OBE is an educational process for continuous assessment and evaluation of students and determine the value addition in cognitive and affective domain that have been inculcated among students after completion of the course. Outcomes of the course measured by OBE Process.
- OBE involves the restructuring of curriculum, assessment and reporting practices in education to reflect the achievement of high order learning and mastery rather than accumulation of course credits.
- Both structures and curricula are designed to achieve those capabilities or qualities.
- Discourages traditional education approaches based on direct instruction of facts and standard methods.
- It requires that the students demonstrate that they have learnt the required skills and content.
Benefits of OBE :
- More directed & coherent curriculum.
- Graduates will be more “relevant” to industry & other stakeholders (more well rounded graduates)
- Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) is in place.
Course Outcomes (CO's) -2020-2022
- Course Outcomes (CO's) -2023-2024