माधव प्रौद्योगिकी एवं विज्ञान संस्थान, ग्वालियर (म.प्र.), भारत
Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior (M.P.), INDIA

Deemed University

(Declared under Distinct Category by Ministry of Education, Government of India)


माधव प्रौद्योगिकी एवं विज्ञान संस्थान, ग्वालियर (म.प्र.), भारत

Deemed to be University

(Declared under Distinct Category by Ministry of Education, Government of India)


Gola Ka Mandir, Gwalior (M.P.) - 474005, INDIA
Ph.: +91-751-2409300, E-mail: director@mitsgwalior.in, Website: www.mitsgwalior.in

Department of Engineering Mathematics & Computing

Dr. D.K. Jain

Dr. D.K. Jain

Designation: Professor
Qualification: Ph.D. , NET (UGC)
Area of Interest: Special Functions
Phone No: 9826086788
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • About Faculty: Dr. D K Jain did M.Sc. in Mathematics in the year 1991 from Jiwaji University, Gwalior. He has obtained M.Phil. degree in the year 1992, cleared the Joint UGC JRF- NET Exam for Lectureship and was awarded Junior Research Fellowship for his Ph.D. degree from Jiwaji University, Gwalior in the year 1997 on Special Function and its Applications. He has published more than 80 research papers in national and international Journals and anthologies besides having authored a full series of books for the Engineering students on Engineering Mathematics, which are useful for the Undergraduate as well Post-graduate students. Also he has guided Four Ph.D students and Seven M.Phil Students.
  • Education and Qualification:

    Ph.D. in Mathematics form Jiwaji University, Gwalior MP in 1997

  • Work Experience:
    • Taught M.Sc. (Mathematics) and M.Sc. (Computer Science) classes in the School of Mathematics And Allied Sciences, Jiwaji University, Gwalior as a Junior and Senior Research Fellow (UGC / CSIR) from July 1993 to June 1997.
    • Taught M.Sc. (Mathematics) and M.Sc. (Computer Science) classes in the School of Mathematics And Allied Sciences, Jiwaji University, Gwalior as a Lecturer on Contract basis from 28th August 1997 to 31th January 1998.
    • Worked as a Head & Lecturer on the regular basis in the Department of Applied Mathematics, Mandsaur Institute of Technology (MIT), Mandsaur from 9th Feb. 1998 to 30th June 2002 and I have worked as a Head & Asst. Professor  on the regular basis in the Department of Applied Mathematics MIT, Mandsaur MP from 1th July 2002 to 05th March’2003 .
    • Presently, I am working as a Professor of Mathematics on the regular basis in the Department of Engineering Mathematics & Computing, Madhav Institute of Technology and Science (MITS), Gwalior from 06th  March 2003 to till date.
  • Research Supervision:

    Research Guidance:

    Guided M.Phil Students:     07

    Awarded PhD Students:      04

  • Research Projects, Consultancy & Patents:

    Completed Projects:

    Name of Project: Collaborative 

    Research Scheme under TEQIP-III through AICTE

    Study of basic Hypergeometric functions and their generalization with reference to quantum calculus

    CRS of AICTE-MHRD Project ID

    1-5758410967  for IUST, AWANTIPORA, J&K

    Project Duration

    Two Years (June 2019 to June 2021)

    Sanctioned Amount

    5,20,000/-(Five Lakh Twenty Thousand only)

    Total Expenditure

    Rs. 5,20,000/-(Five Lakh Twenty Thousand only)

    Principal Investigator (PI) 

    Dr. Altaf Bhat, IUST, AWANTIPORA, J&K

    Co-PI (1)

    Prof. Fozia Oazi, IUST

    Co-PI (2)

    Dr. Deepak K Jain, MITS Gwalior MP

    Co-PI (3)

    Dr. Bilal Chat, IUST

    Status of CRS Project

    Completed   https://drive.google.com/file/d/164rImyqq83UDI44_rHlW6bAmzJrwdACz/view?usp=share_link

