माधव प्रौद्योगिकी एवं विज्ञान संस्थान, ग्वालियर (म.प्र.), भारत
Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior (M.P.), INDIA

Deemed University

(Declared under Distinct Category by Ministry of Education, Government of India)


माधव प्रौद्योगिकी एवं विज्ञान संस्थान, ग्वालियर (म.प्र.), भारत

Deemed to be University

(Declared under Distinct Category by Ministry of Education, Government of India)


Gola Ka Mandir, Gwalior (M.P.) - 474005, INDIA
Ph.: +91-751-2409300, E-mail: vicechancellor@mitsgwalior.in, Website: www.mitsgwalior.in

Department of Internet of Things(EE)

Dr. Praveen Bansal

Designation: Assistant Professor and Coordinator (IoT)
Qualification: M.Tech(MANIT,Bhopal), Ph.D. (DTU,Delhi)
Area of Interest: Power Quality, Grid Connected Systems, Multilevel Inverters
Phone No: 9827577549
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • About Faculty: Praveen Bansal
  • Work Experience:

    Teaching Experience: 12 Years

  • Administrative Experience:
    SWAYAM Coordinator  Year : 2017 onwards 
    GATE Coordinator (TEQIP-III)  Year : 2017 to 2021
    Twinning Coordinator(TEQIP-III)  Year : 2019 to 2021
    Summer Internship (Co-Coordinator)  Year:  2018 onwards
    Virtual Labs (Nodal Coordinator) in association with IIT-Delhi  Year : 2021 onwards
  • Research Supervision:

    M.E/M.Tech Thesis Guided: 15

    1. Series parallel switching Multilevel Inverter topology “Submitted by: Ritu Chaturvedi (ID12013) July 2014
    2.  “A comparative analysis of reduced devices three phase Multilevel Inverter using different PWM techniques by reversing voltage topology” Submitted by: Ravi Kirar (ID12012)  July 2014
    3. A Comparative Analysis of Multilevel Inverter with reduced devices using different PWM techniques”. Submitted by: Abhishek Kumar (0131ISD012) July 201
    4. Symmetrical Dual bridge Multilevel Inverter DC link Inverter topology” Submitted by: Vivek Kumar Singh(0901EE13ME25) July 2015
    5. A reduced switched based three phases asymmetrical cascaded  Multilevel Inverter with different modulation techniques” Submitted by: Pushpendra Kaurav (0901EE13ME14) July 2015
    6. High-step Multilevel Inverter using the minimum number of power switches considering its optimal structure”. Submitted by: Gauri Shankar (0901EE13ME09) July 2015
    7. Analysis of diode clamped inverter fed Induction motor drives”.Submitted by: Sadhna Pandey (ID12014) July 2014
    8. A Multilevel Structure with reduced THD using different PWM techniques” Submitted by: Amit Khemariya  (August- 2016)
    9. Design and Implementation of T-Type Multilevel Inverter Topology using different PWM techniques for reduced device count” Submitted by: Amit Singh Jadon  (August- 2016)
    10. A New Topology of Multilevel Inverter with Converting its Optimal structure” Submitted by: Rajat Kushwah (August- 2016)
    11. A Symmetrical &  Asymmetrical Multilevel Inverter Topology using Reverse Connected Voltage Sources With Different Modulation Techniques” Submitted by: Nikhil Agrawal (0901EE15MT11) July 2017
  • Research Projects, Consultancy & Patents:

    Grant Received


    Received a grant of Rs.1,92,280/- for the conduct of the project under Innovative research scheme (IRS-2020) under TEQIP-III

    Ref. Order no.614 dated 09.03.2020



    Received a grant of Rs.2,73,100/- for the conduct of the project under Innovative research scheme (IRS-2021)

    Ref. Order no.230 dated 12.02.2022

    Published one Paper in Scopus

    and three papers in student International Conference


  • Honors, Award & Recognition:
    1. Received Research Excellence Award with Prize money of Rs.25,000/- on 03-March 2022 for publishing paper in SCI Journal by Delhi Technological University, Delhi.
    2. Received Appreciation certificate from NPTEL Local chapter, IIT Kanpur for securing AAA (02nd rank in India) by the Institute for academic session Jan-June 2022
    3. Received Appreciation certificate from NPTEL Local chapter, IIT Kanpur for securing AAA (05th rank in India) by the Institute for academic session Jan-Dec 2021
    4. Received Appreciation certificate from NPTEL Local chapter, IIT Kanpur for securing AA (12th rank in India) by the Institute for academic session Jan-Dec 2020
    5. Received Appreciation certificate from NPTEL Local chapter, IIT Kanpur for securing AA (31st rank in India) by the Institute for academic session July-Dec 2019
    6. Received Appreciation certificate from NPTEL Local chapter, IIT Kanpur for securing AA (46th rank in India) by the Institute for academic session Jan-June 2019
    7. Received Appreciation certificate from NPTEL Local chapter, IIT Kanpur for securing AA (25th rank in India) by the Institute for academic session July-Dec 2018
    8. Received Appreciation certificate from NPTEL Local chapter, IIT Kanpur for securing AA (87th rank in India) by the Institute for academic session Jan-June 2018
  • Workshop/Conference/Organized/Attended:

    Details of Workshops/Seminars/ Attended


    Attended a one-day NPTEL Awareness workshop at IIT-Indore held on 23 February 2018


    Attended two days Madhya Pradesh IIEFA Conference jointly organized by the MPCST, Vigyan Bharati at CRSIP, Bhopal during 23-24 September 2017


    Attended national workshop on Power Electronics(NWPE-2017) on the theme of “Strengthening Grid Energy storage through power Electronics-challenges and Research opportunities” held during 9-11 October 2017


    Attended SPOC felicitation certificate conducted by IIT-Kanpur during the 2018-2019 .session


    Attended IEEE one-day workshop on “Power Electronics in Smart Grid and Optimal power Trading Mechanism” held on 03 Nov,2018 at DTU


    Attended One-day Workshop on “Building Envelope Design for Energy Optimization ” held on 7th September 2019 at MITS


    Attended one-day National workshop on NPTEL Awareness held on 12th September 2019 at IIT-Kanpur


    For Participating in the Online Workshop on “Facilities and Opportunities: Internship at NPTI, Shivpuri September 2022

    Faculty Development Program Attended


    Attended five days of STTP on “Active Learning for Senior Faculty “ held from 18th June to 22nd June 2018 at IIT-Indore


    Attended MHRD sponsored GIAN course on “Resilient Power Grid Operation Using Synchrophasor Technology: A smart Grid Operation Perspective” during 17-21 December,2018 at DTU


    Attended a five-week short-term training program on “Next Generation Power Converters: Design, PWM Strategy, and control” held from 01/07/2019 to 05/07/2019 at IIT-Delhi under TEQIP-III


    Attended a five-week online short-term training program on “Internet of Things” held from 04/05/2020 to 08/05/2020 at MANIT, Bhopal


    Attended online one week short term training program on “Power Quality and Reactive Power Management” organized by the DTU during 6-10 July 2020


    Attended online ATAL academy FDP on “Electrical Vehicles'' organized by the NIT-Pondicherry during 2-10 october 2020


    Attend four weeks Online Training on Internet of things using Arduino held during 14th June to 14th July 2021 organized by NIELIT, Hardiwar


    Attended FDP on IoT enabled PLC in NITTTR, Chandigarh during 10/10/2022 to 14/10/2022 (online mode)


    Attended FDP on Power Quality Problems and Solutions in Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Chandigarh during 30/01/2023 to 03/02/2023 (online mode)


    Attended FDP Recent Trends in Embedded Systems and IOTs in NITTTR, Chandigarh Chandigarh during 18/09/2023 to 22/09/2023 (online mode

    Workshops/Seminar/Poster Expo Organized

    O[1] Organized Workshop on Virtual Labs in collaboration with IIT-Delhi on 02 Feb 2024
    O[2] Organized three day workshop on Virtual Hands-on training on Tinkercad with IoT control for MITS faculty members (25 - 27' June 2021).
    O[3] Organized two day workshop on Create, Collaborate & Work Dynamically Online in Google Apps for MITS staff members (19 - 20' June 2021).
    O[4] Coordinator State Level Poster presentation on “ Sustainable Energy Resources” held on 26 September 2020 under TEQIP-III
    O[5] Co-Coordinator of one week short term training program on “Simulation Techniques of Power Electronics Controllers ” organized by the MITS, Gwalior from 12th -16th  May 2015 under TEQIP-II
    O[6] Organizing Secretary one week short term training program on Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering (IIEE-14) organized by the MITS from  01st -05th March ,2016 under TEQIP-II
    O[7] Co-Coordinator of 03rd National Conference on Innovations in Electrical Engineering (IIEE-16) organized by the MITS on 17th March  2016 under TEQIP-II
    O[8] Organizing Secretary in one day seminar on  Renewable Energy and Microgrid organized by the MITS on 16th  March ,2016 under TEQIP-II
    O[9] A Workshop conducted on Outcome Based Education (NBA) on “How to fill SAR’ organized by DTU on 25 th November,2019
    O[10] Organize one day National Workshop on “Robotics and Industrial Automation” held on 20 June , 2020 at MITS
    O[11] Co-Coordinator in two day National Workshop on “Application of MATLAB in Electrical Engineering” organized by the MITS, Gwalior from 14th -15th October 2015 under TEQIP-II
    O[12] Organizing Secretary of 2nd National Conference on Innovations in Electrical Engineering (IIEE-15) organized by the MITS from 10th -11th February 2015 under TEQIP-II
    Q[13] Organizing Secretary of National Conference on Innovations in Electrical Engineering (IIEE-14) organized by the MITS on 22nd February 2014 under TEQIP-II


  • Publications:

    Journal Publications in SCI/SCIE/ESCI


    Bansal. P, Singh, A. Nonlinear adaptive normalized least mean absolute third algorithm for the control of five-level distribution static compensator. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Application, Wiley; 2021; 49(9): 2840– 2864. https://doi.org/10.1002/cta.3045


    Bansal. P., Singh, A. Nonlinear adaptive normalized Huber control algorithm for 5-level distribution static compensator. Journal of Electrical Engineering, Springer, 104, 1635–1648 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00202-021-01424-0


    Praveen Bansal and Alka Singh (2021) Multilevel Inverter Based Power Quality Enhancement Using Improved Immune Control Algorithm, International Journal of Electronics, Taylor and Francis, 108:12, 1999-2018, doi: 10.1080/00207217.2020.1870754


    Bansal, P., Singh, A. Closed Loop Control Using RSAPS Algorithm for 5-Level CHB Multilevel Inverter. International Journal of Control and Automation for  Electrical Systems , Springer, 33, 998–1011 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40313-021-00864-0



    Shishir Dixit, Pushpendra Singh, Jyotsna Ogale, Praveen Bansal, Yashwant Sawle,Energy Management in Microgrids with Renewable Energy Sources and Demand Response,Computers and Electrical Engineering,Volume 110,2023,108848,ISSN 0045-7906,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2023.108848


    Praveen Bansal, “Hardware-in-loop realization of 15-level Multilevel Inverter Topology using Universal Control Scheme”, High Technology Letters, Volume 9, Issue 10(2023)(Scopus Indexed-Accepted for Publication)


    Dr.Praveen Bansal  and Dr. Alka Singh,” Control of DSTATCOM with Parallel Tangent Method Based Adaptive Control Algorithm under Distorted Grid Conditions" has been accepted for publication in Electric Power Components and Systems” (Taylor and Francis)


    Praveen Bansal, PhD; Shishir Dixit, PhD; Saket Gupta, PhD; Majed A. Alotaibi, PhD; Fausto Pedro García Márquez, PhD,” A Robust Modified Notch Filter Based SOGI-PLL Approach to Control Multilevel Inverter under Distorted Grid,” accepted for publication in Ain Shams Engineering Journal (Elsevier) , Impact Factor: 06

    Publications in Book Chapter


    P.Bansal, Alka Singh 'Design and Control using the ISOGI-Q Algorithm for Grid Integration of PV-Array' to publish in book - Internet of Energy – A Pragmatic Approach to Sustainable Development, Taylor and Francis (2024)

    Publications at International/National  Conferences


    P. Bansal and A. Singh, "Optimal Harmonic Current Extractor using Digital Warped Filter for a Single -Phase PV Integrated Grid- Tied System with 5-Level DSTATCOM," 2023 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET), Bhubaneswar, India, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/SeFeT57834.2023.10245497.


    P. Bansal and A. Singh, "Adaptive Notch Filter Control Algorithm for 5-Level Distribution Static Compensator," 2020 IEEE First International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy and Control (STPEC), 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/STPEC49749.2020.9297721


    P. Bansal and A. Singh, "Control of Multilevel Inverter as Shunt Active Power Filter using Maximum Versoria Criterion," 2019 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Control and Automation (ICPECA), 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICPECA47973.2019.8975392.


    L. Shaji, P. Bansal and V. Bhuria, "Multicarrier PWM Technique with Different Reference Signal for Performance Evaluation of a New Single Phase 5-Level Switched Capacitor Topology," 2020 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment: Towards Clean Energy Technologies, Shillong, Meghalaya, India, 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICEPE50861.2021.9404474


    L. Shaji, P. Bansal and V. Bhuria, "Performance Analysis of a New Single Phase Single Source 7-Level Inverter Topology Using Different SPWM Techniques," 2020 IEEE First International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy and Control (STPEC), Nagpur, India, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/STPEC49749.2020.9297703.


    K. Rathore and P. Bansal, "A New 15-Level Asymmetrical Multilevel Inverter Topology with Reduced Number of Devices for Different PWM Techniques," 2018 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES), Delhi, India, 2018, pp. 355-360, doi: 10.1109/ICPEICES.2018.8897372


    S. K. Gupta, K. Rathore and P. Bansal, "Design and Analysis of a New 31-Level Asymmetrical Multilevel Inverter Topology with Different PWM Techniques," 2018 3rd International Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity (CIPECH), Ghaziabad, India, 2018, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/CIPECH.2018.8724251


    N. Agrawal and P. Bansal, "A new 21-level asymmetrical multilevel inverter topology with different PWM techniques," 2017 Recent Developments in Control, Automation & Power Engineering (RDCAPE), Noida, India, 2017, pp. 224-229, doi: 10.1109/RDCAPE.2017.8358271.


    N. Agrawal, S. S. Tomar and P. Bansal, "A multilevel inverter topology using reverse-connected voltage sources," 2017 International Conference on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Computing (ICECDS), Chennai, India, 2017, pp. 1290-1295, doi: 10.1109/ICECDS.2017.8389652.


    S. S. Tomar, N. Agrawal and P. Bansal, "Various modulation techniques in symmetrical multilevel inverters," 2017 International Conference on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Computing (ICECDS), Chennai, India, 2017, pp. 1322-1327, doi: 10.1109/ICECDS.2017.8389658.


    A. R. Saxena, A. Kulshreshtha and P. Bansal, "Universal bus digitally controlled front end damped PFC Cuk converter as LED drivers," 2016 IEEE 1st International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES), Delhi, India, 2016, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICPEICES.2016.7853665


    A. Kumar and P. Bansal,: “A novel symmetrical multilevel inverter topology with reduced switching devices using different PWM techniques," 2015 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization (EESCO), Visakhapatnam, India, 2015, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/EESCO.2015.7253616


    R. Yadav, P. Bansal and A. R. Saxena, "A three-phase 9-level inverter with reduced switching devices for different PWM techniques," 2014 6th IEEE Power India International Conference (PIICON), Delhi, India, 2014, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/POWERI.2014.7117731.


    Agrawal, N., Bansal, P., Umale, N. (2020). THD Analysis of New Multilevel Inverter Topology with Different Modulation Techniques. In: Singh Tomar, G., Chaudhari, N.S., Barbosa, J.L.V., Aghwariya, M.K. (eds) International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Smart Communication 2019. Algorithms for Intelligent Systems. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0633-8_117


    S. K. Gupta and P. Bansal, "Reduced Device Count Asymmetrical Multilevel Inverter Topology Using Different PWM Techniques," 2018 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES), Delhi, India, 2018, pp. 343-348, doi: 10.1109/ICPEICES.2018.8897284.


    Kushagra Sharam and P.Bansal,Experimental Realization of Universal Control Scheme for Asymmetrical Reduced Device Count Multilevel Inverter”, International Student Conference on Multidisciplinary and Current Technical Research(ISCMCTR-2023), MITS, Gwalior, 20-21 May , 2023


    Akash Ksuhwah and P.Bansal, “Process-in-Loop Analysis of Universal Control Technique for a Hexagonal-Shaped Reduced Device Multilevel Inverter”, International Student Conference on Multidisciplinary and Current Technical Research(ISCMCTR-2023), MITS, Gwalior, 20-21May , 2023


    Kartikey Kumar and P.Bansal, “Experimental in loop analysis of Reduced Device Count Hybrid Multi-Level Inverter Topology control by Universal Control Technique”, International Student Conference on Multidisciplinary and Current Technical Research(ISCMCTR-2023), MITS, Gwalior, 20-21May , 2023

Dr. Dhananjay Bisen

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: B.E., M.Tech., Ph.D. (IT)
Area of Interest: Computer Programming, Data Science, Machine Learning, Internet of Things
Phone No: 09993331506
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • About Faculty: I completed Ph.D. from Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV), Bhopal in Information Technology. Before that, I did Master of Technology (M.Tech.) in Information Technology from School of Information Technology, RGPV Bhopal, and Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) in Information Technology from Government Engineering College Jabalpur. Currently, I am working as an Assistant professor in the Centre for Internet of Things at Madhav Institute of Technology and Science, Gwalior (M.P.) since 08 Nov. 2021. My research interests include Data Science, Machine Learning, and Internet of Things.
  • Education and Qualification:

    Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.)

