Designation: Assistant Professor (Date of Joining-09.08.2010)
Qualification: Ph.D. (Pursuing) DTU Delhi.
Area of Interest: Industrial Systems & Drives
Phone No: +91-9827569098
![Kuldeep Kumar Swarnkar](/images/Departments/electrical_engineering/KULDEEP%20KUMAR%20SWARNKAR.jpg)
Kuldeep Kumar Swarnkar
- About Faculty: Kuldeep Kumar Swarnkar is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical at Madhav Institute of Technology and Science, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India. He published more than 30 papers in indexed journals, 2 Patent publications, and other papers at various national and international conferences. He is a member of the IETE & IAENG. IETE Membership No - M-502063 and the IAENG Membership No - 264484.
- Work Experience:
Teaching Experience - 13 Years
- Appreciation Letter (July -Dec-2023 session)
- Administrative Experience:
1. Institute Member, National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC ) during 2017 to 04/08/2023 2. Institute Member, National Institute Ranking Framework (NIRF)-2023 3. Institute Member, Electronics waste/e-waste
4. Institute Member, Disability resource center from 2016 to till date.
5. Group leader, institute anti-ragging committee.
6. Departmental Coordinator, National Board of Accreditation (NBA) from 2012 to till date.
7. Departmental Coordinator, Training & Placement from 2013 to till date.
8. Departmental Coordinator, Remedial classes from 2018 to till date.
9. Departmental Coordinator, Outcome Based Education (OBE) from 2018 to till date.
10. Departmental In Charge, Time Table from 2010 to till date.
11. Class coordinators from 2011 to till date.
12. Departmental Coordinator, E-newsletter from 2017 to till date.
13. Departmental Member, Team for modernization of laboratories. 14. - Faculty In charge of Analog & Digital Electronics Laboratory from 2014 to till date.
- Faculty In charge of Microprocessor Laboratory from 2014 to till date.
15. Departmental In Charge, Board of Study (BoS) from 2017 to till date.
16. Departmental Faculty Coordinators, National Service Scheme (NSS) from 2021 to till date.
17. Departmental Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (Gate) Coordinators from 2022 to till date.
18. Departmental In Charge, Right to Information (RTI) from 2011 to till date.
19. Departmental Coordinator, Moodle from 2017 to till date.
20. Departmental Coordinator, Examination Conduction.
- Research Supervision:
ME supervised
Name of Candidate
Title of thesis
Thesis Presentation Dates
Optimal power flow with flexible AC transmission system using genetic algorithm
Alka Singh
Power system restoration using PSO
Piyush Jain
Economic load dispatch with Prohibited operating Zones using GA
Economic load dispatch with ramp rate constraint using BBO
Ganga charan Pal
Economic load dispatch constraints with prohibited operating zone using particle optimization
Anurag Gupta
Combined Economic Emission dispatch problem using PSO
Yogesh Sharma
Optimal power generation and scheduling by multi criteria decision making technique
Unit commitment problem using genetic algorithm
Gajendra Sahu
Optimization of Economic Load Dispatch Problem Using Genetic Algorithm
Sachin kumar Mishra
Tuning of PID Controller for Electro-Hydraulic Servo System Using PSO
Neha Tandon
Tuning of PID Controller for Electro-Hydraulic Servo System Using modified PSO
Kiran Yadav
Damping of Power Oscillations for Enhancement of Power system Oscillations using SSSC
Pawan kumar Singh
Comparative Analysis of PMBLDC Motor drives using Different controllers and PFC Converter
Nitendra Singh Jadon
Simulation & Analysis of Single Phase Shunt Filter For Compensation of Current Harmonics
Ankur Saxena
Economic load dispatch Using PSO
Dharmendra Tiwari
Design of Fractional order PID Controller using PSO technique for DC Motor speed Controller
Anjana Rajpoot
Parameter Tuning of DC Motor Using Teaching Learning Based Optimization Algorithm
Jyoti Tomar
Switched Capacitors Based Boost Multilevel Inverter With Single Input Source Using Various PWMT Technique
- Research Projects, Consultancy & Patents:
Published Patent
- Published Design patent in Intellectual Property, India in the Innovation on Funeral Pyre Based on Heat Recovery System, Application Number 337209-001, and Publication date 25-02-2022.
- Published patent in Intellectual Property, India in the Innovation on Method and System for Automatically Monitoring the Growth of Plants, Application Number 202121026088, Publication date 16-07-2021.