  • Honors, Award & Recognition:

    Awarded UGC NET(JRF) in 1992

  • Workshop/Conference/Organized/Attended:
    1. Organized a National Seminar on ‘Application of Mathematics in Engineering & Technology’ in February 2-3, 2008 at department of Applied Mathematics, MITS, Gwalior as organizing Secretary of the Programme.
    2. Organized a Conference on ‘Special Functions and their Applications & Symposium on Computational and Biological Mathematics’ in June 21-23, 2010 at Jiwaji University, Gwalior as organizing Secretary of the Programme.
    3. Organized one day Workshop on ‘Engineering Trends in Materials for Engineering Applications’ Under TEQIP Phase II on August 09, 2014 at MITS, Gwalior as organizing Secretary of the Programme.
    4. Organized Two days National Conference on ‘Advanced in Mathematical Applications for Engineering & Technology’ in December 20-21, 2014 Under TEQIP II at department of Applied Science, MITS, Gwalior as Co-convenor of the Programme.
    5. Organized One days National Conference on ‘Chemistry for Life’ in February 28, 2015 Under TEQIP II at department of Applied Science, MITS, Gwalior as Co-coordinator of the Programme.
    6. Organized one-week short term training programme on ‘Applications of Optimization Techniques for Engineering and Technology’ under TEQIP Phase II during November, 23-27, 2015 at Dept. of Applied Science, MITS, Gwalior as Organizing Secretary of the Programme.
    7. Organized as Joint Organizing Secretary a 20th Annual Conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences and Symposium on ‘Mathematics in Real Life Problems with Special Reference to Life Sciences’ during February 5-7, 2016 at Dept. of Mathematics, Jiwaji University, Gwalior.
    8. Organized as Joint Secretary an International Conference on ‘New Frontiers in Mathematics’ and Symposia on ‘I-Function and Its Applications & Mathematics in Data Science’ in December 11-13, 2018 at School of Mathematics & Allied Sciences, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, Sponsored by UGC, DST and NBHM.
  • Publications:

    Paper Publications in the Journal (Last Five Years)