    Information Technology

    Government Engineering Collage Jabalpur (MP)

    Master of Technology (M.Tech)

    Information Technology

    School of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya Bhopal (MP)

    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

    Information Technology

    Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya Bhopal (MP)
  • Work Experience:
    • Currently, I am working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Technology, Madhav Institute of Technology & Science Gwalior since 08 Nov. 2021 to till date.
    • Three years of experience as an assistant professor in the Department of IT at Rajkiya Engineering College Atarra, Banda (Under TEQIP-III project, MHRD-NPIU) from 04 Sep. 2018 to 30 Sep. 2021.
    • Seven years and 04 months of experience as an Assistant Professor of IT at University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal from 16-March 2011 to 15 June 2018.
    • One year and two months of experience as an Assistant Professor of Information Technology Department at Radharaman Institute of Technology and Science, Bhopal.
  • Honors, Award & Recognition:

    1. Successfully completed 8 modules of NITTT National Initiative for technical teachers training Feb. 2023.

    2. One-week industrial training done on basics of Python, programming fundamentals using Python part-1, part-2, and Python fundamental certificate (exam) in Infosys (17/10/2022 to 21/10/2022)

    3. Recognized as NPTEL believers and NPTEL discipline star in session Jan – June 2022. (Received appreciation certificate).

    4. Recognized as NPTEL Enthusiast in session July – Dec 2023. (Received appreciation certificate).

    5. 1% topper in Industry IOT course NPTEL and 2% topper in Introduction to IOT course NPTEL.

    6. Received Letter of appreciation in Introduction to Computer Programming (230102) and Object-oriented Programming and Methodology (240203) subjects in MITS Gwalior.

    7. Recognized as top-performing mentor for online certificate course “Advance Graph Theory” in Jan-April 2022 by NPTEL.

  • Publications:

    1. Varshali Jaiswal, Preetam Suman, Dhananjay Bisen, An improved ensembling techniques for prediction of breast cancer tissues. Multimedia Tools and Application (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-16949-8.

    2. Varshali Jaiswal, Varsha Sharma, Dhananjay Bisen, Modifed Deep‑Convolution Neural Network Model for Flower Images Segmentation and Predictions, Multimedia Tools and Applications, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-16530-3.

    3. Dhananjay Bisen, Rishabh Shukla, Narendra Rajpoot, Praphull Maurya, Atul Kr. Uttam & Siddhartha kr. Arjaria, Responsive human-computer interaction model based on recognition of facial landmarks using machine learning algorithms., Multimedia Tools and Applications 2022, Impact factor 2.757, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-022-12775-6. (SCIE, UGC care).

    4. Gyanendra Chaubey, Prathamesh Rajendra Gavhane, Dhananjay Bisen and Siddhartha Kumar Arjaria, Customer purchasing behavior prediction using machine learning classification techniques., Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (2022), impact factor 7.104, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-022-03837-6. (SCIE, UGC care).

    5. Tarishi Singh, Praneet Saurabh, Dhananjay Bisen, Lalit Kane, Mayank Pathak, G.R. Sinha, Ftl-CoV19: A Transfer Learning Approach to Detect COVID-19, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Hindawi, Volume 2022, Article ID 1953992, https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/1953992. (SCIE)

    6. Deepak Kumar Jain, Tarishi Singh, Praneet Saurabh, Dhananjay Bisen, Neeraj Sahu, Jayant Mishra, Habibur Rahman, "Deep Learning-Aided Automated Pneumonia Detection and Classification Using CXR Scans", Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Hindawi, Volume 2022, Article ID 7474304, https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/7474304. (SCIE)

    7. Dhananjay Bisen, "Deep convolutional neural network based plant species recognition through features of leaf", Multimedia Tools Application 80, 6443–6456 (2021), Impact factor: 757, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-020-10038-w, Springer. (SCIE, UGC care list), 2021.

    8. Gyanendra Chaubey, Dhananjay Bisen, Siddhartha Arjaria, Vibhas Yadav, “Thyroid Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Approaches”. Acad. Sci. Lett. (2020). Vol. 44, pp 233-238, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40009-020-00979-z. Impact factor: 0.788, Springer. (SCI-E Journal). UGC Journal No: 37249, ISSN: 0250541X. (May 2020).

    9. Dhananjay Bisen and Sanjeev Sharma, "EE-SRA: An approach for MANET with unique feature of agent estimation", National Academy Science Letters, DOI: 10.1007/s40009-018-0693-3, Impact factor: 788, Springer. (SCI-E Journal). UGC Journal No: 37249, ISSN: 0250541X. Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett. (March–April 2019) 42(2):115–121.

    10. Dhananjay Bisen and Sanjeev Sharma, “Fuzzy based detection of malicious activity for security assessment of MANET", National Academy Science Letters, February 2018, Volume 41, Issue 1, pp 23–28, DOI: 10.1007/s40009-017-0602-1, Impact factor: 788, Springer. (SCI-E Journal). UGC Journal No: 37249, ISSN: 0250541X.

    11. Dhananjay Bisen and Sanjeev Sharma, "Fuzzy Based Hybrid Energy Control Technique to Optimize Hello Interval of Reactive Routing in MANET", National Academy Science Letters, DOI: 10.1007/s40009-018-0650-1, Impact factor: 788, Springer. (SCI-E Journal). UGC Journal No: 37249, ISSN: 0250541X. Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett. (July–August 2018) 41(4):211–214.

    12. Dhananjay Bisen and Sanjeev Sharma, “An energy-efficient routing for performance enhancement of MANET through adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system”, International Journal of Fuzzy System, December 2018, Volume 20, Issue 8, pp 2693–2708, DOI: 10.1007/s40815-018-0529-9, Impact factor: 4.673, (SCI-E Journal). UGC Journal No: 22816, ISSN: 15622479.

Dr. Aditya Dubey

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Tech., Ph.D. (NIT BHOPAL)
Area of Interest: Internet of Things, Data Mining, Big Data
Phone No: 6263065605
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • About Faculty: I had completed my Ph.D. from NIT, Bhopal, in computer science engineering. Before that, I did a Master of Technology (M.Tech.) in Computer Science Engineering from MITS Gwalior, RGPV Bhopal, and a Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) in Computer Science Engineering from RGPV Bhopal. Currently, I am working as an assistant professor in the Department of Information Technology at Madhav Institute of Technology and Science, Gwalior (M.P.) since October 11, 2022. My research interests include data science, machine learning, and the Internet of Things.
  • Work Experience:

    I worked as an assistant professor in the department of Computer Science Engineering in ITM GOI Gwalior from June 29, 2015, to July 31, 2018 (03 years, 1 month)

  • Publications:


    SCIE Indexed Journal

    • Aditya Dubey and Akhtar Rasool, “Efficient technique of microarray missing data imputation using clustering and weighted nearest neighbour,” Scientific Reports, vol. 11, 24297, 2021, pp. 1–12.
    • Aditya Dubey, and Akhtar Rasool, “Usage of Clustering and Weighted Nearest Neighbors for Efficient Missing Data Imputation of Microarray Gene Expression Dataset,” Adv. The. Sim., 2022, pp. 1–16. 
    • Aditya Dubey, Rahul Ahirwar, Akhtar Rasool, Ankit Kumar, and Sachin Mehra, “Employing Transfer Learning and LSTM Networks for COVID-19 Detection via Chest Xray Imagery”, Traitement du Signal, Vol. 40, No. 4, 2023, pp. 1319–1328. 
    • Aditya Dubey, et al., Usage of Statistical Techniques to Monitor the Performance of Wind Turbines. International Arab Journal of Information Technology, 2024, 21(2), pp. 338–349. doi: 10.34028/iajit/21/2/15.

    Scopus Indexed Conferences

    • Aditya Dubey, and Akhtar Rasool, "Data Mining based Handling Missing Data," 2019 Third International conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud) (I-SMAC), Palladam, India, 2019, pp. 483–489.
    • Aditya Dubey, and Akhtar Rasool, “Time-Series Missing Value Prediction: Algorithms and Applications,” Information, Communication, and Computing Technology. ICICCT 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 1170. Springer, Singapore, 21–36.
    • R. Sikarwar, P. Yadav, and Aditya Dubey, "A Survey on IOT enabled cloud platforms," 2020 IEEE 9th International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT), Gwalior, India, 2020, pp. 120–124.
    • A. M A, Akhtar Rasool, Aditya Dubey, and B. N. Roy, "Optimized Weighted Samples Based Semi-supervised Learning," 2021 Second International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC), 2021, pp. 1311–1318.
    • V. K. Gond, Aditya Dubey, and Akhtar Rasool, “A Survey of Machine Learning-Based Approaches for Missing Value Imputation,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications, ICIRCA 2021, 2021, pp. 841–846.
    • M. K. Sharma, P. Kumar, Akhtar Rasool, Aditya Dubey, V. K. Mahto, Classification of Actual and Fake News in Pandemic, Fifth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud) (I-SMAC), 2021, pp. 1168–1174.
    • P. Vyas, F. Sharma, Akhtar Rasool, and Aditya Dubey, “Supervised Multimodal Emotion Analysis of Violence on Doctors  Tweets," Fifth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud) (I-SMAC), 2021, pp. 962–967.
    • Das, C., Aditya Dubey, and Rasool, A. (2022), “Outlier Detection Techniques: A Comparative Study,"  Edge Analytics. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 869. Springer, 2022, pp. 551–566.
    • A. Soni, Akhtar Rasool, Aditya Dubey, and N. Khare, “Data Mining based Dimensionality Reduction Techniques,” 2022 International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT), 2022, pp. 1–8.
    • V. S. Charan, Akhtar Rasool, and Aditya Dubey, "Stock Closing Price Forecasting using Machine Learning Models," International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT), 2022, pp. 1–7.
    • Mayank Shukla, Akhtar Rasool, Aditya Jain, Vishwas Sahu, Prerak Verma, and Aditya Dubey, “COVID-19 Detection Using Raw Chest X-Ray Images,” IEEE World Conference on Applied Intelligence and Computing, 2022, pp. 320–325.
    • Rahul Ahirwar, Akhtar Rasool, Aanya Chauhan, Aditya Dubey, Sachin Mehra, and Ankit Kumar, “Covid-19 Detection based on Transfer Learning & LSTM Network using X-ray Images,” IEEE World Conference on Applied Intelligence and Computing, 2022, pp. 300-306.
    • Vikesh Kumar Gond, Aditya Dubey, Akhtar Rasool, and Nilay Khare, Missing Value Imputation Using Weighted KNN and Genetic Algorithm, ICT Analysis and Applications: Proceedings of ICT4SD 2022, 161--169, 2022.
    • Ayush Soni, Akhtar Rasool, Aditya Dubey, and Nilay Khare, Visualizing Commenters Opinions Through Topic Analysis, ICT Analysis and Applications: Proceedings of ICT4SD 2022, 249--257, 2022.
    • Amarjeet Yadav, Akhtar Rasool, Aditya Dubey, and Nilay Khare, “A Hybrid Approach for Missing Data Imputation in Gene Expression Dataset Using Extra Tree Regressor and a Genetic Algorithm”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2023, 998, pp. 127–138.
    • Parth Vyas, Manish Sharma, Akhtar Rasool, and Aditya Dubey, “Comparative Study of Loss Functions for Imbalanced Dataset of Online Reviews”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2023, 998, pp. 115–126.
    • Rane, R., Aditya Dubey, Rasool, A., Wadhvani, R. “Neural Network Based Mortality Prediction in Covid-19 Dataset”, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2024, 1929, pp. 354–366.
    • A. Raj, Aditya Dubey, A. Rasool and R. Wadwani, "Machine Learning based Missing Data Imputation Techniques," 2023 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), Delhi, India, 2023, pp. 1-6.
    • S. Ahmed, Aditya Dubey, A. Rasool and M. Gyanchandani, "Access Control and Encryption Techniques during Big Data Accessing Stage," 2023, 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), Delhi, India, 2023, pp. 1–7.
    • Pansari, R.K., Rasool, A., Wadhvani, R., and Aditya Dubey, “Machine Learning-Based Stock Market Prediction”, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2023, 641 LNNS, pp. 57–67.

    Scopus Indexed Journals

    • Aditya Dubey and Akhtar Rasool, “Clustering-Based Hybrid Approach for Multivariate Missing Data Imputation”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), vol. 11, no. 11, 2020, pp. 710-714.
    • Chiranjit Das, Akhtar Rasool, Aditya Dubey, and N. Khare, “Analyzing the Performance of Anomaly Detection Algorithms, IJACSA, vol. 12, no. 06, 2021, pp. 439–445.
    • A. Yadav, Aditya Dubey, Akhtar Rasool, and N. Khare, Data Mining Based Imputation Techniques to Handle Missing Values in Gene Expressed Datasets, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 69, no. 9, 2021, pp. 242-250.
    • Aditya Dubey, and Akhtar Rasool, “RECENT ADVANCES AND APPLICATIONS OF DEEP LEARNING TECHNIQUE,” vol. 100, no. 13, 5000-5009.
    • Aditya Dubey and Akhtar Rasool, Usage of deep learning in recent applications, Archives of Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 115, no. 2, pp. 46–57.
    • Aditya Dubey, Pradeep Yadav, Priusha Narwaria, Anand Kumar Pandey, and Jyoti Kumari (2023): “An extensive asynchronous symmetric rendezvous technique for cognitive radio networks.” International Journal of Experimental Research and Review, 36, 166–177.
    • Rahul Rane, Aditya Dubey, Akhtar Rasool, and Rajesh Wadhvani, Data Mining-Based Techniques for COVID-19 Predictions, Procedia Computer Science, vol. 218, 210–219, 2023.
    • Aditya Dubey and Akhtar Rasool, Impact on Air Quality Index of India Due to Lockdown, Procedia Computer Science, vol. 218, 969–978, 2023.

    International Journals

    • Aditya Dubey, and Akhtar Rasool, “Local Similarity-Based Approach for Multivariate Missing Data Imputation,” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(06), 9208–9215.
    • D. Shrivastava, C. P. Bhargava, and Aditya Dubey, " A collaborative Image Edge Detection binary data Using the concept of Fuzzy Logic," IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science (IIJCS), Volume 6, Issue 4, April 2018, pp. 018–022.
    • Shirish Mohan Dubey, Deshdeepak Shrivastava, and Aditya Dubey, “Improve the Performance of Frequent Itemsets using Apriori and FP Tree Algorithm,” IJCRTE, 6(1), 2018, 450–453.
    • Aditya Dubey and Sanjiv Sharma, “Performance Measurement of K-means & Spectral Clustering Graph Clustering Algorithms,” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science, Vol. 4, No. 12, pp. 565–570, Dec. 2014.
    • Aditya Dubey and Sanjiv Sharma, “Comparison of Graph Clustering Algorithms, International Journal of Computer Trends & Technology,” 2013; 4 (9): 3230–3235.


Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D., Delhi Technological University
Area of Interest: Metamaterial-based microwave absorbers, antennas, sensors, IoT/Robotics.
Phone No: 
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • About Faculty: Dr. Priyanka Garg has Completed her PhD in 2020 from Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Delhi Technological University, New Delhi in the area of Microwave Engineering. She completed her M.Tech from G.B. Pant Institute of Engineering and Technology, Uttarakhand and B.Tech from College of Engineering Roorkee, Uttarakhand in the year 2016 and 2013 respectively. She has published several research papers in SCI, Scopus indexed journal and conferences in the area of Metamaterial based microwave devices. Her current research interest include metamaterial absorbers, sensors, IoT/Robotics.
  • Work Experience:
    • Presently, working as an Assistant Professor in the Centre for Internet of Things, MITS Gwalior, M.P, India, from Aug 2023.
    • Worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Technology, MITS Gwalior, M.P, India. (Dec 2022-July 2023)
    • Worked as an Assistant Professor at DIT University, Dehradun.(Feb 2022- Dec 2022).
    • Worked as an Assistant Professor at MIET, Meerut.(Aug 2021- Feb 2022).
    • Worked as a Teaching Research Fellow (TRF) in the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Delhi Technological UniversityNew Delhi. (Aug 2016 to Dec 2020).
  • Administrative Experience:
    • SWAYAM Coordinator at the Centre for Internet of Things, MITS, Gwalior.
    • OBE Coordinator at the Centre for Internet of Things, MITS, Gwalior.
    • Class Coordinator of 3rd Year B.Tech Internet of Things (IoT) Course in the Centre for IoT.
  • Honors, Award & Recognition:
    • Recognized as 'NPTEL Stars-NPTEL ENTHUSIASTS' for July to December 2023, from NPTEL Coordinator IIT Madras, India.
    • Recognized as ‘NPTEL Stars-NPTEL BELIEVER’ for July to December 2023, from NPTEL Coordinator IIT Madras, India.
    • Recognized as ‘NPTEL Stars-NPTEL DISCIPLIN STAR’ for July to December 2023, from NPTEL Coordinator IIT Madras, India.
    • Invited as a guest speaker in an FDP on “Modelling, Simulation, and Measurement of High Frequency Antennas for Advanced Wireless Communication” organized by Meerut Institute of Engineering and Technology. 
    • Received a "Research Excellence Award" in 2021 from Delhi Technological University, New Delhi.
  • Workshop/Conference/Organized/Attended:
    • Worked as a session coordinator in the 5th International Conference on sustainable innovation solutions for current challanges in Engineeing and Technology (ICSISCET-2023), at MITS, Gwalior. 
    • Attended a 6 Weeks (60 hours) Live Online Industrial Training on Embedded System with Robotics & IoT Using AWS held on 26 June - 04 August 2023 Organized by EduLakes Solutions LLP In Association with National Service Scheme (NSS) -  IIT Roorkee
    • Attended FDP on “LaTeX: A Scientific Article Writing Language” at DIT University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, 20-24 June 2022.
    • Hosted and Attended FDP on “Emerging Technologies of Opto-VLSI and its Applications” at Meerut Institute of Engineering and Technology, Meerut, UP, 31 Aug 2021 to 4 Sept 2021. 
    • Hosted and Attended workshop on “Teaching Pedagogy” at Delhi technological University, Delhi held on 7th April 2018.
    • Hosted and Attended workshop on “Raising Awareness on Plagiarism and copyrights” at Delhi technological University, Delhi held on 20th March2018. 
    • Attended a one week workshop on “Electromagnetic Metamaterials Microwave infrared optical Applications” at IIT Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh from 19-23 Aug 2019.
    • Attended a one week workshop on “Electromagnetics and Antenna Design (WEAD-2018)” at IIT(BHU), Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh from 23-27 May 2018.
    • Attended an MHRD sponsored GIAN course on “Intelligent Transport system” at Delhi Technological University, Delhi, 27/11/2017 to 01/12/2017.
  • Publications:


    •  Garg and P. Jain, “Isolation Improvement of MIMO Antenna using a Novel Flower Shaped Metamaterial Absorber at 5.5 GHz WiMAX band” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 675-679, April 2020. (SCI Journal with Impact factor: 3.292)
    • Garg and P. Jain, “Novel Ultrathin Penta-Band Metamaterial Absorber”, AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 116, p. 153063, 2020. (SCIE Journal with Impact factor: 3.183)
    • Garg and P. Jain, “Design and Analysis of a Bandpass filter using Dual Composite Right/Left-Handed (D-CRLH) Transmission Line showing bandwidth enhancement”, Wireless Personal Communication, vol. 120, pp. 1705-1720, 2021. (SCIE Journal with Impact factor: 1.671)
    • Garg and P. Jain, “Design and Analysis of a Metamaterial inspired dual band antenna for WLAN application” International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 351-358, 2019. (SCIE Journal with Impact factor: 0.939)
    • Garg and P. Jain, “Design and analysis of Complementary split ring resonator backed microstrip transmission line using equivalent circuit model” Journal of Communication Technology and Electronics, vol. 63, no. 12, pp. 1424-1430, 2018. (SCI Journal with Impact Factor: 0.529)
    • Garg and P. Jain, “A Review of Metamaterial Absorbers and their application in Sensors and RCS Reduction” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 387-411, 2023. (SCIE Journal with Impact Factor: 1.311)
    • Garg, Comments on "Broadband metamaterial absorber on a single-layer ultrathin substrate” Waves in Random and Complex Media, 2022. (ACCEPTED) (SCIE Journal with Impact Factor: 4.051)

     Book Chapters

    • Garg and P. Jain, “Metamaterial-based Patch Antennas-Review” Advances in System Optimization and Control, vol. 509, pp 65-81, 2019. (SCOPUS)
    • Garg and P. Jain, “Extraction of Equivalent Circuit Parameters of Metamaterial- Based Bandstop Filter,” Applications of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Engineering, vol. 697, pp. 173-179, 2019. (SCOPUS)
    • Garg and P. Jain, “Analysis of Metamaterial-Based Bandstop Filters: A Brief Review”, Microelectronics, Communication Systems, Machine Learning and Internet of Things, vol. 887, pp. 621-637, 2023. (SCOPUS)


    • Garg and P. Jain. "Analysis of a novel Metamaterial Absorber using equivalent circuit model operating at 3.5 GHz." In IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics (ICCEM), pp. 246-247. IEEE, 2020.
    • Garg, S. Awasthi, & P. Jain. "A Survey of Microwave Bandpass Filter Using Coupled Line Resonator-Research Design And Development." In International conference on sustainable energy, electronics, & computing systems (SEEMS), pp. 1-9. IEEE, 2018.
    • Garg and P. Jain “Comparative analysis of Transmission line based Bandstop filters using different Metamaterial unit cells operating at 3 GHz” presented in International Conference on Signal Processing, VLSI and Communication Engineering (ICSPVCE- 2019), March 28-30, 2019, New Delhi, India.
    • Garg and P. Jain, “A Review of Multiband Metamaterial Absorbers” presented in National Conference on Microwave Absorbing Materials (VAMMAM-2020), Aug 23-24, 2020, Roorkee, India.


Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Tech., Ph.D., PDF 
Area of Interest: Signal & Image Processing, MANET, IoT.
Phone No: 8328208665, 9502025625
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Work Experience:

     Chronological List of Experience (Starting From Current Position/ Employment)


    Scale of pay &


    Basic & AGP/

    pay level

    Name & Address of Employers

    Period of Experience

    Nature of Work/ Duties

    From date

    To date









    Madhav Institute of Technology and Science,

    Gwalior-506331, Madhya Pradesh.




    Till date








    37,400-67,000 & 10,000

    Balaji Institute of Technology & Science, Narsampet,

    Warangal-506331, Telangana.



    Teaching &

    Administrative Works



    37,400-67,000 & 9,000

    Balaji Institute of Technology & Science, Narsampet,

    Warangal-506331, Telangana.



    Teaching &

    Administrative Works



    15,600-39,100 & 8,000

    RVS Padmavathy College of Engineering & Technology, Sethilpakkam, Tiruvallur-601202, Tamilnadu.



    Teaching &

    Administrative Works






    Yogananada Institute of Technology and Science, Elamandyam, Tiupati-517520,

    Andhra Pradesh.





    Teaching &

    Administrative Works





    Swetha Institute of Technology & Science for Women, C-Ramapuram, Tiupati-517561, Andhra Pradesh.









    Teaching &

    Administrative Works






    Kuppam Engineering College, Kuppam-517425, Chittoor,

    Andhra Pradesh.



    Teaching &

    Administrative Works

  • Administrative Experience:



    Position held









    Institute Accreditation Coordinator

    (ISO, NAAC, NBA, NIRF, 2(f), UGC Autonomous, AICTE & JNTUH Affiliations)

    Balaji Institute of Technology & Science, Narsampet, Warangal-506331, Telangana.













    Institute Governing Body Member

    Balaji Institute of Technology & Science, Narsampet, Warangal-506331, Telangana








    National Service Scheme (NSS) Program Officer

    RVS Padmavathy College of Engineering  & Technology, Sethilpakkam, Tiruvallur-  601202, Tamilnadu.









    Student Welfare Co-ordinator

    Yogananda Institute of Technology and Science, Elamandyam, Tiupati-517520, Andhra Pradesh.








    Head of the Department (HoD)

    Swetha Institute of Technology & Science for Women, C-Ramapuram, Tirupati-517561, Andhra Pradesh.







    Department NBA Co-ordinator

    Kuppam Engineering College, Kuppam -517425, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh.





    Boys Hostel Warden

    Kuppam Engineering College, Kuppam -517425, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh.



  • Research Supervision:





    Number Enrolled

    Degree Awarded



    M.Tech- Research Guide





    M.Tech- Research Guide





    M.Tech- Research Guide



  • Honors, Award & Recognition:

    S. No.

    Name of the Award/Honor

    Academic Body/ Association

    International/ National


    Electoral Awareness & Enrolment Program

    Government of Tamilnadu



    Flood Relief Camp

    Government of Tamilnadu



    Blood Donation Service

    Tamilnadu State Blood Donation Control



    Educational Work

    Uttar Pradesh Book of Records



    Best Lecturer Award

    Abdul Kalam Foundation



    Bharat Vikas Award

    ISR India



    Indo Universal Collaboration for Engineering Education

    IUCEE Scale Mentor Award



    International Association of Research and Developed Organization

    IARDO Award for outstanding Research Scholar-2015



    International Journal of Electrical and Power Systems

    Certificate of Reviewing



    IoP Science

    Certificate of Appreciation



    IEEE Madras Section and Anna University

    Best Research Paper Award



    Bharatia Dalit Sahitya Akadami

    Babha Saheb Dr.Ambedkar National Fellowship Award-2017



    GABS Educational Charitable Trust

    Teaching and Research Excellence Award



    S. No.

    Name of Professional Society

    Membership No.

    Membership Info



    Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)




    International Association of Engineers (IAENG)




    International Association of Academic Plus Corporate (IAAC)

    FRTJQC- CE001640




    S. No.

    Title of Lecture/ Academic Session

    Title of Conference/ Seminar etc.

    Organized by

    International/National/State/University Level

    Academic Year


    Invite Lecture on “Linear IC Applications”.

    Invited Lecture


    Christu Jyothi Institute of Technology & Science, Janagoan-506167,Telangana.

    University Level



    Invite Lecture on “Digital Image Processing”.

    Invited Lecture


    Christu Jyothi Institute of Technology & Science, Janagoan-506167,Telangana.

    University Level



    Invited lecture in the “International Conference

    on Science, Technology, Engineering and

    Management (ICETEST-19)”.

    Invited Lecture



    Jayamukhi Institute of Technological Sciences,

    Narsampet, Warangal-506332, Telangana.







    Invited Lecture on “Artificial Intelligence for IOT and Sustainable Electrical Networks (ICAIISEN’21)”.

    Invited Lecture


    SRM TRP Engineering College,Irangalur-621105, Tamilnadu.






    Invited Lecture on

    “What is Citation”

    Invited Lecture


    TARA Govt. College,

    Sangareddy, Hyderabad-500001, Telangana.





    Faculty Development Program on “Digital

    Image Processing”.





    Jayamukhi Institute of Technological Sciences,

    Narsampet, Warangal -506332, Telangana.







    Invite Lecture on “How to Write a Thesis”.

    Invited Lecture

    TARA Govt.College,

    Sangareddy, Hyderabad-500001, Telangana.





    Guest Lecture on “Global Positioning Systems”


    Guest Lecture

    Christu Jyothi Institute of Technology & Science, Janagoan-506167,Telangana.

    University Level



    Two day workshop on “Introduction to MATLAB for Beginners”.





    Balaji Institute of Technology and Science, Narsampet, Warangal-506331, Telangana.












    Invited lecture in the 2nd “International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Science and Technologies- (ICETEST-18)”.


    Invited Lecture




    Balaji Institute of Technology and Science, Narasampet, Warangal-506331, Telangana.















  • Workshop/Conference/Organized/Attended:







    Academic Year



    MATLAB in Engineering & Technology

    1 Week



    Short term training Program

    MATLAB & Simulink for Engineering Applications

    1 Week



    Short term training Program

    PCB Design & Fabrication

    1 Week



    Faculty Development Program

    Digital Image Processing

    1 Week



    Faculty Development Program

    Linear IC Applications

    1 Week




    Future on Biomedical Engineering

    1 Day




    Plot forms available in Image Processing Projects

    1 Day




    Design of GUI Applications in MATLAB

    1 Week



    Faculty Development Program

    Outcome Based Education


    1 Week





    IEEE Awareness Program

    1 Day





    Sponsored by AICTE/DST/  UGC/State Govt/Others




    Organized by




    Orientation Program.





    Grant Commission (UGC),

    New Delhi,

    Govt.of India.

    1 Month&

    02nd - 30th June 2008.

    Academic Staff College,

    Sri Venkateswara University,

    Tirupati - 517 502 Andhra Pradesh.



    Faculty Development Training Programme on “ANN and Deep Learning”.

    Electronics & ICT Academy,

    Govt.of India.

    1 Week &

    11th - 15th



    National Institute of Technology Warangal-506 006,




    Faculty Development Training Programme on “Outcome Based Education”.

    Electronics & ICT Academy,

    Govt.of India

    1 Week &

    13th - 18th



    TKR College of Engineering & Technology

    Hyderabad-500 097,




    Two-Day Saptahaant Shikshak Prashikshan on “Introduction to Machine Learning”.

    National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD),

    Govt.of India.

    2 Days &

    16th -17th



    Balaji Institute of Technology and Science,Narsampet,

    Warangal-506 331,




    Three day National Level Workshop on  “Advanced Big Data Analytics with Hadoop Ecosyste”.

    Computer Society of India (CSI).


    3 Days &

    19th -21st



    CMR Engineering College,





    Short-term Course on “NBA Accreditation and Participation”.


    Ministry of Human Resource Development


    Govt.of India.

    3 Days &

    21st -2rd



    National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research


    Chennai – 600113,

    Tamil Nadu.




    Faculty Development Training Programme on “Embedded and Real Time Systems”.

    Anna University,


    1 Week &

    16th - 23rd December 2015.

    Anand Institute of Higher Technology, Chennai-603 103,

    Tamil Nadu.



    Short Term Course on “Sensors and Signal Conditioning”.

    Centre for Continuing Education,

    Indian Institute of Technology Madras,



    1 Week &

    25th- 29th



    Indian Institute of Technology Madras,

    Chennai - 600036,

    Tamil Nadu



    Short Term Course on “How to do a good Research Thesis”.



    Centre for Research,

    Anna University,



    3 Days &

    3rd -5th

    August 2015.


    Centre for Research, Centre for International Affairs and Crystal Growth Centre, Anna University,

    Chennai-602 105,

    Tamil Nadu.



    National Service Scheme (NSS)   “Orientation Course” .

    Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports,

    Govt.of India.


    1 Week &

    6th - 12th October 2015.


    Madras School of Social Work,

    Chennai-600 008,

    Tamil Nadu.



    One Day Orientation Programme for “NSS Program Officers”.

    Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports,

    Govt.of India.


    1 Day&

    23rd February 2016.

    Anna University, Chennai -600 025,

    Tamil Nadu.



    Workshop on  “EC6711-Embedded Laboratory”

    Anna University,



    2 Days &

    5th -6th

    May 2016.

    Jeppiaar SSR Engineering College,

    Chennai-603 103,

    Tamil Nadu.



    Two-week ISTE Workshop on “Computer Programming”

    National Mission on Education through ICT


    Govt.of India.

    2 Weeks &

    20th May- 21st June, 2014.

    Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai-602 105,

    Tamil Nadu.



    Faculty Development Programme on “Recent Advances in Supply Chain Network Management”.


    All India Council for Technical Education


    New Delhi,

    Govt.of India.

    2 Weeks &

    6th - 18th


    Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai-602 105,

    Tamil Nadu.



    Two-week ISTE Workshop on “Computer Networking”.

    National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD),

    Govt.of India.


    2 Weeks &

    28th, May - 5th July, 2014.

    Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai-602 105,

    Tamil Nadu.



    Faculty Development Training Programme on “Digital System Design”.

    Anna University,


    1 Week

    12th - 18th

    December 2014.

    Velammal Engineering College, Chennai-600 066,

    Tamil Nadu.



    National Workshop on “Application of Robotics in Manufacturing Industry-2014”.

    Anna University,


    2 Days,

    26th - 27th



    Anna University, Chennai -600 025,

    Tamil Nadu.



    Faculty development programme on “VLSI Systems and its Applications of Power Electronics”.

    All India Council for Technical Education


    New Delhi,

    Govt.of India.

    2 Weeks &

    5th- 19th May



    Velammal Engineering College, Chennai-600 066,

    Tamil Nadu.




    Seminar on “WBAN-Sensing and Signal Processing Challenges”.


    Grant Commission (UGC),

    New Delhi,

    Govt.of India.

    2 Days &

    23rd - 24th March 2015.


    Anna University, Chennai -600 025,

    Tamil Nadu.




    Short Term Course on “New Materials Their Characterization and Applications”.





    Grant Commission (UGC),

    New Delhi,

    Govt.of India.



    2 Days &

    09th -10th October 2014.





    Centre for Nanoscience AND Technology, Crystal Growth Centre & Department of Mechanical Engineering,

    Anna University, Chennai -600 025,

    Tamil Nadu.



    Workshop on “Wavelet Transforms in Signal Processing”.



    Technical Education Quality Improvement Program (TEQIP),

    Govt.of India.


    2 Days &

    14th -15th March


    S.V.U College of Engineering,

    Tirupati-517 502 Andhra Pradesh.



    Faculty Development Training Programme on “Computer Networks”.

    Anna University,




    1 Week &

    18th - 26th

    December 2013.



    Sriram Engineering College,

    Chennai - 602 204,

    Tamil Nadu.





    Two-week ISTE Workshop on “Control Systems”.


    National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD),

    Govt.of India.


    2 Weeks &

    2nd - 12th December, 2014.


    Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai-602 105,




    Two-week ISTE Workshop on “Signals & Systems”.

    National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD),

    Govt.of India.


    2 Weeks &

    2nd- 12th

    January, 2014.

    Agni College

    of Technology,

    Chennai-600 130,

    Tamil Nadu.



    Two-week ISTE Workshop on “Analog Electronics”.


    National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD),

    Govt.of India.

    2 Weeks &

    4th- 14th June, 2013.

    S.V.U College of Engineering,

    Tirupati-517 502 Andhra Pradesh.



    One day National Workshop on “Advances in Signal and Image Processing”.

    Technical Education Quality Improvement Program,

    Govt.of India.

    1 Day &

    28th April,


    S.V.U College of Engineering,

    Tirupati-517 502 Andhra Pradesh.



    Two days National Workshop on “Research Methodology & Green Technology”.


    Grant Commission (UGC),

    New Delhi,

    Govt.of India.

    2 Days &

    29th -30th November 2012.

    Pondicherry University,

    (Central University)

    Puducherry - 605 104.




    In-Country Programme on “Accreditation and Certification of TVET Institutions”.

    Human Resources Development in Asia and the Pacific Region,

    Govt. of India.

    5 Days &

    09th -13th

    January 2012.

    Colombo Plan Staff College for Technical Education and National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research


    Chennai – 600 113,

    Tamil Nadu.



    Short Term Course on “MATLAB Programming”.

    Ministry of Human Resource Development,

    Govt.of India.

    1 Week &

    10th- 14th October 2011.

    National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research


    Chennai – 600113,

    Tamil Nadu.



    International Seminar on “Enhancing Quality of Technical Education through Accreditation”.




    Human Resources Development in Asia and the Pacific Region,

    Govt. of India.





    1 Day &


    January 2012.






    Colombo Plan Staff College for Technical Education and National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research


    Chennai – 600 113,

    Tamil Nadu.



    Training Programme on “Teaching Methodologies and Pedagogy”.



    All India Council for Technical Education


    New Delhi.

    Govt.of India.


    3 Days &

    23rd -25th

    January 2006.



    Indian Institute of Technology Madras,

    Chennai -600 036,

    Tamil Nadu.






  • Publications:

    S. No.

    Title with Page nos.& Month and Year.

    Name of the Journal,

    Vol.No, Issue No.


    ISBN No.

    Impact Factor



    Main Author/

    Author Position


    Routing and Self-Directed Vehicle Data Collection for Minimizing Data Loss in Underwater Network.

    PP: 170-183

    Month & Year: March & 2022

    International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IJFANS).

    Vol.No:11, Issue:1








    (Indexed in

    UGC Care)


    First Author

    (Total Authors:2)



    Fuzzy Based Resource Management Approach for The Selection of Biomass Material.

    PP: 83-97

    Month & Year: April & 2022

    International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IJFANS).

    Vol.No:11, Issue:2







    (Indexed in

    UGC Care)

    First Author

    (Total Authors:2)



    IOT Based Speech Recognition System to Improve the Performance of Emotion Detection.


    Month & Year: May & 2022

    International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IJFANS).

    Vol.No:11, Issue:3








    (Indexed in

    UGC Care)


    First Author

    (Single Author)



    IOT Based Enabled Parking System in Public Areas.


    Month & Year: June & 2022

    International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IJFANS).

    Vol.No:11, Issue:4






    (Indexed in

    UGC Care)

    First Author

    (Single Author)


    IOT Surveillance Robot Using ESP-32 Wi-Fi CAM & Arduino.


    Month & Year: July & 2022

    International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IJFANS).