- Workshop/Conference/Organized/Attended:
Details of AICTE/UGC/ISTE FDP/Refresher/ Workshop/Conference/Organized
In-House Workshop on “Outcome Based Education (OBE) practices and implementation”
08 September, 2022
National-level Online Quiz competition
05 September 2022
Online poster presentation on Sustainable Energy Resources
Three-Day Online Workshop on Virtual Hands-on training on Tinkercad with IoT control
(25-27’June, 2021)
Two-Day Online Workshop on Create, Collaborate & Work Dynamically Online in Google Apps
Workshop on “Student-centric, innovative and effective teaching-learning practices to enhance learning outcomes”
Workshop on “Addressing the Special Needs of Slow and Advanced Learners through Teaching-Learning”
17 February, 2022
Online Interactive Session on Curriculum
10 February, 2022
Social Awareness Program “Tree Plantation Drive” under the banner of the National Service Scheme (NSS)
Social Awareness Program “VOTE for better INDIA” under the banner of the National Service Scheme (NSS)
29 February, 2020
Coordinator, National Level Quiz Competition, on the occasion of Teachers Day 05 September 2020
Member , 4th National conference in Electrical Engineering (7 September 2016) ) at Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior (M.P) under TEQIP-II
Member , one WEEK STTP on Simulation Technique of Power Electronics Controller (12-16 May 2016) ) at Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior (M.P) under TEQIP-II
Member , Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering (1-5 March 2016) at Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior (M.P) under TEQIP-II
Member , 3rd National conference in Electrical Engineering (17 March 2016) ) at Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior (M.P) under TEQIP-II
Member, STTP on Simulation Techniques of Power Electronics Controllers, (May 12-16, 2015) at Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior (M.P) under TEQIP-II
Member, 2nd National conference on Innovations in Electrical Engineering (10-11 Feb. 2015) ) at Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior (M.P) under TEQIP-II
Member, TEQIP-II funded One Week Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Nature Inspired Optimization Technique For Engineering Application” from 2-6 Dec.2013 at Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior (M.P)
Organizing Committee member of AICTE approved Two Week Staff Development Programme (SDP) on “Evolutionary Computing Technique for Numerical & Engineering Optimization” from 12-23 Dec.2011 at Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior (M.P)
Details of AICTE/UGC/ISTE FDP/Refresher/Orientation Courses attended
Nature of the course/Summer School
STP on Emerging Trends in Power and Energy Systems “ETPES-2022”
NIT Delhi
26 -31 July 2022
(01 week)
Delhi Technological University
06 -10 July 2020
(01 week)
FDP on “Augmented Reality - an Alternate Teaching Approach”
Kumaraguru College of Technology
30 May to 03 June 2020
(01 week)
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, India
18-22 May 2020
(01 week)
Information literacy workshop - E-Resources: A Gateway for Research
Delhi Technological University
2-6 September 2019
(01 week)
STP on “Assuring Global Quality inn Technical Education Through OBE”
MITS, Gwalior
10 -14 March 2018
(01 week)
STTP on “Advances in Manufacturing systems”
MITS, Gwalior
16-22 February 2017
(01 week)
STC on “Quality Enhancement of Teaching –Learning Processes”
MITS, Gwalior
27 February to 09 March 2017
(02 week)
STTP on “Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering”
MITS, Gwalior
March 1-5. 2016
(01 week)
STTP on “Nature Inspired Optimization Techniques For Engineering Application”
MITS, Gwalior
December 2-6, 2013
(01 week)
SDP on “Evolutionary Computing Techniques For Numerical And Engineering Optimization”
MITS, Gwalior
December, 12-23, 2011
(02 week)
- Publications:
Publication in Journals (SCI/SCIE/ESCI/SCOPUS)
Publications in IEEE Xplore
- Kuldeep Kumar Swarnkar, J. N. Rai and S. Wadhwani, "Stator Inter-Turn Fault Diagnosis by Motor Current Signature Approach," 4th International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT), 2022, pp. 584-588, DOI: 10.1109/ICSSIT53264.2022.9716329.
- K.K. Swarnkar, S. Wadhwani and A.K. Wadhwani, “Optimal Power Flow of Large Distribution System Solution for Combined Economic Emission Dispatch Problem Using Particle Swarm Optimization”, IEEE Third International Conference on Power Systems(ICPS-2009), IIT Kharagpur INDIA, December 27-29, 2009. DOI:10.1109/ICPWS.2009.5442713
Publication in Journals (other than SCI/SCIE/ESCI/SCOPUS)
- Tanmay Katare, Sulochana Wadhwani,Kuldeep Swarnkar, “Derating of Transformer under Harmonic Loads ”, JInternational Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) Volume 9, Issue 3,September 2022.