    3. Altaf Ahmad, D. K. Jain, Renu Jain and Farooq Ahmad, A Review on solution of delay fractional kinetic equation with Mellin’s transform, Corna Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.6, No.1, p. 29-31, 2017; ISSN: 2319-6327.
    4. D. K. Jain, Altaf Ahmad, Renu Jain and Farooq Ahmad, The Classical Laplace Transform and Its q-image of the Most Generalized Hypergoemetric and Mittage- Leffler Functions, International Journal of Discrete Mathematics (Science PG), Vol.2 No.1, p.1-5, 2017. DOI: 10.11648/j.dmath.20170201.11
    5. Altaf Ahmad, D. K. Jain, Renu Jain and Farooq Ahmad, Study of Aleph-Function and Recurrence Relations for the Aleph- Function, International Journal of Modern Mathematical Sciences, Vol.15 No.1, 2017, p. 72-80; ISSN:2166-286X. Indexed by Google Scholar
    6. Farooq Ahmad, D. K. Jain, Alok Jain & Altaf Ahmad, Dirichlet Averages of Wright-Type Hypergeometric Function, International Journal of Discrete Mathematics (Science PG), Vol.2 No.1, p.6-9, 2017. DOI: 10.11648/j.dmath.20170201.12
    7. Altaf Ahmad, Renu Jain, D. K. Jain & Farooq Ahmad: The Classical Sumudu Transform and its q-Imang of the Most Generalized Hypergeometric and Wright-Type Hypergeometric Functions, International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, Vol.5 No.6, p.405-413,  July2017; ISSN:2321-8169  Indexed by Google Scholar.
    8. Altaf Ahmad,D. K. Jain & Farooq Ahmad: Dirichlet Averages of Generalized Fox-Wight Function, MAYFEB Journal of Mathematics, Vol.4 p.28-32, 2017; ISSN:2371-6193.
    9. Altaf Ahmad, D. K. Jain & Farooq Ahmad: Dirichlet Averages of Wright-Type Hypergeometric Function and and Their q-Extension, International Journal of Computer & Mathematical Sciences IJCMS, Volume 6, Issue 6, p 110-114, 2017; ISSN 2347 – 8527.
    10. Altaf Ahmad, Renu Jain, & D. K. Jain: Certain Expansion Formulae Involving a Basic Analouge of Mittag-Leffler Function, MAYFEB Journal of Mathematics, Volume 4,  p 67-72, 2017; ISSN 2371 – 6193.
    11. Altaf Ahmad, Renu Jain, & D. K. Jain : Some Remarks on Generalized  q- Mittag-Leffler and q- Fox-Wright Functions in Relation with Quantum Calculus, International Journal of Modern Mathematical Sciences, Volume 15, Issue 3, p 391-397, 2017; ISSN 2166 – 286X. Indexed in Google Scholar. 
    12. Altaf Ahmad, Renu Jain, & D. K. Jain : q- Analouge of Aleph Function and Its Transformation Formulae with q-derivative, International  Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability (Natural Science Publishing), Volume 6, No3, p 567-575, Nov.2017, ISSN 2090-8431.doi:10.18576/jsap/060312 indexed in Scopus
    13. Altaf Ahmad, D. K. Jain & Renu Jain: Generating Functions of Q-Analogue Of I-Function Satisfying Truesdell’s Descending Fq-Equation, Journal of New Theory, Number 19, p. 48-55. Dec. 2017, ISSN: 2149-1402.
    14. Farooq  Ahmad, D. K. Jain & Renu Jain: Image of Generalized Functions for the Fractional Calculus under a multiple W -E-K Operator, journal INQUIRY, Vol. 36,  pp. 77-79, Dec. 2016 , ISSN:0974-8997.
    15. Altaf Ahmad, D. K. Jain & Renu Jain: Certain expansion formulae involving a basic analogue of I-function,  Journal of Indian acad. Math. Vol. 39, No.2,  pp. 129-136,. 2017; ISSN: 0970-5120. (UGC list no. 28597)
    16. Altaf Ahmad, Renu Jain, D. K. Jain & Farooq Ahmad: Images of  Wright-Type Hypergeometric Function Mittag-Leffler functions under a Generalized W-E-K Fractional Operator, Jnanabha, Volume 47, No.2, p 235-240, 2017; ISSN:0304-9892. .(UGC No. 18697). https://www.vijnanaparishadofindia.org/jnanabha/volume-47-no-2-2017 Indexed in Google Scholar/UGC
    17. Farooq  Ahmad, D. K. Jain & Alok Jain: The classical Laplace transform and its q-image of the most generalized hypergeome tric and Mittag-Leffer functions,  Pramana Research Journal, Vol. 8, No.5,  pp. 66-71, June. 2018. ISSN: 2249-2976. Indexed by Google Scholar
    18. Altaf Ahmad, Renu Jain, D. K. Jain: Certain Results of (p, q)- Analogue of I-Function with (p. q)- Derivatives, Jnanabha, Special Issue, 2018, p 37-44, 2018; ISSN:0304-9892 and E-ISSN2455-7463 .(UGC-Care) .
    19. Altaf Ahmad, Renu Jain, D. K. Jain, Generating q-Analogue of I-Function Satisfying Truesdell’s Ascending Fq- Equation, Asian Journal of Mathematics and Statistics,  2018;  ISSN: 1994-5418‎, DOI 10.3923/ajms.2018. (Google Scholar).
    20. Renu Jain, Altaf Ahmad, & D. K. Jain: Some Generating Functions of q-Analogue of Mittage-Leffler Function and Hermite Polynomial Satisfying Truesdell’s Ascending and Descending Fq-Equation, GAMS Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Biosciences Vol. 6 (a) p. 18-23. Dec. 2018, Print ISSN: 0974-2689, Online ISSN: 1945-9181.
