माधव प्रौद्योगिकी एवं विज्ञान संस्थान, ग्वालियर (म.प्र.), भारत
Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior (M.P.), INDIA

Deemed University

(Declared under Distinct Category by Ministry of Education, Government of India)


माधव प्रौद्योगिकी एवं विज्ञान संस्थान, ग्वालियर (म.प्र.), भारत

Deemed to be University

(Declared under Distinct Category by Ministry of Education, Government of India)


Gola Ka Mandir, Gwalior (M.P.) - 474005, INDIA
Ph.: +91-751-2409300, E-mail: director@mitsgwalior.in, Website: www.mitsgwalior.in

Centre for Artificial Intelligence

Outcome Based Education (OBE) Process Manual

OBE Manual Click here to view

Supporting Staff

S. No. Name Designation
1 Mr. Devendra Singh Technical Assistant
2 Mrs. Shashi Goel Instructor
3 Mr. Y. D. Jaital Instructor
4 Mr. R.P. Gupta Instructor
5 Mr. Rajesh Sharma Instructor
6 Mrs. Sushma Khare Office Assistant


 Scheme of Examination

  I Year II Year III Year IV Year
I Sem II Sem III Sem IV Sem V Sem VI Sem VII Sem VIII Sem
2023 Admitted Batch View Details View Details Under Progress Under Progress Under Progress Under Progress Under Progress Under Progress
2022 Admitted Batch View Details View Details View Details View Details Under Progress Under Progress Under Progress Under Progress
2021 Admitted Batch View Details View Details View Details View Details View Details View Details Under Progress Under Progress
2020 Admitted Batch View Details View Details View Details View Details View Details View Details View Details View Details
2019 Admitted Batch View Details
2018/2017 Admitted Batch View Details


Scheme of Examination

M.E. Industrial Systems & Drives Admitted Batch | 2020 onwards 
  Admitted Batch |  2014 -2019  



Syllabus: B.Tech. Electrical Engineering
  I Year II Year III Year IV Year
I Sem II Sem III Sem IV Sem V Sem VI Sem VII Sem VIII Sem
2023 Admitted Batch View Details View Details            
2022 Admitted Batch View Details View Details View Details View Details        
2021 Admitted Batch View Details View Details View Details View Details View Details View Details    
2020 Admitted Batch View Details View Details View Details View Details View Details View Details View Details View Details
2019 Admitted Batch View Details
2018 Admitted Batch View Details
2017 Admitted Batch View Details
Syllabus: M.E. Industrial Systems & Drives
2020-2023 Admitted Batch View Details
2014-2019 Admitted Batch View Details



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Internship Calendar 2022-23 View
Summary: Internship 2022 View
Industry Mentors: 2022  View
Internship with Stipend View
Rubrics for Evaluation View


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