- Kuldeep Kumar Swarnkar, Prof. J.N.Rai, Dr. Sulochana Wadhwani, “Fault Diagnosis of 3-Φ Induction Motor Using Park’s Vector Approach ”, Journal of Current Trends in Electrical Engineering ,Volume 6 Issue 1, June 2021.
- ¨Kuldeep Kumar Swarnkar, Prof. J.N.Rai, Dr. Sulochana Wadhwani, “ Detection of Stator and Rotor Winding Faults in Induction Motor using Park’s Vector Approach ”, Journal of Control & Instrumentation ,Volume 12 Issue 1, May 2021.
Himansu shukla, Ashis Patra, Kuldeep Swarnkar “multilevel inverter connected to PV systems”Iconic research and Engineering journal(IRE)-Volume 4 Issue 1 July-2020.
Kuldeep Swarnkar “Simulation Model of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Power Plant” International Journal For Science And Advance Research in Technology(IJSART)- Volume 6 Issue 6, pp 726-729 – June 2020.
- Prabhat kumar Shukla , Ankush Tiwari,Ashish Gupta , Avdhesh Kumar, Kuldeep Swarnkar “Thyristor controlled power for Single phase induction motor” International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews- Volume 7, Issue 2,pp 703-705- June 2020.
- Kuldeep Swarnkar “Economic Load Dispatch of Power Plant in Electric Generation System Using Grey Wolf Optimization” International Journal Of Innovative Research In Technology- Volume 5 Issue 12, pp 27-32 – May 2019.
- Hariom Rathore, Kuldeep Swarnkar “Economic Load Dispatch Using Genetic Algorithm” International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology- Volume 5 Issue 4 – September 2018.
- Jyoti Tomar, Kuldeep Swarnkar, Praveen Bansal “Comparison between Conventional H-Bridge MLI and Switched-Capacitors Based Multilevel Boost Inverter” International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology, Volume 4 Issue 7 – JULY 2018.
- Jyoti Tomar, Kuldeep Swarnkar, Praveen Bansal “Reduced Device count 7-Level Asymmetrical Multilevel Inverter with Various Modulation Schemes’’ International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) Volume 7, Issue 6 - JUNE 2018.
- Kuldeep Swarnkar “Economic Load Dispatch Problem of Power Plant In Electric Generation System Using Firefly Algorithm” International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology - Volume 4 Issue 3 – MARCH 2018.
- Anjana Rajpoot, Kuldeep Kumar Swarnkar “Parameter Tuning of DC Motor Using Teaching Learning Based Optimization Algorithm” International Journal of Science and Advance Research in Technology (INTERNATIONAL PEER REVIEWED OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL), Volume 3 Issue 7 July 2017.
- Dharmendra Tiwari, Kuldeep Kumar Swarnkar “Tuning of PID Controller Using Particle Swarm Optimization Technique for DC Motor Speed Control” International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research (2278-7844), Volume 6 Issue 6 July 2017.
- Nitendra Singh Jadon, Kuldeep Kumar Swarnkar, Alok yadav “Simulation of Shunt Active Filter Using P-Q Theory” International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System (IJEECS),Volume 5, Issue 5 May 2016
- Kuldeep Kumar Swarnkar, Pavan Kumar singh “Comparative Analysis of P, PI and PID Controllers for Speed Control of PMBLDC Motor using MATLAB/SIMULINK” International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences, May 2016, Volume 4, Issue 5, pp 90-96,ISSN 2349-4476.
- Neha Tandan, Kuldeep Kumar Swarnkar, “Tuning of PID Controller Using PSO and Its Performances on Electro-Hydraulic Servo System” International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER) Volume 02, Issue 04, pp. 233-239 [April – 2015].
- Neha Tandan, Kuldeep Kumar Swarnkar, “Tuning Of PID Controller Using Modified Particle Swarm Optimization”, International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System (IJEECS) Volume 4, Special Issue, pp. 62-66 May 2015.
- KiranYadav and Kuldeep Kumar Swarnkar, “Mitigation of power oscillations to enhance power system stability using SSSC”in IJMTER,Volume 2,Issue 4;April 2015,ISSN:2349-9745,page no.525-523.