    21. Naseer Ahmad Malik, Farooq Ahmad and D. K. Jain: The Classical Laplace Transform and its q- Image of the Wright type Hyper geometric function, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), Vol.6 (2),  1006-1012, May 2019, E-ISSN: 2348-1269, ISSN: 2349-5138.(UGC-Care)
    22. Naseer Ahmad Malik, D. K. Jain and Farooq Ahmad: A Note on q-Saigo’s  Fractional Integral Inequalities, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), Vol.6 (2), 986-990, May 2019, E-ISSN: 2348-1269,ISSN: 2349-5138. (UGC-Care)
    23. Naseer Ahmad Malik, Farooq Ahmad and D. K. Jain: Quantum Operators and Their Integral Inequalities, International Journal of Research and Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations (IJIRI), Vol.7 (2), p.401-403, April-June 2019, Online ISSN: 2348-1226, Print ISSN: 2348-1218.(UGC-Care)
    24. Naseer Ahmad Malik, Farooq Ahmad and D. K. Jain: Representations of Dirichlet Averages of Generalised R-Function with Classical as well as Quantum Fractional Integrals, Universal Review, Vol.10 (6), p.167-177, June 2019, Online ISSN: 2277-2726, Print ISSN: 2277-2723. (UGC Approved Journal)& Google Scholar
    25. Naseer Ahmad Malik, D. K. Jain and Farooq Ahmad: Dirichlet Averages of Wright-Type Hypergeometric Function, Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Vol.10 (6), p.1223-1228, June 2019, Online ISSN: 2319-8133, Print ISSN: 0976-5727. ( Google Scholar):
    26. Asifa Tassaddiq, Altaf Ahmad Bhat , D. K. Jain and Farhad Ali : On (p, q)-Sumudu and (p, q)-Laplace Transforms of the Basic Analogue of Aleph-Function, Symmetry March 202012(3), 390; https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12030390 (registering DOI) Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994; CODEN: SYMMAM) ( Web of Science/Scopus indexed )   Impact factor: 2.64,
    27. Alok Jain, Renu Jain, D. K. Jain: Development of Quantum Hartley Transform for Signal Processing Applications; International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-5, March 2020, pp. 211-214 DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.D2120.039520. (Google Scholar/scopus 2018-19)
    28. Altaf Ahmad Bhat , Garima Singh, Renu Jain & D. K. Jain :  q-Sumudu and q-Laplace Transforms of the Basic Analogue of Aleph-Function, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) ;http://www.pphmj.com http://dx.doi.org/10.17654/MS118020189 Volume 118, Number 2, Sep.  2019, Pages 189-211, ISSN: 0972-0871. (Web of Science) Impact factor: 1.34
    29. Naseer Ahmad Malik, Farooq Ahmad and D.K. Jain:  The theoretical overview of the Hartley Transform and the Generalized R- Function, Jnanabha, Volume 50, Number 1, July 2020, Pages 158-163 ISSN: 0304-9892 (UGC care). https://ugccare.unipune.ac.in/Apps1/User/WebA/ViewDetails?JournalId=101002136&flag=Search
    30. Naseer Ahmad Malik, Farooq Ahmad and D.K. Jain:  Study of S-function in Relationship with Fractional Hilfer-Prabhakar Derivative, GEDRAG & ORGANISATIE REVIEW, Volume 33, Number 3, July 2020, Pages 16-21 ISSN: 0921-5077 (Web of Science). https://www.doi.org/10.37896/GOR33.03/402 Impact factor .125
    31. Altaf Ahmad Bhat, Asifa Tassaddiq, D. K. Jain and Humera Naaz: New generating functions of I-function satisfying Truesdell’s Fq-equation, Advances in Difference EquationsSeptember 2020, Article number: 464 (2020) ; Springer open Journal  https://doi.org/10.1186/s13662-020-02912-6 ( DOI) (SCI Expanded or Web of Science/Scopus  Impact factor:1.72, ISSN:1687-1839(P), 1687-1847(O)
    32. Alok Jain, Altaf Ahmad Bhat, Renu Jain and D. K. Jain, Certain Results of (p, q) Analogue of Alph-Function with (p. q) Derivative, Journal of Statistics Applications and Probability (Natural Sciences Publishing) Vol. 10 , No.1, p.45-52, 1 March 2021  (indexed in Scopus ) ISSN 2090-8423 and E-ISSN2090-8431. http://dx.doi.org/10.18576/jsap/100105.Impact factor .19
    33. Imtiyaz A. Wani*, Aarti Pathak,  D.K. Jain and Farooq Ahmad, THE HARTLEY TRANSFORM OF THE MOST GENERALIZED HYPERGEOMETRIC AND MITTAG-LEFFLER FUNCTIONS, Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Special Issue) Oct 2021, p. 618-623, ISSN 2319-4979 (Web of Science and UCG list II) http://www.viirj.org/specialissues/2021/SP2108/Part%208.pdf