    Vol.No:11, Issue:5






    (Indexed in

    UGC Care)

    First Author

    (Single Author)


    Smart Agriculture Remote Monitoring System Using Low Power IOT Network.


    Month & Year: August & 2022

    International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IJFANS).

    Vol.No:11, Issue:6






    (Indexed in

    UGC Care)

    First Author

    (Single Author)



    Implementation of an Internet of Things and Machine Learning Based Smart Medicine Assistive System for Patients with Memory Impairment.


    Month & Year: December & 2022

    International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IJFANS).

    Vol.No:11, Issue:8








    (Indexed in

    UGC Care)


    Seventh Author

    (Total Authors:7)



    Machine learning based Analysis and Classification of Rhizome Rot Disease in Turmeric Plants.


    Month & Year: December & 2022

    International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IJFANS).

    Vol.No:11, Issue:8








    (Indexed in

    UGC Care)


    Seventh Author

    (Total Authors:7)



    A Perishable Food Monitoring Model Based on IoT and Deep Learning to Improve Food Hygiene and Safety management.


    Month & Year: December & 2022

    International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IJFANS).

    Vol.No:11, Issue:8








    (Indexed in

    UGC Care)


    Seventh Author

    (Total Authors:7)



    An Enhanced machine learning approach for identifying paddy crop blast disease management using fuzzy logic.


    Month & Year: December & 2022

    International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IJFANS).

    Vol.No:11, Issue:8








    (Indexed in

    UGC Care)


    Seventh Author

    (Total Authors:7)



    A Novel dates palm processing and packaging management system based on IoT and deep learning approaches.


    Month & Year: December & 2022

    International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IJFANS).

    Vol.No:11, Issue:8








    (Indexed in

    UGC Care)


    Seventh Author

    (Total Authors:7)



    Radiation Effect on MHD Free Convective Heat Absorbing Newtonian with variable Temperature.


    Month & Year: December & 2022

    NeuroQuantoloy. Vol.No:20, Issue:20








    (Indexed in



    Fourth Author

    (Total Authors:4)



    Heat and Mass transfer effects over isothermal infinite vertical plate of Newtonian fluid with chemical reaction.


    Month & Year: December & 2022

    NeuroQuantoloy. Vol.No:20, Issue:20








    (Indexed in



    Fourth Author

    (Total Authors:4)



    Dufour and Chemical Reaction Effects on Two Dimensional Incompressible Flow of a Viscous Fluid over Moving Vertical Surface.


    Month & Year: December & 2022

    NeuroQuantoloy. Vol.No:20, Issue:20








    (Indexed in



    Fourth Author

    (Total Authors:4)



    Magnetic field and chemical reaction effects on unsteady flow past a stimulate isothermal infinite vertical plate.


    Month & Year: December & 2022

    NeuroQuantoloy. Vol.No:20, Issue:16








    (Indexed in



    Fourth Author

    (Total Authors:4)



    A Note on Heat Transfer of MHD Jeffrey Fluid over a Stretching Vertical Surface through Porous Plate.


    Month & Year: December & 2022

    NeuroQuantoloy. Vol.No:20, Issue:15








    (Indexed in



    Fourth Author

    (Total Authors:4)



    A Wearable Medicines Recognition System using Deep Learning for People with Visual Impairment.


    Month & Year: December & 2022

    International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IJFANS).

    Vol.No:11, Issue:1








    (Indexed in

    UGC Care)


    First Author

    (Total Authors:7)



    Machine Learning Application for Medicine Distribution Management System.


    Month & Year: December & 2022

    International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IJFANS).

    Vol.No:11, Issue:1








    (Indexed in

    UGC Care)


    First Author

    (Total Authors:7)



    Radiation, Radiation Absorption, Chemical Reaction and Hall Effects on Unsteady Flow Past an Isothermal Vertical Plate in a Rotating Fluid With Variable Mass Diffusion With Heat Source.

    PP: 800-815

    Month & Year: September & 2022

    NeuroQuantoloy. Vol.No:20, Issue:11








    (Indexed in



    Fourth Author

    (Total Authors:4)



    Chemical Reaction, Heat and Mass Transfer Effects on MHD Peristaltic Transport in a Vertical Channel through Space Porosity and Wall Properties.

    PP: 781-794

    Month & Year: September & 2022

    NeuroQuantoloy. Vol.No:20, Issue:11








    (Indexed in



    Fourth Author

    (Total Authors:4)



    MHD Effect on Boundary Layer Flow of an Unsteady Incompressible Micropolar Fluid over a Stretching Surface.

    PP: 9442-9452

    Month & Year: July & 2022

    NeuroQuantoloy. Vol.No:20, Issue:8








    (Indexed in



    Fourth Author

    (Total Authors:4)



    Chemical Reaction and MHD Effects on Free Convection Flow of a Viscoelastic Dusty Gas Through a Semi Infinite Plate Moving with Radiative Heat Transfer.

    PP: 9425-9434

    Month & Year: July & 2022

    NeuroQuantoloy. Vol.No:20, Issue:8








    (Indexed in



    Fourth Author

    (Total Authors:4)



    Smart Agriculture with Internet of Things and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.

    PP: 9904-9914

    Month & Year: June & 2022

    NeuroQuantoloy. Vol.No:20, Issue:6








    (Indexed in



    First Author

    (Total Authors:3)



    Internet of Things Based Pulse Oximeter for Health Monitoring System.


    Month & Year: May & 2022

    NeuroQuantoloy. Vol.No:20, Issue:5








    (Indexed in



    First Author

    (Total Authors:3)



    BOTNET Attacks Detection in Internet of Things Using Machine Learning.


    Month & Year: April & 2022

    NeuroQuantoloy. Vol.No:20, Issue:4








    (Indexed in



    First Author

    (Total Authors:3)



    Investigation on identify the multiple issues in IoT devices using Convolutional Neural Network.


    Month & Year: October & 2022

    Measurement: Sensors.









    (Indexed in



    Second Author

    (Total Authors:5)




    On optimization efficiency of scalability and availability of cloud-based software services using scale rate limiting algorithm.


    Month & Year: September & 2022

    Measurement: Sensors.









    (Indexed in



    Third Author

    (Total Authors:4)




    Energy Auditing and Broken Paths identification for Routing in Large Scale Mobile Networks using Machine Learning.

    PP: 1-12

    Month & Year: August & 2022

    Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing.









    (Indexed in




    First Author

    (Total Authors:8)



    Optimization of Hello Message Broadcasting Prediction Model for Stability Analysis.

    PP: 1-9         

    Month & Year: July & 2022

    Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing.









    (Indexed in



    First Author

    (Total Authors:8)



    Execution of Multitarget Node Selection Scheme for Target Position Alteration Monitoring in MANET.

    PP: 1-9

    Month & Year: June & 2022

    Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing.









    (Indexed in



    First Author

    (Total Authors:7)



    Integrating Nanomaterial and High-Performance Fuzzy-Based Machine Learning Approach for Green Energy Conversion.


    Month & Year: January & 2022

    Journal of Nanomaterial.









    (Indexed in




    Fourth Author

    (Total Authors:12)



    Vehicle Fuel Level Monitor and Locate the Nearest Petrol Pumps Using IoT.

    PP: 233-240

    Month & Year: July & 2022

    International Journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Research (IJIEMR)

    Vol.No:11, Issue:6








    Fourth Author

    (Total Authors:4)



    Applications of IoT on Intrusion Detection System with Deep Learning Analysis.

    PP: 227-232

    Month & Year: July & 2022

    International Journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Research (IJIEMR)

    Vol.No:11, Issue:6








    Fourth Author

    (Total Authors:4)



    Smart Road Safety and Vehicle Accidents Prevention System for Mountain Road.

    PP: 209-214

    Month & Year: July & 2022

    International Journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Research (IJIEMR)

    Vol.No:11, Issue:6








    First Author

    (Total Authors:6)



    Alcohol Detection and Engine Locking System.

    PP: 157-160.

    Month & Year: July & 2022

    International Journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Research (IJIEMR)

    Vol.No:11, Issue:6








    First Author

    (Total Authors:6)



    Wireless Night Vision Camera on War Spying Robot.

    PP: 123-128

    Month & Year: July & 2022

    International Journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Research (IJIEMR)

    Vol.No:11, Issue:6








    First Author

    (Total Authors:6)



    IOT Based Smart Irrigation System Using Node MCU.

    PP: 100-106

    Month & Year: July & 2022

    International Journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Research (IJIEMR)

    Vol.No:11, Issue:6








    Second Author

    (Total Authors:4)



    Study and Experimental Analysis on FBMC and OFDM.

    PP: 49-53

    Month & Year: July & 2022

    International Journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Research (IJIEMR)

    Vol.No:11, Issue:6








    First Author

    (Total Authors:5)



    Face Mask Detection System Using Python Open CV.

    PP: 28-32

    Month & Year: July & 2022

    International Journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Research (IJIEMR)

    Vol.No:11, Issue:6








    First Author

    (Total Authors:6)



    Medical Image Segmentation Using Soft Computing Techniques.

    PP: 27-38

    Month & Year: July & 2022

    Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (JUSST).

    Vol.No:24, Issue:7






    (Indexed in


    UGC Care)

    First Author

    (Total Authors:2)



    Design and analysis of clustering Algorithms using KFCM-CA for Neuro fuzzy based concept using for MRI Medical Image segmentation.


    Month & Year: June & 2022

    High Technology Letters (HTL).

    Vol.No:28, Issue:6






    (Indexed in


    UGC Care)

    First Author

    (Total Authors:2)


    Integration of HGFCM Algorithm for Nero fuzzy based Concept using for MRI Medical Image Segmentation.

    PP: 479-493

    Month & Year: July & 2022

    High Technology Letters (HTL).

    Vol.No:28, Issue:6






    (Indexed in


    UGC Care)

    First Author

    (Total Authors:2)


    Performance analysis of various FCM algorithms for Neuro Fuzzy Based Concept using for MRI Medical Image Segmentation.

    PP: 1764-1777

    Month & Year: July & 2022

    GIS Science Journal (GSJ).

    Vol.No:9, Issue:6







    (Indexed in


    UGC Care)


    First Author

    (Total Authors:2)



    Investigations of Internet of Things (IoT): Technologies, Challenges and Applications in healthcare.

    PP: 143-153

    Month & Year: February & 2022

    International Journal of Research (IJR).

    Vol.No:XI, Issue:II









    First Author

    (Total Authors:3)



    Review of Internet of Things (IoT) for future generation wireless communications.

    PP: 1-8

    Month & Year: February & 2022

    International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology (IJMTST).

    Vol.No:8, Issue:3








    (Indexed in

    UGC Care)


    First Author

    (Total Authors:3)




    MHD Effect on Convective Flow of Dusty Viscous Fluid with Fraction in A Porous Medium and Heat Generation.

    PP: 393-404

    Month & Year: November & 2021

    Journal of Mathematical Control Science & Applications (JMCSA).

    Vol.No:7, Issue:2








    (Indexed in


    UGC Care)


    Fourth Author

    (Total Authors:4)



    Survey on Massive MIMO: Technology, Challenges, Opportunities and Benefits.

    PP: 271-282

    Month & Year: November & 2021


    Vol.No:20, Issue:11








    (Indexed in


    UGC Care)

    Second Author

    (Total Authors:2)



    A Survey on Future Generation Wireless Communications-5 Multiple Access Techniques, Physical Layer Security, Beam forming Approach.

    PP: 449-474

    Month & Year: November & 2021

    Journal of Information

     and Computational Science (JoICS).

    Vol.No:11, Issue:9








    First Author

    (Total Authors:2)



    BER, SNR and PAPR Analysis of OFDMA and SC-FDMA.

    PP: 970-977

    Month & Year: November & 2021

    GIS Science Journal (GSJ).

    Vol.No:8, Issue:9








    (Indexed in


    UGC Care)

    First Author

    (Total Authors:2)




    Performance and Comparative Analysis of MIMO System Channel Capacity on the Rayleigh Fading Channel.

    PP: 156-165

    Month & Year: November & 2021

    Stochastic Modeling &

    Applications (SPA).

    Vol.No:25, Issue:3








    UGC Care)


    Second Author

    (Total Authors:4)



    Comparison of Traditional Method with watershed threshold segmentation Technique.

    PP: 181-187

    Month & Year: January & 2021

    International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Analysis (IJAEMA).

    Vol.No:XIII, Issue:1








    UGC Care)

    First Author

    (Total Authors:2)




    Synchronization and channel estimation in OFDM using modified least minimum mean square error.

    PP: 70-74

    Month & Year: May & 2021

    International Journal for Recent Developments in Science & Technology


    Vol.No:5, Issue:5







    First Author

    (Total Authors:4)



    Radiation Effect to MHD Oscillatory Flow in A Channel Filled Through A Porous Medium With Heat Generation.

    PP: 71-80

    Month & Year: December & 2019

    Journal of Mathematical Control Science &

    Applications (JMCSA).

    Vol.No:5, Issue:2







    (Indexed in


    UGC Care)


    Fourth Author

    (Total Authors:4)



    Comparative study and analysis of OFDM, MIMO, FBMC and GFDM Techniques.

    PP: 426-430

    Month & Year: December & 2019

    International Journal for Recent Developments in Science & Technology


    Vol.No:3, Issue:12








    First Author

    (Total Authors:4)



    Smart Healthcare Monitoring Based on IoT.

    PP: 34-42

    Month & Year: August & 2018

    International Journal for Advanced Research In Science & Technology (IJARST).

     Vol.No:8, Issue:8







    First Author

    (Total Authors:3)



    Local Mesh Patterns for Medical Image Segmentation.


    Month & Year: February & 2018

    Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences (APJHS).

    Vol.No:5, Issue:1







    UGC Care)

    First Author

    (Total Authors:2)



    Local Maximum Edge Binary Patterns for Medical Image Segmentation.

    PP: 504-509

    Month & Year: February & 2018

    International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET).

    Vol.No:4, Issue:1









    UGC Care)


    First Author

    (Total Authors:2)



    Analytical Study on Induced Magnetic Field with Radiating Fluid Over a Porous Vertical Plate with Heat Generation.

    PP: 113-126

    Month & Year: December & 2017

    Journal of Mathematical Control Science &

    Applications (JMCSA).

    Vol.No:3, Issue:2








    (Indexed in


    UGC Care)


    Third Author

    (Total Authors:4)



    Multi-Hyperbolic Tangent Fuzzy C-means Algorithm with Spatial Information for MRI Segmentation.

    PP: 135-145

    Month & Year: September   & 2016

    International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering (IJSISE).

    Vol.No:9, Issue:3







    (Indexed in




    First Author

    (Total Authors:2)



    Analysis of Xtrinsic Sense MEMS Sensors.

    PP: 7228-7234

    Month & Year: August   & 2015

    International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE).

    Vol.No:4, Issue:8







    First Author

    (Single Author)



    Multi-Kernels Integration for FCM algorithm for Medical Image Segmentation Using Histogram Analysis.

    PP: 1-8

    Month & Year: December & 2015

    Indian Journal of Science and Technology (IJST). Vol.No:8, Issue:34








    (Indexed in




    First Author

    (Total Authors:2)



    Evaluation of Integrated Hyperbolic Tangent and Gaussian Kernels Function for Medical Image Segmentation.

    PP: 38684-38689

    Month & Year: December & 2015

    International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER).

    Vol.No:10, Issue:18







    (Indexed in


    First Author

    (Total Authors:2)



    Hyperbolic Tangent Fuzzy C-means Algorithm with Spatial Information for MRI Segmentation.

    PP: 18241-18257

    Month & Year: November & 2015

    International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER).

    Vol.No:10, Issue:7







    (Indexed in



    First Author

    (Total Authors:2)



    Brain MRI Medical Image Segmentation using fuzzy based clustering algorithms.

    PP: 83-88

    Month & Year: August & 2015

    International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT).

    Vol.No:22, Issue:2







    (Indexed in



    First Author

    (Total Authors:2)



    MRI Image Segmentation Using Gaussian Kernel Based Fuzzy C-means Algorithm.

    PP: 140-145

    Month & Year: April & 2015

    International Journal of Electronics     Communication and Computer Engineering (IJECCE).

    Vol.No:6, Issue:1







    First Author

    (Total Authors:2)



    Medical Image Segmentation Using Kernel Based Fuzzy C-means Algorithm.

    PP: 207-212

    Month & Year: April & 2015

    International Journal of Engineering Innovation & Research (IJEIR). Vol.No:4, Issue:1







    First Author

    (Total Authors:2)



    Two Different Multi-Kernels for Fuzzy C-means Algorithm for Medical Image Segmentation.


    Month & Year: February & 2015

    International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT).

    Vol.No:20, Issue:2








    (Indexed in



    First Author

    (Total Authors:2)



    PSNR Based Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms for MRI Medical Image Segmentation.

    PP: 1-7

    Month & Year: December & 2013

    International Journal of Image Processing and Visual Communication (IJIPVC).

    Vol.No:2, Issue:2







    First Author

    (Total Authors:2)



    PSNR Based Evaluation of Multiple-Kernel Based FCM for Medical Image Segmentation.

    PP: 43-52

    Month & Year: November   & 2013

    International Journal of Image Processing and Applications (IJIPA).

    Vol.No:4, Issue:2








    First Author

    (Total Authors:2)



    A Novel Multiple-Kernel Based Fuzzy c-means Algorithm with Spatial Information for Medical Image Segmentation.

    PP: 1-13

    Month & Year: November   & 2013

     International Journal of

    Image Processing (IJIP).

    Vol.No:7, Issue:3









    First Author

    (Total Authors:2)


Dr. Saurabh Kumar Rajput

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D.(NIT Patna), M.Tech. (IIT Delhi), B.Tech. (UPTU Lucknow).
Area of Interest: Performance and Economic Analysis of Rooftop PV integrated Low Voltage Distribution Power System, Industrial Energy Auditing & Management.