- KiranYadav and Kuldeep Kumar Swarnkar, “Mitigation of power oscillations and voltage fluctuation to improve power system stability using SSSC”in IJEECS,Volume 4,Special Issue,May 2015,ISSN 2348-117X,Page no.121-125
- Gajendra Sahu, K.K. Swarnkar, “Review of Reactive Power Optimization Using Evolutionary Computation Techniques”, International Journal of Advance in Electronic and Electric Engineering Research India Publications ISSN 2231-1297, Volume 4, Number 1 (2014), pp. 73-82.
- Gajendra Sahu, K.K. Swarnkar, “Economic Load Dispatch by Genetic Algorithm in Power System, International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2014
- Gajendra Sahu, and Kuldeep Swarnkar. “Economic Load Dispatch by Genetic Algorithm in Power System”, International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, vol.2, no.9, pp.131-136, September 2014.
- Gajendra Sahu, and Kuldeep Swarnkar. “Optimization of Economic Load Dispatch Problem using Genetic Algorihm”, International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research, vol. 3, no. 10, pp. 2673-2679, October-2014.
- Sachin Kumar Mishra, Kuldeep Swarnkar, “Tuning of PID Controller for Electro-Hydraulic Servo System Using Soft Computing Techniques-A Review”, International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science Technology and Engineering. pp. 7-12, vol. 3 Issue 2, February-2014.
- Sachin kumar mishra, Kuldeep Swarnkar, “Tuning of Controller for Electro-Hydraulic System Using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)”, International Journal of Reseach in Advance Technology, pp 160-164, vol. 2, no. 10, October-2014.
- Yogesh Sharma, K.K. Swarnkar, “Energy-cost analysis of alternative sources”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , Vol, 3, Issue 1, Jan 2013 pp.803-810
- Yogesh Sharma, K.K. Swarnkar, “Power System Generation Scheduling and Optimization Using Fuzzy Logic Technique”, International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER), Vol - 03, Issue- 4, April - 2013 pp.99-106.
- Aditya Tiwari, K.K. Swarnkar, Dr. S. Wadhwani, and Dr. A.K. Wadhwani “Optimal Allocation of FACTS Devices by using multi-Objective Optimal Power Flow and Genetic Algorithms”, International Journal of Electronics Signal and Systems, Vol, 1, Issue 2, Jan 2012 pp.36-43
- Gangacharan Pal, K.K. Swarnkar, Prohibited Operating Zones Constraints With Economic Load Dispatch Using Swarm Intelligent”, International Journal of Wind and Renewable Energy Volume 1 Issue 2 March. 2012 (Page, 91-97), ISSN: 2277.
- K.K. Swarnkar “Economic Load Dispatch Problem with Reduce Power Losses using Firefly Algorithm”, Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Technology, 1 (2) (2012) 42-56.
- Anurag Gupta, K.K. Swarnkar, Dr. S. Wadhwani, Dr. A.K. Wadhwani, “Combined Economic Emission Dispatch Problem using Particle Swarm Optimization”, International Journal of Computer Applications Volume 49– No.6, July 2012.
- Anurag Gupta, K.K. Swarnkar, Dr. S. Wadhwani, Dr. A.K. Wadhwani, “ Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch problem of thermal generating units using Particle Swarm Optimization”, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Vol 2, Issue 7, July 2012
- Piyush Jain, K.K. Swarnkar, Dr. S. Wadhwani, Dr. A.K. Wadhwani, “WadhwaniProhibited Operating Zones Constraint with Economic Load Dispatch using Genetic Algorithm”, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 1, Issue 3, March 2012.
- Neetu Agrawal, K. K. Swarnkar, S. Wadhwani, and A. K. Wadhwani , "Economic Load Dispatch Problem of Thermal Generators with Ramp Rate Limit Using Biogeography - Based Optimization," International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)Volume 1, Issue 3, March 2012.
- N. Agrawal, S. Agrawal, K. K. Swarnkar, S. Wadhwani, and A. K. Wadhwani, "Economic Load Dispatch Problem with Ramp Rate Limit Using BBO", International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 2, No. 5,, October 2012.
- Aditya Tiwari, K.K. Swarnkar, Dr.S. Wadhwani, and Dr.A.K. Wadhwani “Optimal Allocation of FACTS Devices by using multi-Objective Optimal Power Flow and Genetic Algorithms”, International Journal of Electronics Signals and Systems (IJESS), ISSN No. 2231- 5969, Volume-1, Issue-2, Feb.2012 pp. 36-42.
- Alka Singh and K.K.Swarnkar, Power System Restoration using Particle Swarm Optimization, International Journal of Computer Applications 30(2):25-32, September 2011. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA.