    34. Syed Shahnawaz Ali, Sheeraz Ali, Farooq Ahmad, D. K. Jain, : A NOTE ON NATURAL TRANSFORMATION OF MORE GENERALIZED HYPERGEOMETRIC FUNCTION, : International Engineering Journal For Research & Development (IEJRD),Volume 6, Issue 5,  July. 2021, Page No., 1-5,E-ISSN: 2349-0721  indexed in Scope Database Publisher Article Link: http://iejrd.com/index.php/ /article/view/2326/2146
    35. Alok Jain, Altaf Ahmad Bhat, Renu Jain and Deepak Kumar Jain: (p, q)-Analogue of Mittag-Leffler Function with (p, q)-Laplace Transform; in the Journal of Analysis in Theory and Applications Vol. 38, No. 3 (2022), pp. 351-360, September 2022, DOI: 10.4208/ata.OA-2018-0014, E-ISSN:1573-8175; Publication: Global Science Publication.
    36. Kalpana Rajput, Rajshree Mishra, Aarti Pathak, D.K. Jain, Farooq Ahmad:   Study of Aleph-Function in Relationship with Natural Transformation, International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211 Volume 10, Issue 9,p. 419-421 September-2022, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: ijaresm.com
    37. Kalpana Rajput , Rajshreemishra , D.K. Jain , Farooq Ahmad: Study of G –function in relationship with Fractional Hilfer–Prabhakar Derivative, International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science, Technology & Engineering ISSN: 2319-7463, Vol. 11 Issue 9, p.42-45, September-2022, https://www.erpublications.com/uploaded_files/download/kalpana-rajput-rajshreemishra-d-k-jain-farooq-ahmad_IPBwQ.pdf
    38. Kalpana Rajput, Rajshree Mishra, D.K. Jain, Farooq Ahmad: A Note on Natural Transformation & Meijer’s G-Function, International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research ISSN: 2320-7167 Volume 10 Issue 03 March 2022, Page no. – 2630-2632, https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmcr/v10i3.06
    39. Aarti Pathak, Rajshree Mishra, Altaf Ahmad Dar, D.K. Jain, Farooq Ahmad: Hartley transform of Fox-Wright and MittagLeffler functions in terms of Fox’s H – function, International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science, Technology & Engineering ISSN: 2319-7463, Vol. 11 Issue 9, p.7-11, September-2022, https://www.erpublications.com/uploaded_files/download/aarti-pathak-rajshreemishra-altaf-ahmad-dar-d-k-jain-farooq-ahmad_oJXdL.pdf
    40. Kalpana Rajput, Rajshree Mishra, D. K. Jain, Farooq Ahmad:On Fractional Integral Inequalities Involving Riemann-Liouville Operators; International Journal of Enhanced Research in Educational Development (IJERED) ISSN: 2320-8708, Vol. 10 Issue 5, p.189-191, September-October, 2022, https://www.erpublications.com/uploaded_files/download/kalpana-rajput-rajshreemishra-d-k-jain-farooq-ahmad_YeVcW.pdf
    41. Kalpana Rajput, Rajshreemishra , D.K. Jain, Farooq Ahmad, Peer Javaid Ahmad: Certain quantum calculus operators associated with the q-Analogue of Aleph-Function; International Journal of Enhanced Research in Educational Development (IJERED) ISSN: 2320-8708, Vol. 10 Issue 6, p. 44-46, Nov-Dec, 2022
    42. Aarti Pathak, Rajshree Mishra, D.K. Jain, Farooq Ahmad, Peer Javaid Ahmad:Note on Dirichlet Averages of the S-function; International Journal of Enhanced Research in Educational Development (IJERED) ISSN: 2320-8708, Vol. 10 Issue 6, pages 1-3, Nov-Dec, 2022,https://www.erpublications.com/uploaded_files/download/aarti-pathak- rajshreemishra-d-k-jain-farooq-ahmad-peer-javaid-ahmad_TQscG.pdf
    43. Aarti Pathak, Rajshree Mishra, D.K. Jain, Farooq Ahmad, Peer Javaid Ahmad: Integral Transform and Fractional Kinetic Equation, Innovare Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol.10, 16/1/2023, pp. 8-11, ISSN 2347-1573
    44. Altaf A. Bhat, M. Younus Bhat, H. Maqbool and D.K. Jain: Generating Functions of (p, q)-Analogue of Aleph-Function Satisfying Truesdell’s Ascending and Descending Fp,q-Equation, J. Appl. Math. & Informatics Vol. 41(2023), No. 2, pp. 373 - 386,  https://doi.org/10.14317/jami.2023.37 ISSN 2234-8417(Online), ESCI(Scopus)
    45. Aarti Pathak, Rajshree Mshra, D.K. Jain, Farooq Ahmad: CERTAIN RESULTS OF MITTAG-LEFFLER FUNCTION BASED ON HARTLEY TRANSFORM IN TERMS OF FOX'S H-FUNCTION, PARIPEX - INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH, Volume - 12, Issue - 05 May - 2023 PRINT ISSN No. 2250 - 1991, DOI : 10.36106/paripex
    46. Differential Transform Method for Solving Volterra q-Integral Equations; Altaf A. Bhat*, Haider Abbas Rizvi, Javid A. Ganie, Faiza A. Sulaiman , D. K. Jain: Contemporary Mathematics, Vol.4, Issue 4, (Dec 2023)p. 1222-1233, ISSN: 2705-1064 (Print) 2705-1056 (Online),Impact factor 0.3, http://ojs.wiserpub.com/index.php/CM/  , Universal Wiser Publisher; https://doi.org/10.37256/cm.4420232549 , (ESCI, web of Science) 

