माधव प्रौद्योगिकी एवं विज्ञान संस्थान, ग्वालियर (म.प्र.), भारत
Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior (M.P.), INDIA

Deemed University

(Declared under Distinct Category by Ministry of Education, Government of India)


माधव प्रौद्योगिकी एवं विज्ञान संस्थान, ग्वालियर (म.प्र.), भारत

Deemed to be University

(Declared under Distinct Category by Ministry of Education, Government of India)


Gola Ka Mandir, Gwalior (M.P.) - 474005, INDIA
Ph.: +91-751-2409300, E-mail: director@mitsgwalior.in, Website: www.mitsgwalior.in

Department of Computer Science and Business Systems


Research Publications

Significant Publications SCI/UGC/SCOPUS with DOI number

1. Ranjeet Kumar Singh, Ganesh Gupta, Tej Singh, Kalka Dubey, Anjula Mehto, "Circulate Matrix and Compression Sensing Based Multi-Level Image Encryption", Journal Name: Traitement du Signal, 39(3):853-862, Impact Factor (2.29)- SCIE indexed.
2.  Bhagat Singh Raghuwanshi, Akansha Mangal, Sanyam Shukla, “Universum based kernelized weighted extreme learning machine for imbalanced datasets” International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, pp. 1-21, July 2022 ( SCI Index with I.F. 5.60) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13042-022-01601-y
3. Pawan Dubey, Tirupatiraju Kanumuri, and Ritesh Vyas, "Optimal directional texture codes using multiscale bit crossover count planes for palmprint recognition" Multimed Tools Appl 81, 20291–20310 (2022), doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-022-12580-1, Impact Factor: 2.577.
4. Anshul Agarwal, Nitish Kumar, Pawan Dubey, Machine Learning Based Maximum Power Prediction for Photovoltaic System, Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics Vol. 60, pp. 892-898 with DOI: 10.56042/ijpap.v60i10.62197 on 15/09/2022. (SCI indexed)
5. Pawan Dubey, Vinita Kumari, Ajay Kumar Sharma, Gyanendra Sheoran. Quantitative Analysis of Transfer Learning in Plant Disease Classification. In: Sharma, H., Shrivastava, V., Kumari Bharti, K., Wang, L. (eds) Communication and Intelligent Systems . Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 461. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-2130-8_71 (Scopus Indexed)
6. Bhagat Singh Raghuwanshi, "Class-specific extreme learning machine based on overall distribution for addressing binary imbalance problem. Soft computing. ( SCI Index with I.F. 4.10) doi.org/10.1007/s00500-022-07705-5. 

Research Areas

Research Area Specific Domains Faculty Name
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Science
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Optimization Algorithms 
  • Imbalanced Learning
  • Image Processing using AI Techniques
  • Statistical Data Analysis and Visualization 
  • Real-Time Data Analysis and Predictions
  • Feature Engineering
  • Exploratory Data Analysis
  • Dr. Bhagat Singh Raghuwanshi
  • Dr. Pawan Dubey
  • Dr. Tej Singh
  • Dr. Sunil Kumar Shukla
  • Dr. Ashish Soni
  • Dr. Vibha Tiwari
  • Dr. Kritika Bansal
  • Mr. Mir Shahnawaz Ahmad
  • Data Mining
  • Social Network
  • Big Data
  • Terrorist Network Mining
  • Data Mining and Analytics
  • Social Network Analysis
  • Hesitation Mining
  • Speech Recognition
  • Dr. Vibha Tiwari
  • Ms. Shubha Mishra
  • Computer Vision
  • Image Processing 
  • Biometrics
  • Application on Digital images Processing 
  • Signal Processing
  • Neural Networks
  • Satellite Image Processing
  • Medical Image Processing
  • Remote Sensing/Drone Image Processing
  • Dr. Pawan Dubey
  • Dr. Tej Singh
  • Dr. Ashish Soni
  • Computer Networks
  • Information Security
  • Ad-hoc Networks
  • Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Mobile Computing
  • Analysis  and Evaluation Wired Networks
  • Analysis and Evaluation Wireless Networks, 5G networks
  • Malicious activity detection and prevention in network
  • Security in Ad-Hoc Networks


  • Mr. Mir Shahnawaz Ahmad
  • Dr. Anshika Srivastava
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Sensors and Actuators
  • Fabrication of Sensor Devices 
  • Security in Internet of Thing
  • IoT Analytics
  • Real-Time IoT Data Analysis and Visualization
  • Dr. Tej Singh
  • Mr. Mir Shahnawaz Ahmad
  • Dr. Anshika Srivastava
  • Dr. Kritika Bansal
  • AI and Robotics
  • Human-Robot interactions
  • Autonomous and connected smart vehicles
  • Robotics Motion Planning
  • Robot Perception and Manipulation
  • Dr. Pawan Dubey
  • Dr. Tej Singh
  • Dr. Anshika Srivastava
  • Dr. Kritika Bansal

Departmental Events

Activities Organized.
S.No Name of Program Convener/Coordinators/Co-coordinators Date Brochure/Resource Person Activity Report
1. Orientation Program  III Semester  Class Coordinator


01 August, 2023



2. V & VII Semester Class Coordinator

24 July, 2023


Workshop/Conference/ FDP/STTP Convener/Coordinators/Co-coordinators Date Activity Brochure Activity Report
Peer-Learning Training Programme on "Data Science"

Dr. Bhagat Singh Raghuwanshi

Dr. Abhishek Bhatt

30 July,2024 to 01 August, 2024



Techfusion – Preparation cum Mock Test Series for Placements Dr. Mir Shahnawaz Ahmed,Dr. Kuldeep Narayan Tripathi  04 March, 2024 to 07 March, 2024   Report
One-Week Peer-Learning Training Programme "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning"

Dr. Vibha Tiwari, Dr. Sunil Shukla

8th Jan. 2024 to 12th Jan. 2024



In-house training for Faculty members on "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning"

Mr. Mir Shahnawaz Ahmad

17 July, 2023 to 21 July, 2023



In-house training for Faculty members on "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning"

Dr. Sunil Shukla, Dr. Ashish Soni
Dr. Anshika Shrivastava

21 Jan. to 31 March 2023



In-house training for Faculty members on "Data Science"

Dr. Bhagat Singh Raghuwanshi, Dr. Dhananjay Bisen
Prof. Mir Shahnawaz Ahmad

11-16 July 2022



Expert Talks Organized at Institute Level
Title Coordinators/Co-coordinators Resource person Date Activity Brochure Activity Report
Application of AI in Robotics

Dr. Tej Singh 
Dr. Priyanka Garg 

Dr. Rupam Singh, Assistant Professor, Southern University of Denmark, Odense, Denmark 05/04/2023



Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Forensics

Dr. Pawan Dubey
Dr. Tej Singh
Prof. Abhishek Dixit

Dr. Ritesh Vyas, Senior Research Associate, Lancaster University, UK 24/01/2022



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