- Aditya Tiwari, K.K.Swarnkar, Dr.S.Wadhwani, and Dr.A.K.Wadhwani “Optimal Power Flow with FACTS Devices using Genetic Algorithm”, International journal of Power System Operation and Energy Management, Vol 1, Issue 2, Dec 2011 pp.66-72.
Publications in other than IEEE Xplore
- ¨Kuldeep Kumar Swarnkar, Prof. J.N.Rai, Dr. Sulochana Wadhwani, “ Detection of Stator and Rotor Winding Faults in Induction Motor using Park’s Vector Approach ”, International Conference on Modern Approaches in Engineering, Science and Management (MAESM-2021) held during 16-17 April 2021at BIET, Lucknow.
- K.K. Swarnkar, Dr. S. Wadhwani and Dr. A.K. Wadhwani, “Multi–Area Security Constrained Economic Dispatch and Emission Dispatch with Valve Point Effects Using Particle Swam Optimization” Fourth International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering-Recent Advances (CERA-2009), IIT Roorkee INDIA, Feb 19-21, 2010.
- K.K. Swarnkar, Dr. S. Wadhwani and Dr. A.K. Wadhwani,” Transient Stability Constrained Optimal Power Flow Using PSO – GA Approach’s”, International Conference on Advances in Renewable Energy (ICARE-2010), MANIT Bhopal INDIA, June 24-26, 2010.
- K.K. Swarnkar, Dr. S. Wadhwani and Dr. A.K. Wadhwani, “Prohibited Operating Zone Economic Load Dispatch Problem using Biogeography - Based Optimization” International Conference On Electrical Power And Energy Systems (ICEPES–2010) MANIT, Bhopal INDIA, August 26-28, 2010.
- Aditya Tiwari, K.K. Swarnkar, Dr. S. Wadhwani and Dr. A.K. Wadhwani, “Optimal Power Flow With Facts Devices Using Genetic Algorithm” International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE2011) Nagpur INDIA, 22nd- 23rd, October, 2011.
- Gangacharan pal, K.K. Swarnkar, “Particle Swarm Optimizer for constrained Economic Load Dispatch with prohibited operating zones ”First International Conference on special functions and their applications in science and engineering (ICSFA-2011) , RJIT,BSF Academy , Tekanpur, Gwalior(M.P.) INDIA, 08-10 Dec., 2011.
- Piyush Jain, Deepika Chaudhary K.K. Swarnkar “Economic Load Dispatch of Generator with Prohibited Operating Zones using G.A.” ”First International Conference on special functions and their applications in science and engineering (ICSFA-2011), RJIT,BSF Academy , Tekanpur, Gwalior(M.P.) INDIA, 08-10 Dec., 2011.
- Neetu Agrawal, K.K. Swarnkar, “Economic Load Dispatch Problem With Ramp Rate Limit Using Biogeography - Based Optimization” International Conference on Agile Manufacturing Systems (ICAM-2011) Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, INDIA, Dec. 18-20, 2011.
- Alka Singh, K.K. Swarnkar, “Particle Swarm Optimization Application In Power System Restoration” International Conference on Agile Manufacturing Systems (ICAM-2011) Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, INDIA, Dec. 18-20, 2011.
- Piyush Jain, K Swarnkar “Economic Load Dispatch with Prohibited Operating Zones Using Genetic Algorithms” International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (SocProS 2011) December 20-22, 2011 Pages611-619.
- Gangacharan pal, K.K. Swarnkar, “Different type of Economic Load Dispatch Problem using Particle Swam Optimization” International Conference on Recent Trends of Computer Technology in Academia (ICRTCTA-2012), 21-23 April., 2012.
- Gajendra Sahu, and Kuldeep Swarnkar. “Review of Reactive Power Optimization Using Evolutionary Computation Techniques”, Advance in Electronic and Electric Engineering, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 73-82, January, 18-19, 2014.
- Sachin Kumar Mishra, Kuldeep Swarnkar, “A Review on Tuning of PID Controller Using Soft Computing Techniques”, International Conference On Emerging Trends in Mechanical and Electrical Engineerin, RJIT, Tekanpur, Gwalior, 13th-14th March 2014.
- Kiran Yadav and Kuldeep Kumar Swarnkar, “Mitigation of power oscillations and voltage fluctuation to improve power system stability using SSSC”in ICRDESM-15 organized by Academic Science and conference info on 17 may 2015 at YMAC, New Delhi.