    47. (p, q)-ANALOGUE OF THE NATURAL TRANSFORM WITH APPLICATIONS; Altaf A. Bhat , Faiza A. Sulaiman , Javid A. Ganie , M. Younus Bhat and D. K. Jain; Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications Vol. 28, No. 4 (Dec. 2023), pp. 1069-1086 ISSN: 1229-1595(print), 2466-0973(online) https://doi.org/10.22771/nfaa.2023.28.04.14  http://nfaa.kyungnam.ac.kr/journal-nfaa  Copyright c 2023 Kyungnam University Press. Scopus Q3.

    48. Kalpana Rajput1, Rajshree Mishra,  D. K. Jain , Altaf A. Bhat, Farooq Ahmad : The Fractional Integral Inequalities Involving Kober and Saigo–Maeda Operators ; Communications in Advanced Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp 135-141, 2023 Research Article e-ISSN: 2651-4001. http://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/cams/issue/79505     https://doi.org/10.33434/cams.1275523

    49. Ahmad Farooq, Bhat Altaf, Jain D.K, Hussain Audil, Ahmad shabir: Numerical Techniques for Calculating Attainment of Course Outcome and Programme Outcome under NEP-2020; International Journal of Information Technology, Research and Applications (IJITRA);  Vol. 2, No. 2, June 2023 p. 65-72; ISSN: 2583 5343. https://doi.org/10.59461/ijitra.v2i2.53.  https://www.ijitra.com/index.php/ijitra/issue/archive . Published by: PRISMA Publication.

