chaturvedi, “Impact of Malicious Node in MANETs”, published in International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Special Issue on International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technology and Optimization ICRITO:41-44, August 2013. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA.
    5. Goswami D.N., Chaturvedi Anshu., ”Cross Layer Integrated Approach for Secured Cluster Selection in Adhoc Networks” published in International Journal on Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 01, No. 03, Sep, 2012, 187-190
    6. Anshu Chaturvedi, D.N Goswami., Tripti Sharma, Energy Optimal Path Algorithm for Routing in Static Adhoc Network using Greedy Approach” published in International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) 48, No. 24, June, 2012, 23-28 DOI: 10.5120/7529-0589
    1. Goswami D.N., Chaturvedi Anshu. RaghuvanshiS,”An Algorithm for Frequent Pattern Mining Based On Apriori” published in International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Vol. 02, No. 04, 2010, 942-947
    2. Goswami D.N., Chaturvedi Anshu. RaghuvanshiS,”Frequent Pattern Mining Using Record Filter Approach” published in International Journal of Computer Science Issues Vol. 07, Issue 04, No.7, July 2010, 38-43
    3. Raghuvanshi C.S ., D. N. Goswami, Anshu Chaturvedi, ”Modified Approach in Classical Apriori and Partition Algorithm for Frequent Pattern Mining”, published in International Journal of Communications in Dependability and Quality Management. Vol-13,number4,December 2010,pp.40-47


    • International Conference:


    1. N. Goswami, Manali Shukla, Anshu Chaturvedi “ Role of man in the middle attack in the digital transactions”, Virtual 3rd  International Conference in Artificial Intelligence & Robotics in Life Sciences.25-26 February 2022(Virtual -ICAR-2022), Rama University , Kanpur (U.P.)
    2. N. Goswami, Pushpendra Chaturvedi , Anshu Chaturvedi “ A study  of security in Cloud Services”, Virtual 3rd  International Conference in Artificial Intelligence & Robotics in Life Sciences.25-26 February 2022(Virtual -ICAR-2022), Rama University , Kanpur (U.P.)
    3. N. Goswami, M. Shukla and A. Chaturvedi, "Phishing Detection Using Significant Feature Selection,2020 IEEE 9th International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT), 2020, pp. 302-306, doi: 10.1109/CSNT48778.2020.9115782.
    4. Anshu Chaturvedi, Hirendra Singh Sengar, Improved Symmetric Key Technique Using Randomization”, International Conference on Communication, Networks and Computing, CNC-2018, pp 432-442 ,Springer, Singapore (22-24 March, 2018)
    5. Chaturvedi, Anshu; Goswami, D.N.; Singh, Shivjay, "Energy aware route  selection algorithm for cross layer design over MANET," International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO) (Trends and Future Directions), 2015 4th, vol., no., pp.1-6, 2-4 Sept. 2015 doi: 10.1109/ICRITO.2015.7359299
    1. Anshu Chaturvedi, C.S Raghuvanshi, Rishi Soni “A comparative study of Frequent pattern Mining Algorithms” published in proceeding of  International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO-2013) (Trends and Future Directions), (29-31 January,2013)
    1. Chaturvedi Anshu,. Goswami D.N., Raghuvanshi C.S “Partition Algorithm for Frequent Mining using Two Column Atomic Data Layout” accepted for publication in proceeding of  International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Infocom Technology And Industrial Technology Management (26-28 Nov,2012)
    2. Chaturvedi Anshu,. Goswami D.N., Raghuvanshi C.S “Innovative Approach in Partition for Frequent Pattern Mining” accepted for publication in proceeding of International Conference on Optimization Modelling and Applications (29Nov-01 Dec, 2012).
    3. Anshu Chaturvedi, D. N. Goswami and Shivjay Singh "An Analytical Study of Impact of Radius and Energy on Throughput in ZRP" accepted for publication in proceeding of International Conference on Optimization Modelling and Applications (29Nov-01 Dec, 2012).
    4. C. Anshu and D. N. Goswami, “Enhancing performance in adhoc networks using cross layer designs,” 2011 World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies, published in IEEE xplore, pp. 571–575, Dec. 2011.
    5. Anshu Chaturvedi, D. N. Goswami, ,”Cross Layer Integrated Approach for Secured Broker Selection In Public/Subscribe for adhoc networks”, IEEE International Advanced Computing conference ( IACC’09), published in IEEE xplore, held at patiala, Pg. No. 952-957.


    • National Journal:
    1. Anshu Chaturvedi, D. N. Goswami, ”Service Based Model For Wireless Security” published in Varahmihir Journal of Computer and Information Sciences, Volume 3,No. 1 & 2,2008.
    2. Anshu Chaturvedi, D. N. Goswami, ”Performance Comparison of AODV, DSR, DSDV and ZRP” published in Journal of Computer Sciences, Computer Society of India, Volume 38,No. 4.Oct-Dec.2008,pp. 24-28




    • National Conference:
    1. Anshu chaturvedi , Shivjay Singh “ Web Crawler for Copyright Infringement.” 2011, National Conference on Computer Application in Electrical Engineering: Recent Trends in MITS (Dec 16-17'2011)
    2. Anshu Chaturvedi, R.S. Jadon, Anamika Ahirwar, “Multimedia Data Mining: A review” AICTE sponsored National conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering (AEE 2006), held at MITS, Gwalior, Pg. No. 29-30.
    3. Aakash Dixit, Anshu Chaturvedi, D. N. Goswami,”Technicalities and Issues of RFID: A Survey” AICTE sponsored National conference on Soft Computing Techniques in Electrical Engineering (SCTEE 2010), held at MITS, Gwalior, A-57.
  • Complete Resume:


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