- Neha Tandan, Kuldeep Swarnkar, “PID Controller Optimization By Soft Computing Techniques-A Review”, International Conference On Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Applications (ETCSA-2015), RJIT, Tekanpur, Gwalior, 7th-8th April 2015.
- Neha Tandan, Kuldeep Swarnkar, “Tuning Of PID Controller Using Modified Particle Swarm Optimization”, International Conference on Recent Development in Engineering, Science and Management (ICRDESM-2015), YMCA, Connaught Place, New Delhi, 17th May 2015.
- Jyoti Tomar, Kuldeep Swarnkar, Praveen Bansal, “Analysis of Novel Five-level Boost Multilevel Inverter Structure using different PWM Techniques”, 2nd IEEE International conference on power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy systems (ICPEICES-2018) at Delhi Technological Univetsity, Delhi on OCT 22-24,2018..
- K.K. Swarnkar, Dr. S. Wadhwani and Dr. A.K. Wadhwani, “Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow and Pollution Control by Swarm Intelligence in Interconnected Power System” National Conference on Recent Trends in I.T. (RTIT-2010), MPCT, Gwalior INDIA, Feb 26-27, 2010.
- K.K. Swarnkar, Dr. S. Wadhwani and Dr. A.K. Wadhwani, “Solution of Optimal Power Flow using Swarm Intelligence” National Conference on Electronics, Computers and Communications (NCECC-2010), DRDE Gwalior INDIA, 06-07 March 2010.
- K.K. Swarnkar, Dr. S. Wadhwani and Dr. A.K. Wadhwani, “Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow and Pollution Control Problems of Thermal Plants by Particle Swam Optimization in Interconnected Power System” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Energy & Environment Protection (ENPRO-10) , RIT,BSF Academy , Tekanpur, Gwalior(M.P.) INDIA, 17-19 March, 2010.
- Gangacharan pal, K.K. Swarnkar “Economic Load Dispatch with Multi Fuel Option using Particle Swarm Optimization” National Conference o Computer Application in Electrical engineering: Recent Trends (CAEE-RT11), M.I.T.S, Gwalior (M.P.) INDIA, 16-17 Dec, 2011.
- Anurag Gupta, K.K. Swarnkar “Biogeography-Based Optimization for Economic Load Dispatch Problem with Particle Swarm Optimization” National Conference o Computer Application in Electrical engineering: Recent Trends (CAEE-RT11), M.I.T.S, Gwalior (M.P.) INDIA, 16-17 Dec, 2011.
- Piyush Jain, K.K. Swarnkar “Economic Load Dispatch of Generator with Prohibited Operating Zones using G.A.” National Conference o Computer Application in Electrical Engineering, Recent Trends (CAEE-RT11) ,M.I.T.S, Gwalior(M.P.) INDIA, 16-17 Dec, 2011.
- Gajendra Sahu, and Kuldeep Swarnkar. “Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch using Genetic Algorithm”, Advances in Information and Communication Technology, October-28-29, 2013.
- Sachin Kumar Mishra, Kuldeep Swarnkar, “Parameter Optimization of PID Controller Using Genetic Algorithm for Electro-Hydraulic Servo System-A Case Study”, Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Madhav Institute of Technology and Science, Gwalior, 28th-29th October 2013.
- KiranYadav and Kuldeep Kumar Swarnkar , Damping of Power System Oscillations Using Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) in IIEE-14,162-167,22 feb 2014 in MITS Gwalior.
- KiranYadav and Kuldeep Kumar Swarnkar, Mitigation of power and voltage fluctuations to enhance power system stability using SSSC in IIEE-15,426-431,10-11 feb 2015 in MITS Gwalior.
- Neha Tandan, Kuldeep Swarnkar, “PID Controller Optimization By Soft Computing Technique”, 2nd National Conference on Innovation In Electrical Engineering (IIEE- 2015), MITS, Gwalior (M.P) 10-11 Feburary 2015.
- Complete Resume:
Industrial Training/Professional Training completed
Details of the Training
04 May 2020
15 Days (02 week)
Summer Training Programme on Active Learning for Senior Faculty
Ref. Order No. 1402, Dated 19.05.2018
18-22 June 2018
(01 week)
IIT, Indore
Short Term Training Programme on NBA Accreditation
Ref. Order No. 836, Dated 30.03.2017
3-7 April 2017
(01 week)
NITTTR, Bhopal
Short Term Training Programme on Applications of optimization Techniques for Engineering & Technology
23-27 November 2015
(01 week)
MITS, Gwalior