Phone No/ E-Mail: +91-9555969573/ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • About Faculty: Dr. Saurabh Kumar Rajput is a result-driven, dynamic facilitator in the field of Energy efficiency and Rooftop PV systems, with rich experience of over 14 years in teaching, research and consultancy at national and international level.
  • Work Experience:

    Total Teaching, Research & Consultancy Experience: 14 Years

    • Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Madhav Institute of Technology and Science Gwalior, MP. India (A Govt. Aided, UGC Autonomous & NAAC Accredited Institute, Affiliated to RGPV Bhopal) [Sep. 2018 onwards].
    • Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, ABES Engineering College Ghaziabad, UP. India (Affiliated to AKTU Lucknow) [Aug. 2017 - Aug. 2018].
    • Assistant Professor, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Northern India Textile Research Association Ghaziabad, UP. India (Linked to Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India and Affiliated to AKTU Lucknow) [Aug. 2012 - July. 2017].
    • Lecturer, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut, UP. India (Affiliated to AKTU Lucknow) [Jul. 2008 - Jul. 2010].
    • Lecturer, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Bhagwant Institute of Technology, Muzaffarnagar, UP. India (Affiliated to AKTU Lucknow) [Feb. 2007 - Jul. 2008].
  • Honors, Award & Recognition:
    • All India Topper (Top 5%) in the NPTEL course "Non-Conventional Energy Resources", Indian Institute of Technology Madras in Jan-April 2019. https://archive.nptel.ac.in/noc/courses/noc19/SEM1/noc19-ge11/ 
    • Best Research Paper Award at the 3rd Electric Power and Renewable Energy Conference (EPREC 2022), National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur, India (May, 2022) in recognition of his paper titled "Energy-Metrics Analysis of 2 kWp Rooftop PV system located in Gwalior, India (paper ID-218)".

    • Recognition for developing a MOOC for the course "Solar PV System: Design & Economics (130614)", Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior. 

    • Appreciation for the organization (team member) of the International Conference ICSISCET 2021, Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior.
    • FFI based Appreciation for contribution towards teaching & learning, Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior :: Receiving appreciation letter continuously from past 3 Academic Sessions- 2019-2020, 2020-2021 & 2021-2022.
  • Publications:

    Total number of publications: 22

    Publication in Journals (SCI/SCIE/ESCI/SCOPUS): 07

    • Raj G. Chauhan, Saurabh Kumar Rajput and Himmat Singh (2022). "Additional power conservation in 200W power plant with the application of high thermal profiled cooling liquid & improved deep learning based maximum power point tracking algorithm." Techno Press, Advances in Energy Research; Volume 8, Number 3, September 2022 , pages 185-202. https://doi.org/10.12989/eri.2022.8.3.185.
    • Saurabh Kumar Rajput & Dharmendra Kumar Dheer (2022). "Forecasting power-factor reductions in rooftop PV-integrated industrial power systems: Mathematical modelling and experimental validation." Elsevier, Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks; Volume 33: 100974. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.segan.2022.100974 
    • Saurabh Kumar Rajput & Dharmendra Kumar Dheer (2022). "Impact of Solar Intensity on Photovoltaic-Generated Current Harmonics and Transformer Life: A Mathematical Model With Experimental Validation." ASME. J. Sol. Energy Eng. April 2023; 145(2): 021006. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4055101
    • Saurabh Kumar Rajput & Dharmendra Kumar Dheer (2022). "Integration of 100-kWp PV with low-voltage distribution power system in composite climate: performance and energy metrics analysis." Taylor & Francis, International Journal of Ambient Energy, DOI: 10.1080/01430750.2022.2092775 
    • Saurabh Kumar Rajput & Dharmendra Kumar Dheer (2022). "Performance Analysis and Energy Conservation of PV Based Hybrid Power System." River Publication, Distributed Generation & Alternative Energy Journal38(01), 67–84. https://doi.org/10.13052/dgaej2156-3306.3814  
    • Saurabh Kumar Rajput & Dharmendra Kumar Dheer, (2021). "Mathematical modelling and experimental validation for impact of high solar cell temperature on transformer loading and life." Elsevier, Renewable Energy Focus, Volume 39, 2021, Pages 27-36, ISSN 1755-0084, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ref.2021.07.001 
    • Saurabh Kumar Rajput, Rakesh Sharma, R.C. Yadaw & Vimal Chaturvedi (2014). "Influence of High Module Temperature on Output of Opaque and Semitransparent Type Photovoltaic Modules: A  Comparative Analysis." IJETAE (International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering), Volume 4 (1), 2021, Pages 89-92, ISSN 2250-2459. 

    Publications in IEEE Xplore: 07

    • S. K. Roy, S. K. Rajput, R. Prakash and D. K. Dheer, "Performance and Energy Metrics Analysis of Stand Alone Rooftop PV plant," 2022 2nd International Conference on Emerging Frontiers in Electrical and Electronic Technologies (ICEFEET), 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICEFEET51821.2022.9848352
    • A. Vishwakarma, A. Sahu, N. Sheikh, P. Payasi, S. K. Rajput and L. Srivastava, "IOT Based Greenhouse Monitoring And Controlling System," 2020 IEEE Students Conference on Engineering & Systems (SCES), 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/SCES50439.2020.9236693.
    • S. K. Rajput, D. K. Dheer and S. Wadhwani, "Energy Consumption and Energy Saving Potential in Indian Textile Sector," 2020 International Conference on Emerging Frontiers in Electrical and Electronic Technologies (ICEFEET), 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICEFEET49149.2020.9186951.
    • S. K. Rajput, P. Rani, P. k. Sadhu, M. Sadhu and N. Das, "Energy Conservation in Textile Industries by Replacing Rewound Motors – An Energy Audit Study," 2018 International Conference on Power Energy, Environment and Intelligent Control (PEEIC), 2018, pp. 820-824, doi: 10.1109/PEEIC.2018.8665587.
    • O. Singh, A. Iqbal, S. Kumar and S. K. Rajput, "Hybrid renewable energy system integration in the micro-grid: Indian context," 2016 International Conference on Control, Computing, Communication and Materials (ICCCCM), 2016, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICCCCM.2016.7918245.
    • S. Kumar Rajput and O. Singh, "Energy audit in textile industry: A study with ring frame motor," 2016 International Conference on Control, Computing, Communication and Materials (ICCCCM), 2016, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICCCCM.2016.7918234.
    • O. Singh and S. K. Rajput, "Mathematical modelling and simulation of solar photovoltaic array system," 2016 International Conference on Research Advances in Integrated Navigation Systems (RAINS), 2016, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/RAINS.2016.7764395.

    Publications in Springer book chapters: 07

    • Rajput, S.K., Tripathi, A.K., Pandit, M. (2023). Energy-Metrics Analysis of 2 kWp Rooftop PV System Located in Gwalior India. In: Gupta, O.H., Singh, S.N., Malik, O.P. (eds) Recent advances in Power Systems. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 960. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-6605-7_18
    • Kohli, K., Rajput, S.K., Wadhwani, S. (2022). Detailed Economic Analysis of Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic System: Case Study of Institutional Building. In: Mahajan, V., Chowdhury, A., Padhy, N.P., Lezama, F. (eds) Sustainable Technology and Advanced Computing in Electrical Engineering . Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 939. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-4364-5_32 
    • Rajput, S.K., Dheer, D.K., Wadhwani, S. (2022). Improving Energy Efficiency of Ring Frame Motor of Textile Industry. In: Dubey, H.M., Pandit, M., Srivastava, L., Panigrahi, B.K. (eds) Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Computing. Algorithms for Intelligent Systems. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-1220-6_32
    • Deo, A., Rajput, S.K. (2021). Improving Energy Efficiency and Reducing CO2 Emission of Institutional Building: An Energy Audit Case Study. In: Vadhera, S., Umre, B.S., Kalam, A. (eds) Latest Trends in Renewable Energy Technologies. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 760. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-1186-5_11
    • Babul, A.K., Rajput, S.K., Singh, H., Yadaw, R.C. (2021). Energy and Economic Analysis of Grid-Type Roof-Top Photovoltaic (GRPV) System. In: Singh, A.K., Tripathy, M. (eds) Control Applications in Modern Power System. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 710. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-8815-0_34
    • Singh, A.P., Singhal, A., Athaya, A., Rajput, S.K., Srivastava, L., Sharma, V. (2021). Energy Audit of Hybrid (Grid, Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic System and Diesel Generator) Electric Power Supply System: A Case Study of Commercial Building. In: Gupta, O.H., Sood, V.K. (eds) Recent Advances in Power Systems. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 699. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-7994-3_27
    • Rajput, S.K., Wadhwani, S., Singh, J. (2021). Reliability and Energy Efficiency of Ring Frame Machine in Textile Industries: Secure, Smart, and Reliable Network. In: Agrawal, R., Kishore Singh, C., Goyal, A. (eds) Advances in Smart Communication and Imaging Systems . Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 721. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-9938-5_61

    Book publication

    • Saurabh Kumar Rajput (2017). Solar Energy: Fundamentals, Economic and Energy Analysis, NITRA Publication, ISBN: 978-9381125-236


    • Conducted Energy Audits in the fields related to Electrical Systems, Air Conditioning and Humidification Systems, Boiler, Furnace, Compressor, Diesel Generator set. 
    • Conducted Electrical Safety Audits.

    Government Funded Project

    Project Id Project title Name of PI & Co-PI Sanctioned Amount Present Status



    Health Monitoring with Energy Conservation of Ring Frame Three Phase Induction Motor (RFTPIM) of Textile Industries using Soft Computing Techniques (June 2019 - March 2021)

    Saurabh Kumar Rajput,

    PI & Assistant Professor


    Dr. Sulochana Wadhwani,

    Co-PI &Professor

    Rs 1377000/=

    Completed, March' 2021


    Energy Analysis of Solar Charkha

    Er. Vikas Sharma,

    PI & PSO NITRA Ghaziabad


    Mr. Saurabh Kumar Rajput,

    Co-PI & Assistant Professor



    Completed, Dec' 2015


Dr. Bhavna Rathore

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D.  IIT Kanpur || M.Tech DTU Delhi || B.E. SGSITS Indore
Area of Interest: Impact of renewable energy source integration on power system stability
Phone No: 7275765537
E-Mail: rathore.pujaThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



  • About Faculty: Dr. Bhavna Rathore joined the Madhav Institute of Technology and Science, Gwalior, in 2018 as an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering. She received her B.E. degree in electrical engineering from SGSITS Indore and her M.Tech. degree in power systems from DTU, Delhi. She recieved PhD Degree in Electrical Engineering from IIT Kanpur in 2022. Her areas of interest include microgrid operation and control, stability analysis of renewable integrated power systems, power quality, and virtual inertia. She has more than five years of teaching and research experience. She has published seven papers in reputed international journals and conferences. She also serves as an active reviewer for various reputed journals and conferences, including IEEE, IET, Springer, and Elsevier.
  • Education and Qualification:

    Ph.D. (Power Engg.), Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India (Sep-2022)

    Thesis Title: Stability Improvement of Microgrids Using Virtual Synchronous Generator Control

    Supervisors: Prof. Saikat Chakrabarti (IIT Kanpur) and Prof. Laxmi Srivastava (MITS Gwalior)

    Research contribution:

    • Analyzed the effect of swing equation parameters such as inertia, damping factor, and reactance on the small-signal stability and transient stability of the VSG.
    • A supplementary damping controller-based VSG controller is proposed to improve the damping and small-signal stability.
    • Auto-regulated inertia (ARI) control and auto-regulated inertia and damping (ARID) control techniques have been developed to improve the transient response of a microgrid.
    • A self-regulated virtual impedance control of a virtual synchronous generator has been developed to limit the fault current and improve the transient stability.
    • Analyzed the effect of virtual inertia and damping factor on tie-line power and frequency response of interconnected microgrids.

    MTech (Power System), Department of Electrical Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India (July 2013) 


    Thesis Title: Distributed Reactive Power Compensation for Radial Feeder

    Supervisor: Prof. Vishal Verma, DTU Delhi

    Research contribution:

    • Developed a controller for reactive power compensation using STATCOM.
    • Developed a current-controlled voltage-regulated control technique to improve the voltage profile of transmission lines using DSTATCOM.

    B.Eng. (EE), Department of Electrical Engineering, Shri G. S. Institute of Technology & Science, Indore, India

    Percentage: 76.62%

  • Work Experience:

    Teaching Experience


    Name of Institution



    Lecturer, Electrical Engineering Department

    SGSITS Indore

    5-July -2010



    Assistant Professor (NPIU), Electrical Engineering Department

    MITS Gwalior




    Assistant Professor (Ad hoc), Electrical Engineering Department

    MITS Gwalior




    Assistant Professor (Regular), Electrical Engineering Department

    MITS Gwalior


    Till date

    Courses taught:

    Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior, India (Sep-2018 to till date)

    • Basics of Internet of Things, Graduate Course, First Year 
    • Sensor Technology, Graduate Course, First Year 
    • Microprocessor & Embedded Systems, Graduate Course, Second Year
    • IoT in Microgrid, Graduate Course, Graduate Course, Third Year
    • Power System-I, Graduate Course, Graduate Course, Second Year
    • IoT Architecture & Protocols, Graduate Course, Third Year

    Shri G. S. Institute of Technology & Science, Indore, India (Aug-2010-July-2011)

    • Basic Electrical Engineering, Graduate course, First Year
    • Power System-I, Graduate course, Second Year


  • Administrative Experience:
    1. Class Co-coordinator

      • Class Co-coordinator of B.Tech./EE/ IVth year students. (2019-2020)
      • Class Co-coordinator of B.Tech./EE-IoT/ Ist year students. (2020-2021)
      • Class Co-coordinator of B.Tech./EE-IoT/ IInd year students. (2021-2022)
      • Class Co-coordinator of B.Tech./EE-IoT/ IIIrd year students. (2022-2023)
      • Class Co-coordinator of B.Tech./EE-IoT/ IVth year students. (2023-2024)
    2. Departmental OBE Coordinator (Feb-2023 to Till Date)
    3. Departmental SWAYAM Coordinator (Dec-2022 to Till Date)
    4. Moodle Co-Coordinator (2019-2020): Worked as coordinator of Moodle Team for Electrical Engineering Department     
    5. Web Co-Coordinator (2019-2020): Worked as coordinator of Departmental Web Development Team of Electrical Engineering Department               
    6. E-News Letter Co-Coordinator (2019-2020, 2020-2021): Worked as coordinator of Departmental E-News Letter Team of Electrical Engineering Department
    7. Annual Progress Report: Departmental Representative (2019-2020, 2020-2021): Worked as a Department Representative to prepare the Department's Annual Progress Report.
    8. Departmental Team Member of the National Institutional Ranking Framework Team (2019-2020, 2021-2022)
    9. NBA and NAAC Team Member for the preparation departmental documents under criteria 3 and criteria 5. (2021-2023)
    10. Team Member: Institute Data for inclusion of MITS in the OUTLOOK-DRSHTI Survey for The Best Professional Colleges by Outlook Magazine. (2018-2019)
    11. Worked as Team Member of Track-3 Committee of International Conference “Innovative Solutions for Power & Energy Systems” in “International Conference on Sustainable and Innovative Solutions for Current Challenges in Engineering and Technology (ICSISCET 2019)” organized by the institute.
    12. Reviewer for the “International Conference on Sustainable and Innovative Solutions for Current Challenges in Engineering and Technology (ICSISCET 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)” organized by the MITS Gwalior.
    13. PC Member for the “International Conference on Sustainable and Innovative Solutions for Current Challenges in Engineering and Technology (ICSISCET 2022) organized by the MITS Gwalior.
    14. Member of Organizing Committee for the “International Conference on Sustainable and Innovative Solutions for Current Challenges in Engineering and Technology (ICSISCET 2022),” organized by the MITS Gwalior.
    15. Session Chair for the “International Conference on Sustainable and Innovative Solutions for Current Challenges in Engineering and Technology (ICSISCET 2022)”.
    16. Session Coordinator for the International Conference on Sustainable and Innovative Solutions for Current Challenges in Engineering and Technology (ICSISCET 2023)”.
    17. Session Chair for the ISCMCTR - 2023 
  • Research Supervision:

    UG Dissertation Guided:

    Sr. No.

    Title of Dissertation / Project


    Name of student(s)


    Load Flow Analysis of Power System Including Distributed Generators


    Vikas Kumar Koli

    Abhishek Soni

    Hariom Mishra

    Rahul Koli


    Power Quality Improvement Techniques for Microgrid using STATCOM


    Sagar Singh Bhadouriya

    Vikash Kumar Panika

    Romil Agrawal

    Shivanshu Singh Parihar


    Smart traffic lighting system using Internet of Things


    Akshay Sharma


    Load Frequency Control of Interconnected Power System


    Varsha Rawat


    Cyberattacks on electric power grid: challenges and solution


    Abhinav Singh Tomar


    Power Quality Improvement of Distribution System using STATCOM


    Akanksha Rajput


    Network Reconfiguration in Distribution System


    Abhishek Malviya


    Economic load Dispatch of Power System Including Distributed Generation


    Abhishek Singh


    A Solution for Faults Detection in Power System


    Adarsh Sharma


    Smart traffic lighting system using Internet of Things


    Akshay Sharma

  • Research Projects, Consultancy & Patents:

    Research Project:

    Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior, India

    Principal Investigator in a Collaborative Research Scheme (CRS) Research Project

    Project Title: Impact of Renewable Energy Source Integration on Power System Inertia: Challenges and Solutions.

    CRS Project ID: 1-5729547592 Funding: Rs 17,17,000 (TEQIP-III)

    Status: Completed

    • Analyzed the impact of renewable energy sources integration on power system inertia, fault current and stability.
    • Developed virtual inertia control techniques for a microgrid to provide inertial support during transients.
    • Designed and developed a virtual impedance-based control technique to limit the fault current in a microgrid.
  • Honors, Award & Recognition:
    • Recipient of Institute Assistantship to pursue PhD.
    • Recipient of Postgraduate Scholarship from Government of India to pursue M.Tech
  • Workshop/Conference/Organized/Attended:
    1. Organized a two-day "Peer-Learning Workshop on Laboratory Practices for Internet of Things" from January 11 to 12, 2024.
    2. Member of the organizing team of an FDP on "Renewable Energy Sources Integration into the Power System" from June 22 to 26, 2022.
    3. Organized a one-day workshop for department faculties on "Computation of Citations & H-Index in (i) Web of Science and (ii) Scopus” on September 9, 2021.
    4. Organized a two-day online training on "PSCAD software" for department faculties from September 25 to 26, 2020.