  • Complete Resume:

    Dr. Deepak Kumar Jain

    Professor (Mathematics)

    Department of Engineering Mathematics & Computing                   B-3, Dwarika Puri

    MITS, Gole ka Mandir                                                                       B/H Prem Nagar

    Gwalior- 474 005                                                                                Gwalior 474002

    M.P. INDIA                                                                                        M.P. INDIA

    (91) 9826086788

    Email:ain_dkj@mitsgwalior.in                                                          Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Books Published:  16

    Book Chapter Published:    06

    Paper Publications in the Journals:   75

    Attend SDP/Short Term Training Programmes:   18

    Completed NPTEL/SWAYAM/MOOC Training Programmes: 04

    Attended Seminar/Conferences /Workshops/Symposia:  40

    Paper Presented in the Conferences:  13

    Invited/Expert Lectures:  04

    Organized as Secretary/ Co-convenor/ Seminar/Conferences/workshops/FDP:  08

    Research Guidance:

    Guided M.Phil Students:     07

    Awarded PhD Students:      04

    Regular Teaching Experience:         24 Years


    1986        First Division             Higher Secondary (Mathematics)

    1989        First Division             Graduation Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. Mathematics)

    1991        First Division              Post Graduation Master of Science (M.Sc. Mathematics)

    1992        First Division              Master of Philosophy (M.Phil. Mathematics)

     1992   UGC NET(JRF)              Passed in 1992, National Education Test for Junior Research Fellowship & Eligibility for     Lectureship in Colleges                                                    Universities conducted by UGC/CSIR New Delhi.

    1997       Ph.D.                         Awarded Ph.D in Mathematics from Jiwaji University Gwalior.

                                                  *Topic:”A Study of I-Function and Its Special Cases With Their Applications to Biology”.

    Awarded Scholarships/Fellowship:    (i) National Scholarship for M.Sc. (F/DEV/90/823/ 11.4.90)

                                                                   (ii) National Scholarship for M.Phil. (F/DEV/92/593/ 14.5.92)

                                                                    (iii) JRF & SRF (UGC) for Ph.D. (F/DEV/93-94/1917/22.11.93)

                                                                     (iv)First Position in University for M.Sc. & M.Phli.

     Areas of Expertise:

    • Special Functions, Laplace & Fourier Transform
    • Numerical Analysis
    • Linear Algebra, Complex Analysis & Real Analysis
    • Differential Equation, and Partial Differential Equation etc.
    • Calculus and Vector Calculus etc.
    • Discrete and Continuous Distributions

    Administrative Service/ Extra Curricular Activities:

    • Counselor of BCA & MCA of IGNOU at centre Jiwali University, Gwalior from 1996 - 1998 and at centre MITS, Gwalior from 2003 to till now (Id. No. 04270).
    • Member of BOS 2005-2007; 2009-2013; 2016-2023 and Academic Council 2009 - 2014; 2016,  of Mathematics at Madhav Institute of  Technology & Science (MITS) , Gwalior .
    • Member of BOS 2018-2019 at Amity University, Gwalior
    • Member of BOS 2008-2009; 2009-2010; 2018; 2022-23 of Mathematics at RGPV, Bhopal.


    • Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences, Gwalior. (LM No. 0018)
    • Indian Academy of Mathematics, Indore.  (LM No. 111 from 25th May 1995)
    • Rajasthan Ganita Parishad, Ajmer.(LM No. 03/216)          
    • Life Member of ISTE, New Delhi. .(LM No. 37978)        
    • Life Member of Vigyan Bharti, Madhya Pradesh (LM No. 826) 


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