  • Publications:

    Journal Publications

    • B. Rathore, S. Chakrabarti and L. Srivastava, “ARI and ARID control of virtual synchronous generator for frequency response improvement," in IET Renew Power Gener. 2021; 15: 664– 675. https://doi.org/10.1049/rpg2.12054
    • B, Rathore, S. Chakrabarti and L. Srivastava, "A Self-Regulated Virtual Impedance control of VSG in a microgrid," in Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 197, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsr.2021.107289

    Conference Proceedings

    • N. Mittal, B. Rathore, Y. Sawle," Approach for Automatic Irrigation with Farm Security Using Arduino", in International Conference SIGMAA-2023
    • Prachi Mafidar Joshi, Bhavna Rathore and H. K. Verma, "Metaheuristic optimization techniques’ application to Economic Dispatch problem- A Review", In: Raju Pal and Praveen Kumar Shukla (eds), SCRS Conference Proceedings on Intelligent Systems, SCRS, India, 2022, pp. 349-357. https://doi.org/10.52458/978-93-91842-08-6-35
    • B. Rathore, L. Srivastava, N. Gupta, S. P. Singh, R Sagwal, “A Comprehensive Study on AC Microgrid Control Strategies at Primary Control Level," in International Conference on Sustainable and Innovative Solutions for Current Challenges in Engineering & Technology-2019.
    • B. Rathore, S. Chakrabarti and S. Anand, "Frequency response improvement in micro grid using optimized VSG control," 2016 National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), 2016, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/NPSC.2016.7858916.
    • M. Ashraf, B. Rathore and S. Chakrabarti, "Performance analysis of static network reduction methods commonly used in power systems," 2014 Eighteenth National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), 2014, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/NPSC.2014.7103837.
    • Vishal Verma and Bhavna Rathore, “D-FACTs: Indian Perspective” In National Conference “Power & Energy system for Tomorrow” NEEC-2011, DTU (New Delhi).

    Book Chapter

    • Rathore, L. Srivastava, N. Gupta, S. P. Singh, R Sagwal, “A Comprehensive Study on AC Microgrid Control Strategies at Primary Control Level," in Intelligent Computing Applications for Sustainable Real-World Systems


Dr. Kaushal Pratap Sengar

Designation: Assistant Professor 
Qualification: PhD, NIT Raipur
Area of Interest: Application of IoT in Electrical Engineering, Optimization Techniques, High Voltage Engineering
Phone No:7581831949
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • About Faculty: Dr. Kaushal Pratap Sengar is an Assistant Professor at Madhav Institute of Technology & Science Gwalior. He obtained his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Raipur in 2021, Master of Engineering in Power System from UIT-RGPV, Bhopal in 2012, and Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering from Jabalpur Engineering College in 2008. He has total 9 years of teaching & research experience. His research interests include Cost effective design of HVAC Substation, Application of IoT in Electrical Engineering, High Voltage Engineering. He is reviewer of IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, Wiley journals.
  • Work Experience:

    Teaching & Research Experience: 10 Years

  • Administrative Experience:

    1. E-News Letter Coordinator 

    Working as e-newsletter coordinator of Departmental E-News Letter Team of Centre for Internet of Things.

    2. Industry Institute Interaction Coordinator

    Working as Industry Institute Interaction Coordinator in Centre for Internet of Things.  

  • Research Supervision:

    M.E/M.Tech Thesis Guided: 07

  • Honors, Award & Recognition:
    1. Kaushal Pratap Sengar, K. Chandrasekaran, “Analysis of Equally and Unequally Spaced Square and Rectangular Grounding Grid” in International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Smart Grid and Smart City Applications, (AISGSC-2019), Paper ID-73, PSG, Coimbatore 2019. (Best Research Paper Award)
    2. Chief Editor of International Conference Proceeding ICETIES-2022 organized at School of Engineering and Technology, Sandip University, Nashik, (M.H)
    3. Professional Membership of International Association of Engineers with ID 312978.
    4. Successfully completed “International Faculty Development Program on Qualitative and Quantitative Research Design in Higher Education"Organized by: Eudoxia Research Centre and Eudoxia Research University - USA
    5. Successfully completed One Week (10 hours) Live Online Industrial Training on Data Analysis With Python held on 24-28 July 2023 Organized by EduLakes Solutions LLP In Association with National Service Scheme (NSS)-IIT Roorkee.
    6. Successfully completed 1 week workshop on “Hands on Mastering RTOS and IoT Pro Developments Boards organised by CVR College of Engineering Hyderabad during 13-19 April 2024.
    7. Successfully completed Two Week Faculty Training on IOT and Edge AI in MITS Gwalior.
    8. Successfully completed two weeks hands on session on Python Programming organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, Madhav Institute of Technology & Science Gwalior, M.P.
    9. Session chair in ISCMCTR-2023, organized by Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior, M.P on May 20-21, 2023.
    10. Delivered an expert Talk on “Recent Advancement in Science & Technology” on the occasion of National Technology Day 13 May 2023, in Vikrant University Gwalior, M.P
    11. Session Coordinator of 5th International Conference on Sustainable and Innovative Solutions for Current Challenges in Engineering & Technology (ICSISCET 2023) at Madhav Institute of technology and Science, Gwalior, MP. (October 21-22, 2023).
  • Workshop/Conference/Organized/Attended:
    1. Organize International conference on “Recent trends and innovation in engineering and science (ICETIES-2022) during 14th-15th October 2022 at School of Engineering and Technology, Sandip University Nashik (M.H). 
    2. Organized one day National Level Poster Presentation on “Visualizing Connectivity: IoT Poster Expo-2024”, on 10th February 2024, in hybrid mode at Madhav Institute of Technology, Gwalior, M.P.
    3. Attended one week national workshop on “Hands on Training on Reading and Writing a Research Paper” during 9th -13th December 2017 at National Institute of Technology Raipur (C.G).
    4. Attended five days short term training program on “Recent Advances in Modern Power Technologies” held from 12th – 16th January 2019 at National Institute of Technology Raipur (C.G).
    5. Attended five days national workshop on Artificial Intelligence (AI-2019) during 22nd-26th September 2019 under the scheme of AICTE, ATAL academy program at National Institute of Technology, Raipur (C.G).
    6. Attended five days faculty development program on “Real Time Hardware in the Loop (HIL) Simulation for Power Electronics and Power Systems” during 22th-26th, June 2020, Organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, Rajkiya Engineering College Mainpuri (U.P)
    7. Attended one day seminar on “Scientific Writing for Journals”, on 1st Sept. 2020, Organized by Springer Nature in collaboration with Central Library, National Institute of Technology Raipur (C.G).
    8. Attended one day seminar on “IEEE Xplore: Search vs Research”, on 15th July 2020 Organized by IEEE in collaboration with Central Library, National Institute of Technology Raipur (C.G).
    9. Attended one week faculty development program onRecent Advancements in Generation and Control in Modern Power Systems” jointly organized by the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam and Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India held between 7th -12th March 2022.
  • Publications:

    Publications in SCI/SCOPUS/ International Journals:

    1. Kaushal Pratap Sengar, Kandasamy Chandrasekaran, “Transient analysis of earthing electrodes considering soil ionization phenomenon under lightning impulse condition. Electrical Engineering (2023), Electronic ISSN: 1432-0487.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s00202-023-02111-y 
    2. Kaushal Pratap Sengar, Kandasamy Chandrasekaran" Designing of Cost Minimum Substation Grounding Grid System Using DE, SCA, and HDESCA Techniques", IET Science Measurement & Technology, vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 1260-1267, Aug. 2019. 
    3. Kaushal Pratap Sengar, Kandasamy Chandrasekaran, "Effects of Cost Optimized Grid Configuration on Earthing System Performance: a Comparative Assessment", IET Science Measurement & Technology, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 610-620, Jan. 2020. 
    4. Kaushal Pratap Sengar, Kandasamy Chandrasekaran, "Estimation of Horizontal Multilayer Soil Parameters using Newton Interpolation Polynomial and h‑DETLBO Method", Springer Electrical Engineering, vol. 102, pp. 2083-2094, May 2020. 
    5. Kaushal Pratap Sengar, Kandasamy Chandrasekaran, "Transient Behaviour of Grounding System in buried in Multilayer Soil, Springer Electrical Engineering", pp. 1-14, Aug 2021. 
    6. Kaushal Pratap Sengar, Kandasamy Chandrasekaran, "Parameter Estimation of Horizontal Multi-Layer Soil Using Hybrid DEPSO Method", International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, vol. 29, no. 9s, pp. 3612-3622, 2020.
    7. Kaushal Pratap Sengar, Kandasamy Chandrasekaran, “Analysis of grounding system transient with consideration of soil ionization and mutual coupling effect. Springer’s Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology 10, 53 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s43067-023-00120-2
    8. R. Singh, K. P Sengar, "A Direct Torque Control of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for an Electric Vehicle-Design Analysis Total Harmonic Distortion of Stator Current", International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology”, vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 57-65, Nov.2016.
    9. S. Buchke, K. P Sengar "A New Variant of Topology for Transistor Clamped H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter with Voltage Boosting Capacity", International Journal for Research & Development in Technology”, vol.05, no. 06, pp. 225-229, June 2016.
    10. S. Buchke, K.P Sengar "A New Approach for Transistor-Clamped H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter with voltage Boosting Capacity", International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 19-23, Aug. 2016.

    Publications in National/International Conference:

    1. Kaushal Pratap Sengar, Dr. Kandasamy Chandrasekaran, “Grounding Systems Transient with Frequency Dependent Soil Parameters: A Time Domain Approach” in 3rd IEEE international conference on electrical power and energy systems, jointly organized by department of electrical engineering MANIT Bhopal and NPTI Faridabad on 21-22 June 2024.
    2. Rahul Sharma, Kaushal Pratap Sengar “Maximum Feasibility and Capacity: Solar Wind Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems for Remote Areas” in 2nd International Student Conference on Multidisciplinary and Current Technical Research, ISCMCTR-2024, held at Madhav Institute of Technology & Science,   Gwalior during 20-21 April 2024. 
    3. S. Tripathi, K. P. Sengar, P. Bansal, “Development and Analysis of IoT-Based Smart Healthcare Monitoring System” 1st International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Applications (ETAEE-2023, 21-22nd December 2023), NIT Raipur, C.G (In Print- CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group).
    4. Kaushal Pratap Sengar, K. Chandrasekaran, "A Mathematical Modelling of Grounding System Buried in Multilayer Soil Structure”, in IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy & Control (STPEC 2020), Paper ID-181, VNIT, Nagpur 2020.
    5. Kaushal Pratap Sengar, K. Chandrasekaran, “Comparative Analysis of Grounding Grid Configurations with Equal and Unequal Spaced Design” in IEEE International Conference on Energy Systems and Information Processing (ICESIP-2019), Paper ID-236, IIITDM, Kancheepuram 2019.
    6. Kaushal Pratap Sengar, K. Chandrasekaran, “Analysis of Equally and Unequally Spaced Square and Rectangular Grounding Grid” in International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Smart Grid and Smart City Applications, (AISGSC-2019), Paper ID-73, PSG, Coimbatore 2019.
    7. Kaushal Pratap Sengar, K. Chandrasekaran, “Performance Analysis of Grounding Grid Configurations with Equal and Unequal Spaced Design”, in International Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Management (ICRTSM-2018), Paper ID-348, Chennai-2018.
    8. Kaushal Pratap Sengar, K. Chandrasekaran, “Parameter Estimation of Horizontal Multilayer Soil Using Hybrid DEPSO Method”, in International Conference on Electrical Energy System (ICEES-2020), Paper ID-061, Chennai-2020.
    9. Kaushal Pratap Sengar, K. Chandrasekaran, “Optimum Designing of Grounding System for EHV-AC Substation As Per IEEE Std 80-2000”, in National Power Engineering Research Scholar Conference, (NPERSC-2018), Paper ID-HVE 014, IIT Madras-2018.
    10. V. Nimbalkar, K. P Sengar“Renewable energy technologies for sustainable development of energy effective building” in the international conference on recent trends and innovation in engineering and science, Paper ID-153, SOET, SUN, Nashik on 14th October 2022. ISBN: 978-81-958272-6-8.
    11. H. Chougule, K.P Sengar“Different protection scheme for complex power system” in the international conference on electrical, electronics & computer science (ICEECS-2022), Paper ID ICEECS-161122-1503 held in Ernakulam, Kerala on 16th November-2022.


Dr. Murli Manohar

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: PhD
Area of Interest: Microgrid protection, Renewable Energy Resources, Application of soft computing and data mining in power system protection 
Phone No: 9907016922
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • About Faculty: Dr Murli Manohar is working as an Assistant professor in the Centre for Internet of Things at Madhav Institute of Technology & Science Gwalior. He received his B.E Degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering and M.E Degree with Power Electronics Specialization from RGPV, Bhopal. He obtained PhD Degree in Electrical Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Raipur in 2021. His areas of interest include Microgrid protection, Renewable Energy Resources, the Application of soft computing and data mining in power system protection. He has published 18 papers in reputed international journals and conferences. He also serves as an active reviewer of various reputed journals and conferences including IEEE, Springer, and Elsevier.
  • Work Experience:

    Total Teaching and Research Experience: 8 Years

  • Research Projects, Consultancy & Patents:

    Design Patent Granted, “Electric Vehicle Battery with Swapping Mechanism”, Intellectual Property, India, Publication Date 14/04/2023, Patents Application No.: 369081-001.

    Design Patent Granted, “LABORATORY EQUIPMENT FOR LEARNING TWO-WHEELER ELECTRIC VEHICLE CONNECTION”, Intellectual Property, India, Publication Date 10/01/2024, Patents Application No.: 381947-001.

  • Honors, Award & Recognition:

    1) Ranked among the Top 2% of the World scientists in 2021 by Stanford University.

    2) Received Best Paper Award in the Springer-sponsored International Conference on Smart Technologies for Energy, Environment & Sustainable Development (ICSTEESD-2020), organized by GHRCE, Nagpur during 4-5 Dec. 2020.

    3) Received “Acharya Chanakya Samman-2022” for research by Honorable Governor of M.P, Shri Mangubhai Patel on 20th Aug 2022 at Ravindra Bhawan, Bhopal.

    4) Recognized as the NPTEL-Star under Believers Category for the NPTEL exams qualified during the session July-Dec 2023.

  • Workshop/Conference/Organized/Attended:
    • Attended National Level workshop on “Embedded System & VLSI Design” held at MANIT, Bhopal during 08.03.2008 to 09.03.2008.
    • Attended two weeks ISTE workshops on “Signal and Systems” organized at Remote Centre SISTec-E, Bhopal by IIT Bombay under NMEICT, MHRD during 02.01.2014 to 12.01.2014.
    • Attended two weeks ISTE workshop on “Control Systems” at the Remote centre SISTec-E, Bhopal organized by IIT, Kharagpur under NMEICT, MHRD.
    • Attended one-week STTP on "Recent Trends in Power System and Renewable Energy" under TEQIP-II organized by NIT, Raipur during 21.09.2016 to 25.09.2016.
    • Attended two-day workshop on "Control of Renewable Power System" organized by Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering, NIT, Rourkela from 28.09.2016 to 29.09.2016.
    • Attended two-day workshop on "Power Quality (PQ) challenges with RE integration in Smart Grid" organized at CPRI, Bengaluru during 23.02.2017 to 24.02.2017.
    • Attended one-week STTP on "PSIM and CYME Platform for Power Electonics and Power System" organized by NIT, Raipur during 06.03.2017 to 10.03.2017.
    • Attended one-week GIAN Course on “Synchronized Phasor Measurement for Enhancing Situation Awareness in Smart Grid” during 09.10.2017 to 13.10.2017 at Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Ranchi (Jharkhand).
    • Attended one-week GIAN Course on “Resilient Power Grid Operation Using Synchrophasor Technology: A Smart Grid Operation Perspective” during 17.12.2018 to 21.12.2018 organized by the Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering, Delhi Technological University (DTU), Delhi.
    • Attended one-week STTP on "Recent Advances in Modern Power Technologies" organized by Electrical Engineering Department, NIT, Raipur from 12.01.2019 to 16.01.2019.
    • Attended one-week short term course on "Recent Advances in Renewable Energy and Power System" organized by Electrical Engineering Department, NIT, Raipur and IEEE Bombay Section from 11.02.2019 to 16.02.2019.
    • Attended one-week National workshop on "Artificial Intelligence" sponsored by ALAL Academy, AICTE, New Delhi organized by Electrical Engineering Department, NIT, Raipur during 22.09.2019 to 26.09.2019.
    • Attended one-week online FDP on "Modern trends in Electrical drives” jointly organized by Nagpur Institute of Technology and The Institution of Engineers (I), Nagpur Local Centre during 19.05.2020 to 23.05.2020
    • Attended one-week online workshop on "Present Trends and Research in Electric Vehicles” organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Rajaramnagar during 27.05.2020 to 31.05.2020
    • Attended one-week National level online FDP on "Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering” organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, VEMU Institute of Technology, Chittoor District (A.P) from 3rd June 2020 to 7th June 2020.
    • Attended one-week online FDP on “Challenges and Research Opportunities in Microgrid Operation, Control and Protection” organized by Department of EEE, Aditya Institute of Technology and Management (AITAM, TEKKALI, SRIKAKULAM, AP) during 15th June to 19th June 2020.
    • Earned FDP Certificate in the 4-week NPTEL course on “Electric Vehicles Part-1” in March 2023.
    • Earned FDP Certificate in the 8-week NPTEL course on “Introduction to Soft Computing” in March 2023.
    • Attended one-day online FDP by Industrial Experts on “Recent Challenges and Opportunities of Power Grids through Industrial Perspective” organized by the School of Electrical Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Vellore, India on 26th June 2023.
    • Earned FDP Certificate in the 8-week NPTEL course on “DC Microgrid and Control Systems” in October 2023.
    • Earned FDP Certificate in the 12-week NPTEL course on “Smart Grid: Basics to Advanced Technologies” in November 2023.
    • Earned FDP Certificate in the 12-week NPTEL course on “Cloud Computing” in November 2023.
    • Earned FDP Certificate in the 12-week NPTEL course on “Power System Protection” in November 2023.
    • Attended one-day online International Seminar on “Technological Advancement on Electric Mobility” jointly organized by TIFAC-CORE, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Vellore, India and Rajamangala University of Technology, Krungthep, Thailand on 15th Nov. 2023.
    • Delivered a keynote lecture on“Reference Management Using Mendeley” in the one-week Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Research Methodology & How to Write a Good Scientific Research Paper” organised by Bansal Institute of Science and Technology, Bhopal on 14th Jan. 2023.
    • Delivered one-week online expert session on“E-Vehicle Repair and Maintenance” organised by SAGE Winter School, Bhopal during 16th Jan. 2023 to 20th Jan. 2023.
    • Delivered an online expert lecture on “Integration Issues and Protection Challenges in Microgrid” in 2-Day Short-term Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Recent Trends in Power Electronics and their Applications in Power Systems” organised by Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering at School of Engineering and Technology, Sandip University, Nashik on 24th and 25th March, 2023.
    • Delivered a keynote session on “Integration Issues and Protection Challenges in Microgrid” in the National Conference on “ Advances in Electrical Power and Energy Systems 2023 (AEPES 2023)” organized by Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, SIRT (SAGE Group), Bhopal during 24th to 25th April 2023.
    • Delivered one-week online expert session on “Electric Vehicles Repair and Maintenance” organized by SAGE Summer School, Bhopal during 04th June 2023 to 9th June 2023.
    • Delivered an offline expert session on the topic “Protection Aspects of Distributed Energy Resources” in one-week Faculty development programme (FDP) on “Recent Advancement & Development in Electrical vehicles & Renewable Energy Technology” under AICTE Training & Learning (ATAL) Academy, organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Sagar Institute of Science and Technology, Gandhi Nagar (SISTec-GN) Bhopal from 4th December to 9th December 2023.
    • Delivered an online expert talk in the One-week Short-term Course (STC) on “Recent Trends In Power Electronics And Sustainable Energy Systems (Rtpeses-2023)”, organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Jalandhar, Punjab during 15th December to 19th December 2023.
  • Publications:


    International Journals (SCI)

    1. Murli Manohar, Ebha Koley, and Subhojit Ghosh. "Reliable protection scheme for PV integrated microgrid using an ensemble classifier approach with real-time validation." IET Science, Measurement & Technology. vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 200-208, 2018
    2. Murli Manohar, Ebha Koley, and Subhojit Ghosh. "Microgrid protection under wind speed intermittency using extreme learning machine." Computers & Electrical Engineering. Vol. 72, pp. 369-382, 2018
    3. Murli Manohar, Ebha Koley, and Subhojit Ghosh. "Enhancing the reliability of protection scheme for PV integrated microgrid by discriminating between array faults and symmetrical line faults using Sparse autoencoder." IET Renewable Power Generation. Vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 308-317, 2018
    4. Murli Manohar, Ebha Koley, and Subhojit Ghosh. "Enhancing resilience of PV-fed microgrid by improved relaying and differentiating between inverter faults and distribution line faults." International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. Vol. 108, pp. 271-279, 2019
    5. Murli Manohar, Ebha Koley, Subhojit Ghosh, Dusmanta Kumar Mohanta, and R. C. Bansal. "Spatio-temporal information based protection scheme for PV integrated microgrid under solar irradiance intermittency using deep convolutional neural network." International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. Vol. 116, 2020
    6. Murli Manohar, Ebha Koley and Subhojit Ghosh. "Stochastic Weather Modeling based Protection Scheme for Hybrid PV-Wind System with Immunity against Solar Irradiance and Wind Speed." IEEE Systems Journal. 2020, DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2020.2964990 
    7. Murli Manohar, Ebha Koley, and Subhojit Ghosh. "Microgrid Protection under Weather Uncertainty Using Joint Probabilistic Modeling of Solar Irradiance and Wind Speed." Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2020, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2020.106684 Vol. 86, 2020
    8. Murli Manohar, Ebha Koley, and Subhojit Ghosh. " Microgrid protection against high impedance faults with robustness to harmonic intrusion and weather intermittency." IET Renewable Power Generation. 2021, DOI: 10.1049/rpg2.12167
    9. P.K. Jena, S. Ghosh., E. Koley and Murli Manohar.  “An Ensemble Classifier Based Scheme for Detection of False Data Attacks Aiming at Disruption of Electricity Market Operation”.  Journal of Network and Systems Management, 29, 43 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10922-021-09610-y.
    10. S.P. Tiwari, E. Koley, Murli Manohar, S. Ghosh., Mohanta, D. K., & Bansal, R. C. Enhancing robustness of DC microgrid protection during weather intermittency and source outage for improved resilience and system integrity. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, https://doi.org/10.1002/2050-7038.13243
    11. P. Pan, R.K. Mandal, M. Manohar et al. "An intelligent protection scheme for DC microgrid using Hilbert–Huang transform with robustness against PV intermittency and DER outage". Electrical Engineering, Springer (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00202-024-02332-9


    Book Chapters:

    1. Murli Manohar, Ebha Koley, and Subhojit Ghosh. “An Efficient MPPT and Reliable Protection Scheme for PV-Integrated Microgrid Under Partial Shading and Array Faults”. In: Eltamaly A., Abdelaziz A. (eds) Modern Maximum Power Point Tracking Techniques for Photovoltaic Energy Systems. Green Energy and Technology. Springer, Cham, (2020).
    2. Murli Manohar, Ebha Koley, Yuvraj Kumar and Subhojit Ghosh. “Discrete Wavelet Transform and kNN-Based Fault Detector and Classifier for PV Integrated Microgrid”. In: Kolhe M., Trivedi M., Tiwari S., Singh V. (eds) Advances in Data and Information Sciences. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 38. Springer, Singapore (2018).


    International Conferences:

    1. Murli Manohar and Ebha Koley. "SVM based protection scheme for microgrid." International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT), IEEE, July 2017, Kannur (Kerela), India.
    2. Murli Manohar, Ebha Koley, and Subhojit Ghosh. "A reliable fault detection and classification scheme based on wavelet transform and ensemble of SVM for microgrid protection." 3rd International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Computing and Communication Technology (iCATccT), IEEE, Dec. 2017, Tumkur (Karnataka), India.
    3. Murli Manohar, Ebha Koley, and Subhojit Ghosh. “A wavelet and ANFIS based reliable protection technique for Microgrid” 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), Jaipur, India, 2019, pp. 1-6.
    4. Murli Manohar, Prema Daigvane, and Sunil Kumar Shukla. “An efficient ensemble based protection technique for transmission line protection” International conference on Smart Technologies for Energy, Environment & Sustainable Development (ICSTEESD-20), Springer, Nagpur, 4-5 Dec. 2020.
    5. Sunil Kumar ShuklaMurli ManoharChintan PatelTarun TailorArun Rathore., “A Combined S-transform and Ensemble of DT based Protection scheme for six-phase transmission line” 2023 International Conference on Power Electronics and Energy (ICPEE), IEEE, 03-05 Jan. 2023, jointly organized by Electrical engineering, KIIT deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar and IEEE Bhubaneswar sub section, Odisha

Dr Gaurav Khare

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Tech. (NIT Calicut), PhD (IIT Kanpur)
Area of Interest: Data-Driven Cyber-Resilient Power System Operation
Phone No: 9099236074 
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • About Faculty: Dr. Gaurav Khare earned his bachelor's degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from RGPV, Bhopal in 2010, his master's degree in Power Systems from NIT Calicut in 2014, and his doctorate in Power System Cyber Security from IIT Kanpur in 2022.
  • Work Experience:
    1. R&D Scientist with GRIDsentry private limited, Bangalore.
    2. Lecturer with Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar.
    3. Assistant Professor with RK University, Rajkot.
    4. Assistant Manager with Heidelberg Cement India Ltd., Damoh.
  • Honors, Award & Recognition:
    • POSOCO Power System Award - 2015
  • Publications:


    • Gaurav Khare, A. Mohapatra, and S. N. Singh, ”A Real-Time Approach for Detection and Correction of False Data in PMU Measurements,” Electric Power System Research, Vol. 191, Feb. 2021, 106866.
    • Gaurav Khare, A. Mohapatra, and S. N. Singh, ”Strategic PMU Placement to Alleviate Power System Vulnerability against Cyber Attacks,” IET Energy Conversion and Economics, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 212-220, 2021.
    • Gaurav Khare, A. Mohapatra, and S. N. Singh, ”State Vulnerability Assessment against False Data Injection Attacks in AC State Estimator,” IET Energy Conversion and Economics, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 319-332, 2022.


    • Gaurav Khare, Abheejeet Mohapatra, and S. N. Singh, “Identifying the Attack Probability of Meters against FDIAs on ACSE", in the proceedings of National Power System Conference (NPSC-2022), IIT Delhi, India, 2022.
    • Devika Jay, Himanshu Goyel, Umayal Manickam, and Gaurav Khare“Unsupervised Learning based Intrusion Detection for GOOSE Messages in Digital Substation", in the proceedings of National Power System Conference (NPSC-2022), IIT Delhi, India, 2022.
    • Gaurav Khare, Abheejeet Mohapatra, and S. N. Singh, “Linearized Attack Vector Formulation against AC State Estimator", in the proceedings of IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT-Europe), Politehnica University of Bucharest,  Bucharest, Romania, 2019.
    • Gaurav Khare, Abheejeet Mohapatra, and S. N. Singh, “Prediction of Missing PMU Measurement using Artificial Neural Network", in the proceedings of National Power System Conference (NPSC-2016), IIT Bhubhaneshwar, India, 2016.
    • Gaurav Khare, N. Sahu, and R. Sunitha, "Optimal PMU placement using matrix modification based integer linear programming," 2014 International Conference on Circuits, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT-2014], Nagercoil,  India, pp. 632-636, 2014.

Dr. Soumyajit Ghosh

Designation:  Assistant Professor 
Qualification: B.Tech(WBUT), M.E(Jadavpur University, Power Engineering), PhD(Jadavpur University, Electrical Engineering), Postdoctoral Research Associate(IIT Kanpur)
Area of Interest: Non-intrusive load monitoring and its applications in smart-grid operation and control, AI and machine learning application in power systems, load monitoring using IoT devices, control of FOPDT and SOPDT processes and energy management in smart home. 
Phone No: 7980640226
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
  • About Faculty: Dr. Soumyajit Ghosh is working as an Assistant professor in EE-IoT (Centre for Internet of Things) at MITS, Gwalior. He received his B.Tech degree in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering from the West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT), Kolkata, M.E. degree from the Department of Power Engineering, Jadavpur University and Ph.D. degree from the department of Electrical Engineering, Jadavpur University, kolkata in 2021. He worked as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Electrical Engineering (Power Systems) at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. He also serves as a reviewer for various reputed IEEE journals.
  • Education and Qualification:
    • PhD, Electrical Engineering, Mar 2016 - Dec 2021, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
      Topic: Development of Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Techniques Suitable for Smart Grid Application.
    • M.E, Power Engineering, Jul 2008 - Nov 2010, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
      Dissertation: Robust Stabilization of a SOPDT process with Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) tuned PID Controller.
    • B.Tech, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Jul 2004 - May 2008, West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata, India

  • Work Experience:
    • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Electrical Engineering (Power Engineering), Jan 2022 - June 2024 Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
    • Senior Research Fellow, Electrical Engineering (Power Engineering), Sep 2021 - Jan 2022 Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
    • Senior Research Fellow, Electrical Engineering (During PhD), Mar 2016 - Mar 2021, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
    • Assistant Professor in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering department at Bengal College of Engineering and Technology, Durgapur, West Bengal, India, Aug 2010 - Dec 2015

  • Honors, Award & Recognition:
    • AWSAR Award: Received “Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating Research (AWSAR) Award 2022” under the Best Stories in Post Doctoral Fellow (PDF) category.
      Ministry/Organization: The Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India
    • Visvesvaraya PhD fellowship, Mar 2016 - Mar 2021
      Ministry/Organization: The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Govt. of India.
    • Gate: Instrumentation Engineering, 2007 (AIR-855)
      Ministry/Organization: MHRD Govt. of India.

    Professional Activities:

    • Senior Member of IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) (Membership number: 94640337)
    • Member of IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS)
    • IAENG Membership (Membership number: 262403)
  • Publications:

    Published Journal Papers:

    [J1] A. Mitra, S. Ghosh, A. Mohapatra and S. Chakrabarti, “Data-driven Sparsification and Multi-resolution Analysis based Framework for Load Identification,” accepted in December 2023 for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, DOI:10.1109/TSG.2023.3343127

    [J2] S. Ghosh, A. Mitra, S. Chakrabarti, and A. Sharma, “Data-Driven Strategy for Appliance Identification using Phase-Space Reconstruction,” accepted in July 2023 for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, DOI:10.1109/TSG.2023.3300584

    [J3] S. Ghosh, A. Mitra, S. Chakrabarti, and A. Sharma, “Decomposition-transformation assisted optimized heterogeneous classification strategy in NILM, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 72, pp. 1-11, 2023, Art no. 2519811, doi: 10.1109/TIM.2023.3291008

    [J4] A. Chatterjee, S. Ghosh, and A. Mitra, “Hybrid Generation Scheme for Delivering Irrigation Loads and other Critical Loads with Smart IoT based Control,” accepted in September 2023 for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Application, DOI:10.1109/TIA.2023.3322114

    [J5] A. Mitra, S. Ghosh, A. Mohapatra and S. Chakrabarti, “Appliance identification via combinatorial fusion analysis-assisted bayesian-optimized classifier,” accepted in June 2023 for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, DOI: 10.1109/TSG.2023.3286949

    [J6] S. Ghosh, A. Chatterjee and D. Chatterjee, “Extraction of statistical features for type-2 fuzzy NILM with IoT enabled control in a smart home, Expert System with Application, Vol. 212, pp. 118750, Elsevier, 2022

    [J7] S. Ghosh, A. Chatterjee and D. Chatterjee, “An Improved Load Feature Extraction Technique for Smart Homes using Fuzzy based NILM,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. Vol. 70, No. 1, PP. 1-10, July 2021

    [J8] S. Ghosh and D. Chatterjee, “Non-Intrusive Identification of Harmonic Polluting loads in a Smart Residential System,” Sustainable Energy Grids and Network, Vol. 26, pp .1-11, Elsevier, 2021

    [J9] S. Ghosh and D. Chatterjee, “Artificial Bee Colony Optimization based Non-Intrusive Appliances Load Monitoring Technique in a Smart Home,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 67, No.1, PP. 77-86, 2021

    [J10] S. Ghosh, D. Manna, A. Chatterjee and D. Chatterjee, “Remote Appliance Load Monitoring and Identification in a Modern Residential System with Smart Meter Data”, IEEE sensors Journal, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 5082-5090, 2020

    [J11] S. Ghosh, A. Chatterjee and D. Chatterjee, “Improved non-intrusive identification technique of electrical appliances for a smart residential system”, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 695-702, 2018


    Published Conference Papers:

    [C1] V. Patel, S. Ghosh, S. Chakrabarti, A. Sharma and S. Pannala “Neural Network Based Fault Location in Power Distribution System”, 2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT Asia), Auckland, New Zealand, Nov. 21-24, 2023.

    [C2] A. Chatterjee, S. Ghosh, and A. Mitra “Wind-PV based Isolated Hybrid Generation for Smart Irrigation Management and Supplying other Critical Loads”, International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (IEEE-SEFET-2022), Hyderabad, Aug. 04-06, 2022.

    [C3] S. Ghosh, D. K. Panda, S. Das and D. Chatterjee “Cross-Correlation Based Classification of Electrical Appliances for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring”, International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (IEEE-SEFET-2021), Hyderabad, Jan. 21-23, 2021.

    [C4] A. Chatterjee and S. Ghosh “PV based Isolated Irrigation System with its Smart IoT Control in Remote Indian Area”, International Conference on Computer, Electrical & Communication Engineering (IEEE-ICCECE), Kolkata, Jan. 17-18, 2020.

    [C5] S. Ghosh, A. Chatterjee, and D. Chatterjee, “A Smart IoT based Non-Intrusive Appliances Identification Technique in a Residential System”, IEEE International conference on “Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE 2020), Kerala, India, Jan. 1-4, 2020.

    [C6] A. Chatterjee, S. Ghosh and D. Chatterjee, “Analysis and control of a two winding IG based wind-photovoltaic generation scheme for domestic application”, IEEE Calcutta Conference, (IEEE CALCON 2017), Kolkata, India, Dec. 2-3, 2017.

    [C7] S. Ghosh, A. Chatterjee and D. Chatterjee, “Load monitoring of residential electrical loads based on switching transient analysis”, IEEE Calcutta Conference, (IEEE CALCON 2017), Kolkata, India, Dec. 2-3, 2017.

    [C8] S. Das, K. Halder, I. Pan, S. Ghosh, and A. Gupta, “Inverse optimal control formulation for guaranteed dominant pole placement with PI/PID controller” International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (IEEE-ICCCI), Jan.10-12, 2012.

    [C9] I. Pan, S. Das, S. Ghosh, and A. Gupta, “Stabilizing Gain Selection of Networked Variable Gain Controller to Maximize Robustness Using Particle Swarm Optimization”, IEEE conference on Process Automation, Control and Computing (IEEE-PACC), July.20-22, 2011.

Dr. Geetam Shukla

Designation:  Assistant Professor 
Qualification: PhD
Area of Interest:  Solar photovoltaic, renewable energy, dye sensitized solar cell
Phone No: 8319887729
E-Mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
  • About Faculty: Dr. Geetam Shukla obtained her Ph.D degree in Energy Centre from Maulana Azad College of Technology, Bhopal, (India) in 2019 and M.E. degree from RGPV University Bhopal. Madhya Pradesh (India) in 2010. She is currently working as the Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering (IOT), M.I.T.S., Gwalior, (India). She is a reviewer of She is a member of IEEE, a recognized reviewer of a few Elsevier journals . Her areas of interest are renewable energy, solar photovoltaics, dye sensitized solar cell. She guided PG dissertations and guiding 04 Ph.D candidates.
  • Education and Qualification:

    PhD, Energy Centre, MANIT Bhopal.

  • Work Experience:

    Teaching Experience:15Years 

  • Administrative Experience:

    Head of the Department in Electrical Engineering, NRI, Bhopal,M.P. (India)

  • Publications:

    Geetam RichhariyaAnil KumarAkash Kumar ShuklaK. N. ShuklaBhim Charan Meikap. Effect of Different Counter Electrodes on Power Conversion Efficiency of DSSCs.Journal of Electronic Materials, (2023) 52,60–71. (https://doi.org/10.1007/s11664-022-09973-1).

    Geetam Richhariya, Bhim Charan Meikap, Anil Kumar.Review on fabrication methodologies and its impacts on performance of dye-sensitized solar cells: Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022), Published: 03 January 2022. (https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-18049-2. (SCI Journal, Impact Factor 4.223).

    Geetam Richhariya and Anil Kumar. Performance evaluation of mixed synthetic organic dye as sensitizer based dye sensitized solar cell: Optical Materials 111 (2021) 110658. (SCI Journal; Impact Factor 3.08) (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.optmat.2020.110658).

    Anshul Awasthi, Akash Kumar Shukla, Murali Manohar S.R., Chandrakant Dondariya, K.N.Shukla, Deepak Porwal, Geetam Richhariya. Review on sun tracking technology in solar PV system: Energy Reports 6 (2020) 392-405. (SCI Journal; Impact Factor 6.870) (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2020.02.004).

     Geetam Richhariya and Anil Kumar. Fabrication and characterization of mixed dye: Natural and synthetic organic dye: Optical Materials 79 (2018) 296–301 (SCI Journal; Impact Factor 3.08). (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.optmat.2018.03.056)

    Geetam Richhariya, Anil Kumar, Perapong Tekasakul, Bhupendra  Gupta. Natural dyes for dye sensitized solar cell: A review: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 69 (2017) 705–718. (SCI Journal 16.779). (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2016.11.198).

    International Conference:


    Geetam Richhariya and Anil Kumar. Grid Interactive Renewable Energy Power in India. Authored in: International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science & Technology (ICETST-14) organized by AISECT University, Bhopal. 14-15th Feb 2014.

    Geetam Richhariya,Anil Kumar, Renu Singh.Absorbance of natural dye extracted from hibiscus Sabdariffa and Bougainvillea Conference: International Seminar on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development-RESD2015. June 2015. At: Royal University of Bhutan,Volume: 2


    • National Conference:

     Geetam Richhariya and Anil Kumar. Absorbance of Natural dye extracted from Hibiscus Sabdariffa and Bougainvillea Flower. Authored in: Saviskar: A National Conference in MANIT Bhopal 2015.

    Geetam Richhariya. Modeling of Fuel Cell. Authored in: National Conference on Evolutionary Computing Technique organized by UIT RGPV to be held on February 16-17, 2012.

    Geetam Richhariya. Simulation of Fuel Cell Hybrid System. Authored in: National Conference on “Athena” SIRT RGPV to be held on April 24-25, 2009.

    Geetam Richhariya. Modeling of Solar Cell. Authored in: National Conference on Advances in Fuel Technology organized by LNCT RGPV to be held on July 24-25, 2009.

    Geetam Richhariya. Modeling and Simulation of Different Components of PVFC Hybrid System. Authored in: National Conference on Advances in Fuel Technology organized by LNCT RGPV to be held on   July 24-25, 2009.

    Geetam Richhariya. Wind Energy System. Authored in: National conference on Conversion of New and Renewable Energy for Electrical and Fuel, organized by JNCT RGPV to be held on Dec 23-24, 2008.

    • National Seminar:

    Geetam Richhariya and Anil Kumar. A review on Different Application of Solar Energy in National Seminar on Emerging Tends. Authored in: Power Systems Engineering and Sustainable Energy Technologies. SCOPE college of Technology, Bhopal. October 16, 2014.



      K. N. ShuklaAkash Kumar ShuklaGeetam Richhariya.Reliability and Availability Evaluation of Hydro Power System. Lambert Academic Publising. 2020.108 pages.ISBN-13:9786202555616.


    Book Chapters


    Geetam Richhariya, Anil Kumar, Samsher. Chapter 2: Solar cell technologies. Book Title: Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion Technologies, Applications and Environmental Impacts, 1st Edition. Elsevier Editors: Shiva Gorjian Ashish Shukla, August 2020. Paperback ISBN: 9780128196106.


    Geetam Richhariya andAnil Kumar. Chapter 4: Review on Performance Affected Parameters for Dye Sensitized Solar Cell. Energy Security and Sustainability Edited by Amritanshu Shukla Atul Sharma. Taylor & Francis Group, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 CRC Press Print ISBN: 978-1-4987-5443-9, eBook ISBN: 978-1-4987-5444-6.2016.

    Anil Kumar, Geetam Richhariya, Atul Sharma. Chapter: Solar Photovoltaic Technology and Its Sustainability. Energy Sustainability through Green Energy, 1 edited by Atul Sharma, Sanjay Kumar, 04/2015: chapter 1: pages 3-25; Springer, ISBN: 978-81-322-2336-8

Dr. Namita Arya

Designation:  Assistant Professor 
Qualification: Post-Doc (Abroad), Ph.D
Area of Interest:  IoT, Circuit Designing, VLSI Design
Phone No: +91-8279535987
E-Mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • About Faculty: She is working as an Assistant professor in IoT Department, MITS, Gwalior. Her expertization is in IoT, Circuit Designing & VLSI Design.
  • Education and Qualification:
    • Post-Doc(USA), P.hD (Circuit Designing), M.Tech(VLSI Design), B.Tech  
    • Dr. Namita Arya has completed her B.Tech  degree from GB Pant University, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand. She has received her M.Tech degree from N.I.T. Kurukshetra. She has been awarded her Ph.D degree from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi.
    • She has been visited as visiting scholar in Hebrew University, Israel.
    • After Israel , She has been worked as Postdoctoral research Scientist in University of Kentucky, USA.
  • Work Experience:
    • She has 9 years of teaching experience and a vibrant research experience.
    • She has worked in various Prestigious institutes like, GB Pant Agri & Tech (2013-2014), Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi (2021-2022).
    • She has been working in Galgotias University, Greater Noida since 2022-2024,
    • She has also worked as an Associate Professor in Vikrant University, Gwalior, M.P. 
  • Research Projects, Consultancy & Patents:
    • She has published many books and patents on the topic of IoT.
    • She has visited more than 5 countries in her academic carrier.
    • She has also worked in a Start-Up as an active role of administrator which was based on Smart IoT Devices.
  • Honors, Award & Recognition:

    In year 2023, She has awarded as Best Young Faculty Award from, Puducherry, Govt. of India under ISO 9001.

  • Workshop/Conference/Organized/Attended:
    • She has attended and present her work in more than 8 conferences all over the India as well as outside the country.
  • Publications:
    • She has published more than 20 research papers in reputed journals as well as in international conferences.

Dr. Aftab Ahmed Ansari

Designation:  Assistant Professor 
Qualification: Ph.D. 
Area of Interest:  Model Predictive Control, Grid Connected Systems
Phone No: 8878425322
E-Mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • About Faculty: Dr. Aftab Ahmed Ansari is currently serving as an Assistant Professor in the Centre for Internet of Things at Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior. He earned his B.E. degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering and M.E. degree with a specialization in Power Systems from RGPV, Bhopal. His master's thesis focused on "Efficiency Improvement of Induction Motor using Fuzzy Logic Controller." Dr. Ansari received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Bhopal in 2023, where his doctoral research investigated "Performance Investigations on Control Strategies of DFIG fed Wind Energy System." Dr. Aftab Ahmed Ansari's research interests span several areas including Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control, Fault Ride Through Strategies for DFIG fed Grid Connected Wind Energy Systems, Fuzzy Logic Control Renewable Energy Resources, and the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Power System Protection. He has contributed significantly to the field with 16 publications in reputed international journals and conferences. Dr. Ansari is also actively involved as a reviewer for various esteemed journals and conferences, including IEEE, Springer, and Elsevier.
  • Honors, Award & Recognition:

    ➢ Certification Course in “Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG” from NPTEL (IISc Banglore)
    ➢ Elite Certification Course in “Electric Vehicles-Part 1” from NPTEL (IIT Madras)
    ➢ Elite Certification Course in “Smart Grid” from NPTEL (IIT Roorkee)
    ➢ Participated in the National Level Quiz on “NANOELECTRONICS & QUANTUM COMPUTING” organized by School of Nanotechnology, UTD-RGPV, Bhopal completed with a score of 33 / 50.
    ➢ Best paper Award on paper titled “Comparative Analysis of Controlling Methods for Doubly Fed Induction Generator Based Wind Energy System” at Electric Power and Renewable Energy Conference (EPREC-2021) at NIT Jamshedpur (India),28-30 May. 2021
    ➢ GATE Qualified in 2017, 2018, 2019,2024
    ➢ Awardee of Central Sector Fellowship and MHRD Fellowships 

  • Workshop/Conference/Organized/Attended:

    ➢ Participated in the AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary Five-day Faculty Development Program on “Emerging Low Power Devices and Advanced Material Processing” at Bansal Institute of Science and Technology from 03/12/2023 to 08/12/2023.

    ➢ Participated in the Five-day on-line workshop on “Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning” held from 02/01/2023 to 06/01/2023 organized by the Department. Of Computer Science & Engineering and Department. of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.

    ➢ Participated in the One Week International Short Term Training Program on “Trends and Challenges in the Development of Electric Vehicle and Hybrid Electric Vehicle” held from 26/09/2022 to 30/09/2022 at Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vizianagram, Andhra Pradesh.

    ➢ Participated in a High-end Workshop on “Real Time Simulation of Power Electronics and Power Systems” organized by the Indian Institute of Technology Indore, Department of Electrical Engineering funded by the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) from 15/07/2022 to 21/07/2022.

    ➢ Participated in the One Week Online Short-Term course on “Advanced control of Standalone Energy system” from 13/06/2022 to 17/06/2022 at National Institute of Technology Srinagar.

    ➢ Participated in the One week Short Term Training Program on “Writing and Publishing of Quality Research Articles and Ethics of Research” held from 21/02/2022 to 25/02/2022 at Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan, Jaipur.

    ➢ Participated in the AICTE-ISTE approved Orientation/Refresher Program on “Effecting teaching learning for OBE” from 14/02/2022 to 19/02/2022 organized by Guru Gobind Singh College of Engineering and Research Center Nashik, Maharashtra.

    ➢ Participated in AICTE QIP sponsored Short Term Course on “Smart grid Technology” held online during from 10/01/2022 to 15/01/2022 organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology (SLIET), Longowal, Punjab.

    ➢ Participated in the International Virtual workshop on “Smart Cities: A Road Map for Future Development” from 10/01/2022 to 12/01/2022 organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, BITS PILANI, Hyderabad.

    ➢ Participated in the AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on "Recent Trends of Control Systems in Power Electronics Converter " from 03/01/2022 to 07/01/2022 at National Institute of Technology Manipur.

    ➢ Participated in the Five-day on-line workshop on “Grid Modernization: Opportunities and challenges” organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, during December 20-24. 2021.

    ➢ Participated in the Five Days Faculty Development Programme on “Technoeconomic Assessment of Flexibility Competency in Deregulated Power System (TEAFCDPS-2021)” held from September 20 - 24, 2021 at “Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan, Jaipur.

    ➢ Participated in a DFIG Based Wind Emulator using WAVECT on Sunday 2 June, 2021.

    ➢ Participated in the Five-day virtual Faculty Development Programme on “Applications of Soft Computing Techniques for Electro-Mechanical Systems” organized by department of electrical & mechanical engineering at Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India during 26th– 30th April 2021

    ➢ Participated in the Five-day on-line workshop on “Fuzzy Logic Systems in Engineering Applications (FLSEA 21)” organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in association with Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology Sikkim in collaboration with TEQIP-III, during March 15-19, 2021.

    ➢ Participated in the Five-day on-line workshop on “Control Systems and Applications (CSA-2021)” organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, National Institute of Technology Sikkim in collaboration with TEQIP-III, during March 09-13, 2021.

    ➢ Participated in the Five-day on-line workshop on “Application of Power Electronics and Drives to Industry (APEDI-2021)” organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, National Institute of Technology Sikkim in collaboration with TEQIP-III, during March 2-6, 2021.

    ➢ Participated in the Five-day on-line workshop on “Recent Trends in Power Systems (RTPS-2021)” organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, National Institute of Technology Sikkim in collaboration with TEQIP-III, during February 23-27, 2021.

    ➢ Participated in the AICTE Sponsored One Week Online Short-Term Training Program on “Electric Vehicle: Challenges and Opportunities” organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering from August 24-29, 2020.

    ➢ Participated in National Webinar on “Green Chemistry and Environmental Sustainability” organized by Department of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Govt. Girls’ P. G. College, Ujjain on 10 August, 2020

    ➢ Participated in the “E-Quiz on Optical Communication” on 4 July 2020 to 5 July 2020 conducted by Department of Electronic and Communication at LNCT Group Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.

    ➢ Participated in the Online Quiz on “Artificial Intelligence” conducted by Department of Electronic and Communication of LNCTE Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh during 23-25th June 2020.

    ➢ Certificate of Completion of module “Creating a good research data management plan” at Research Academy on Sunday 17 May, 2020

    ➢ Participated in one Week Workshop on “Environmental Management Strategies “during 30th Sept. to 04th Oct.2019, organized by the Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh under TEQIP III, NPU, MHRD, GOI

    ➢ Participated in Indeyes Infotech Workshop on “Embedded System” during 29-09-2015 to 30-09-2015 at LNCT Bhopal.

    ➢ Paper Presented at National Conference on “Electrostatic Smoke Precipitator” held on 14-03-2015 at LNCT Bhopal Organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

    ➢ Attended Expert Lecture in Srajan Organized by IEEE MANIT STUDENT BRANCH at Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh on 21-02-2015 to 22-02-2015.

    ➢ Participated in Circuit Designing under the State Level Techfest (Planet Engineer’s) held from 31-10-2014 to 2-11-2014 at LNCT Bhopal.

    ➢ Participated in College Level TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INNOVATION CHALLENGE – INDIA ANALOG DESIGN CONTEST 2014 at LNCT Bhopal during 1-02-2014 to 28-02-2014. Conducted by Texas Instrument India University Program in association with Cranes software International Limited.

    ➢ Participated in ELECTROSCULUPTURE 2013 held on 30-10-2013 at LNCT Bhopal in association with IEEE.

    ➢ Certificate of Merit in LIONS CLUB General Knowledge Test 2010

    ➢ Awarded a Title of PROF.MATHS Appreciation Certificate in NATIONAL EDUCATION for outstanding Performance in Prof. Maths Contest held on 2002-2003 at Bhopal

  • Publications:
    • Ansari AA, Dyanamina G “Fault Ride-Through Operation Analysis of Doubly Fed Induction Generator-Based Wind Energy Conversion Systems: A Comparative Review.” Energies, Vol 15 issue 21, PP, 2022. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15218026  (SCIE/ ESCI)
    • Ansari AA, Dyanamina G, “Real-Time Implementation of The Fuzzy Logic Controlled Parallel Protection Technique to Enhance the DFIG System’s Fault Ride through Capability,” Scientia Iranica, International Journal of Science and Technology,1-26, 2023. (SCIE/ ESCI)
    • Ansari AA, Dyanamina G, “Neural Network Based Direct Torque Control for Doubly Fed Induction Generator fed Wind Energy System”, Advances in Computational Design, an International Journal, PP.1-9, 2023. https://doi.org/10.12989/acd.2023.8.3.237 (SCIE/ ESCI)
    • Shukla, T., et al.: A bridgeless configured asymmetrical alternating current–direct current converter-based isolated single-stage electric vehicle battery charger with supply side power factor enhancement. IET Electr. Power Appl. 1–12 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1049/elp2.12404. (SCIE/ ESCI)
    • Ansari, A.A., Dyanamina, G. “Comparative Analysis of Controlling Methods for Doubly Fed Induction Generator Based Wind Energy System” in Kumar, S., Singh, B., Singh, A.K, Recent Advances in Power Electronics and Drives. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer, Singapore, Vol 852, PP. 493-507, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9239-0_37 (Scopus Book Chapter)
    • Ansari, A. A., & G. Dyanamina, “State of Art and Comprehensive Study on Smart Meter Networking” Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) Book Series. 2nd Conference on Flexible Electronics on Electric Vehicle (FlexEV-2021), Jaipur, India PP 1-6, 2021. (Scopus Book Chapter)
    • Ansari, A.A., Steele, A.M. and Chaturvedi, D.K. “Loss Minimization Control of Three Phase Asynchronous Machine”. International Research Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, IRJEAS7(3), pp.01-03, 2019.
    • Shukla, T., Ansari, A. A., Ansari, A. A.” A PFI bridgeless Cuk Converter-based LED Lamp Drive” International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication and Computers (ELEXCOM'23), IIT Roorkee, India PP 1-6, August 26-27, 2023.
    • Shukla, T., Ansari, A. A., Ansari, A. A. “A PF Improved LED Drive using Modified Non-bridged Cuk Converter” IEEE International Conference on Smart Systems for applications in Electrical Sciences (ICSSES-2023), Siddaganga Institute of Technology Tumkuru, Karnataka, India. PP 1-6, July 2023.
    • Ansari, A.A., Dyanamina, G “A Study on the Impact of SDBRs on the Fault Ride-through Capability of DFIG based Wind Farms”, IEEE International Conference on Computer, Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Their Applications, NIT Uttarakhand, PP 1-6, June 2023.
    • Ansari, A.A., Dyanamina, G “FCS-MPC based predictive current control of grid connected DFIG based Wind Energy System” IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET), Loughborough University, London, PP. 1-6, May 2023.
    • A. Ansari, G. Dyanamina and A. A. Ansari,” Stability, Control and Protection of Microgrid Technology: A Comprehensive Review and Future Outlook” IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy and Sustainable E-Mobility (RESEM-2023), Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal India (MA-NIT) PP. 1-6, May 2023
    • A. Ansari, G. Dyanamina and A. A. Ansari, “Decoupled Control of Rotor Side Power Electronic Converter for Grid Connected DFIG Based Wind Energy System”, IEEE International Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS), MANIT Bhopal, pp. 1-6, February 2023, doi: 10.1109/SCEECS57921.2023.10063093.
    • Ansari, A. A., & Dyanamina, G, “MATLAB Simulation of FRT Techniques for DFIG-based Wind Farms” IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation, Power and Signal Processing (CAPS-2021), IITDM Jabalpur, India PP 1-6, September 2021. doi: 1109/CAPS52117.2021.9730674.

Prof. Vinay Gupta

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: B.Tech., M.Tech., Gate Qualified (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020)
Area of Interest: Control System, Digital and Analog Electronics, Microprocessor  
Phone No: 9039973382
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Prof. Poonam Singh

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: B.Tech., M.Tech., Ph.D. Submitted (RGPV Bhopal)
Area of Interest: Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems, Intelligence Techniques, IOT
Phone No: 8319070763
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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